random my tookus

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BluePlusYellow, Aug 12, 2015.

  1. BluePlusYellow Well-Known Player

    every dlc had been fine but Amazon Fury pt 1. Examples

    port authority feat complete each objective in port of paradise do. There's 10 different ones. Took 2 months to finally get then all even plain on 5 different char.

    temple of boom-defeat each random boss in wonder woman duo again 5 different char again took 2 months to get it running it every day.

    hop to it- complete the item level 91 gear drop set from the themescyra alert. Here's kicker took over a year to get final piece even if I took 2 month break in between.

    and now happy hypolita - finishing Circe challenge not allowing your sidekick to die against each boss. Now almost year and half later trying to get it again bad enough great is bs but how can I get it if for a month straight no joking get exact same combination every day on every char I have and a few times I do it multiple times in one day and STILL get same combo every time.
  2. BluePlusYellow Well-Known Player

    I have few league mates said they had to do it 20+ times in one day just to get one they need and they also get exact same one every time
  3. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Yep, sounds random to me :)
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  4. Battle Man Committed Player

    That is exactly what random is, actually.
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  5. tukuan Devoted Player

    All I can say is that I wrote that feat off a long time ago. So fights just aren't worth fighting.

    That said for those who got it, tip of the hat.
  6. Hraesvelg Always Right

    And I got all of the combinations in a week. Seems fairly random, then. Now if EVERYone were having problems...
  7. Backseid Devoted Player

    You're tookus is random?

    You don't need to get every feat in a day, let alone a year, let alone ever.
  8. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Sometimes it is really bad luck.

    I was missing out the egyptian shoulders for almost two years of running the vault regulary... :rolleyes:
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