Small request please devs

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Zpred, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. Zpred Dedicated Player

    Would it be possible to add the exceptional recovery kits to the new loot table where we get an omega/exo cluster/mark of victory etc when we are above the cr range, I think it's fantastic what you did adding these items in older content to reward those who are above the cr range of the content but I've always thought that something was missing from the item list, an that's the exceptional recovery kits.

    It would be awesome if you could add those in there even if they have the same drop rate as the mark of victory (seeing as exo clusters/prestige tokens/merit tokens are the more common drop of these)

    The only place they seem to drop an have always dropped are bia/family, nexus and para, not sure if mist n strike had them I can't remember, Op3? an occasionally pvp, but of course you have to be lucky to recieve one from any of those of course.

    It's weird how we are a couple of tiers/episodes on but they remain in the same place. Again it's great what you did giving us items for older content we are above to reward us, it's made me run older content again, but I think adding the kits in there would be even better and more reason. Thanks :)

    Ps. If I've missed any other content they drop in or you agree or disagree then feel free to add :)
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  2. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    I support this.
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  3. Backseid Devoted Player


    And get rid of Synth mods at the same time please.
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  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I support this as well, and the agreement to stop making new synthetic mods as they no longer pertain to CR calculations.
  5. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

  6. MissQuantina New Player

    Good idea!!:D
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  7. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    No, I play alts. 6 of them.
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  8. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I want a plan that makes 16 simple materials into 1 complex. It may cost a catalyst (1 Mark of Victory).
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  9. ErnieB Loyal Player

    why not just remove mods, give a buff to the generator mods, and keep the crafting system only for soders or buffs.
  10. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Please, given how little mods do now days I don't feel the need to fully mod any toon, just the crits sockets, and those don't even need VII mods to work, but I also can't keep going to the broker for a recovery kit or the market for a total recovery kit.