What power do you hate being paired with?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by EP Ice, Aug 12, 2015.

  1. EP Ice Loyal Player

    For me, it is HL because when I am going through my rotations the HL person will pull the adds away and I feel like I just wasted power. What is it for you?
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  2. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player

  3. Fies Committed Player

    Light can troll 12,5m powers hard :)
  4. rawlings42 Well-Known Player

    Not a fan of Electric, really clouds up the screen. Probably tied with HL. (To be fair though it really doesn't bother me overall as much as many other things in game)
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  5. X-zero Loyal Player

    I knew actually which power would be the leader here. Had a conversation about that a few days ago with a friend complaining how she hates Light because you got to chasing adds. Being paired in the same match with Light doesn't bother me though...in pve.
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  6. Pixel Battery Well-Known Player

    It actually depends on what role im playing now that I think about it.

    Tanking - Not too fond of quantum trolls. The stuns are nice when the adds are on me THEN get stunned. Its annoying when the troll runs ahead stuns then dies and blames me for it.

    Healing - Earth tanks, and some Rage tanks. when they have multiple adds. They do awesome with single target tanking. Not as great with multiple adds. Rage tanks get annoying when they dont have a reducer power and they crash a lot. Not many rage tanks do that but the few who do are annoying.

    Trolling - Electric heals hands down. The amount of spam I need to give is ridiculous. Most electric heals I have ran with don't do anything but spam Galvanize and the one that heals the 4 most injured. (Cant remember what its called)

    DPS - I can understand why HL can be annoying for duos. They dont bug me unless they are hanging at max range and using fan. Then the adds get yanked back then when impact hits they get pushed back out. But Munitions lets me move around which is nice.

    Just realised I talked more about roles in raid groups. But oh well lol. But theres my list.
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  7. MuTeDx Committed Player

    Ice ... So tired of seeing it, I still don't like quantum but that's a visual thing. HL not so bad when people realise the YouTube combo is NOT the best rotation.
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  8. Battle Man Committed Player

    Nature. It's just stupid looking.
    Only thing dumber would be water.
    And Ice just puts me to sleep.

    Functionally, I have no issue with any power.
    I just hate things that are stupid.
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  9. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    As fire tank, any controller who stun adds and I can't pull them to me. I used quantum and it's fun but you have to know when to stun.
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  10. grendel007 Well-Known Player

    Very true. A quantum player stuns all the adds and I can't pull them. Total waste. Why can't they just wait for just a second?
  11. grendel007 Well-Known Player

    I can totally understand. But Ive had my ice too. Since day one and just love the power.
    Do feel for you though.
    Luckily most ice players are endgame due to it being so strong (and easy atm) and I keep my toons as low cr as possible now
  12. Pixel Battery Well-Known Player

    Oh I forgot also when I am tanking, Earth dps and Quantum dps get old real quick. Earth dps when they use the smashing rocks power makes it hard tl see. And quantum dps... Oh boy is it a rave festival by me.. Its a blinding strobe effect. Its not as bad now but when it was Fotm it was bad
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  13. Cyro Committed Player

    Whatever is FOTM
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  14. Chiss Agent New Player

    I'm HL and I use dcuoblog's guide for DPS. I understand how annoying Fan can be especially if it's combo-ed into Impact for my partner in Duo. Pretty much why I use Grasping Hand starter comboing into Light Blast if the mob is perfectly grouped together for AOE so my partner doesn't have to chase around.

    I will only use Fan starter for:

    1) Mob is far apart from their group so I can group them together
    2) Sub-bosses / bosses that can't be pulled
    3) League Hall duo at the prison-ish part so both of us can kill them in between without stretching too far to use the console after. ( I spam fan until the mobs in the unlocked cell are in between the hall)

    Honestly sometimes using Fan > Impact works against us as well as they get thrown everywhere in a spacious room.
  15. Spidey Well-Known Player

    Ah, memories. Old school HL DPS here. Yeah, we used to pull the adds but that was only so we could burn them down before you could blink.

    Clipping... This game used to be fun.
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  16. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    FoTM - Ice!

  17. Backseid Devoted Player

    Being paired with? None. I have no issues with any powerset.

    There are a few visual issues here n there, but not enough to say I dislike playing with any specific powerset.
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  18. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Electric - screen effects pollution.

    HL - can be very irritating in a duo.

    Ice - those really really bad Ice users, who spam AG or AV continuously, 5-6 times in a row, then run out of power. Cos they have no idea how to use their AM for power regen.

    Earth - mainly Striking Stones, even though it covers the screen for just a tiny short bit of time. Irritates me if I can‘t see.
  19. Veritasum Loyal Player

    Nothing really for me, but sometimes in small spaces in raids is hard to see stuff. I guess this would be worst for the tank pov trying to pull. Never so bad for me since I mainly troll or dps and I'll pull back the camera view to see from the top if it gets too bad.
    I can see how HL can be annoying though witht he push back stuns. Kind of funny to me since I never thought about it as being annoying. I won't get down on int though cause I have a HL alt that I enjoy from time to time.
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  20. Derio 15000 Post Club

    As a healer it would be Earth, sometimes rage
    As a troller it would be electric because they are power hungry
    As a tank it would be HL cuz of their stuns
    As a DPS HL due to them always pushing adds out of my AOEs.