linkdead issue

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Karnevil, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. Karnevil Committed Player

    Devs, seriously, WTH is going on with this. Last night myself and 3 league mates all went linkdead at Ellis Memorial Hospital and there were about another 10-12 characters in this area marked "disconnected". We waited for 10-15 minutes for the linkdead flag to clear and tried to log back in only to be instantly be disconnected again. The kicker here is that after another 10-15 minutes for linkdead to clear we logged into other characters and had no problem. This happened to me over the weekend and, due to the code the PS4 gave me, I deleted and reinstalled the software. Is this an ongoing issue that we can count on running into in the open world from now on or is a fix in the works. Any update on this would be appreciated.
  2. DCUOfreshfish New Player

    linkdead happened to me last night too. It took about 15 minutes to disappear, then I was able to login no problem
  3. Malachee Committed Player

    Same here.