Characters are gone?!

Discussion in 'PC Account Support' started by sigisixx, Jul 28, 2015.

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  1. sigisixx New Player

    i was playing DC Universe a lot, then i started to study and hadnt time, now, after about 1 year i logged in again to start playing it. I invested a lot money before and i want my characters back! I have installed the game 10 minutes ago..

    Ive got 2 accounts, im not sure anymore which one was the main one.
    First Accountname: Fallenmorphine
    Second Accountname: SigiSixx

    I already checked if they are on the EU PC servers or US PC servers.. nothing! When i log in, the game wants me to create a new character.. But where are my old ones?
  2. sigisixx New Player

    EDIT: I also see that i dont have anymore the packages of green lantern and the earth/stone..
  3. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Any chance you were a Prosieben customer?

    If so, I'm sad to say you're out of luck, as DCUO for EUPC went back to SOE (and then DBG)...there was a window for players to migrate their accounts and characters, but that's well and truly gone now :(
  4. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    That has nothing to do with the EUPC server. USPC characters had to be migrated too for European accounts.
  5. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Well then, I guess that theory is right out the window.

    Sorry for putting the OP on the wrong path then.
  6. sigisixx New Player

    Yeah i was ProSieben customer, but i never got an email about that, that there is a windows to tranfers Characters!

    So from which company should i get my money back? When i invest money into a game, they never should delete any characters! This is respectless to people who work hard for money and invest them to a game..
  7. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    I know it's a matter of semantics, but the characters probably aren't actually deleted - you should be able to see them on dcuolive or wavedox.

    Anyway - the real issue is that you have now essentially lost access to your could open a support ticket here, but I don't think you'll be happy with the outcome :(
  8. sigisixx New Player

    The problem is that i dont remember the names of the character =( But still, people who invest money into a game, and stop play for bout 1 year, than they should NOT delete the characters.

    I checked my email and i have 5 mails from dc universe, the last one was from year 2014 where they inform me about a new add on and there is no email that tells or warns me, that my characters will be deleted!
  9. Fires New Player

    I have the same problem! I sent 2 tickets to the technical support and their answer was: Sorry, you must create new character.
    I just checked in and my character still "alive"

    I will send ticket again.
  10. sigisixx New Player

    They rly told you to create new characters???? Wow how sneaky are they???? I already had such problem in Infestation a survival game, then my lawyer wrote a mail to the company and they had to pay the costs for all problems they did, so now ill gonna do it too in this game.. I know that sounds exaggerated, but i never got a email or warning about that and still had email from them in 2014! Im in the right and i know how such companies think, they try to get every cent from us, but dont do a single thing for their old community! This was my money i invested into this game and if they suddenly delete them without any warning then i wont accept it!

    Ill wait 1 more week, when i dont get any answer, then i contact my men!

    Does even a admin/Support/Dev answer to this thread here? Or is this only a thread for player?
  11. Fires New Player

    Copy from first Email:

    The status on your account is a result of it being migrated to ProSieben several years ago. All accounts were given the opportunity to convert to PSG accounts, then were allowed to migrate back to SOE/Daybreak Games last year after the partnership ended.

    As of January 31st, 2015 the PSG to SOE manual migration process is no longer available.

    For more information, please read our FAQ at (

    We unbanned your account but unfortunately you will have to create new characters since you missed the migration process.

    Best Regards,
    Second Email:

    Anything you purchased or created from ProSieben on a ProSieben account had to be migrated over before the deadline. If you did not migrate your ProSieben account that account and it's contents would be gone.

    I'm waiting for new answer ...
    As you can see, they answered me,but I think they should be able to recover any character.
    In World of Warcraft I had the same problem and within 24 hours, I was playing with characters from 2005/6
  12. sigisixx New Player

    Seriously??? Did you ever got a email about that??? I never get an email or warning about that! They shall prove it and send me a evidence that they sent me that email/warning! Because i swear i never get such email!

    And you are right! If your characters are still shown in that internet site, then they should be still in their databank! Do a screenshot to be safe! And if they troll you, just contact someone like a lawyer.. Such companies are really disapointing when i read something like that, they destroy the gamefeeling because they are greed on money..

    If they would be patient and would recover our character, then i would surely invest more money, but like now, its only a parody in my eyes!
  13. sigisixx New Player

    So no support is answering?
  14. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Whoever they have left for customer support on the forums. They are task to provide customer support for all Daybreak Games titles. So response time takes longer than the standard 1 - 2 business days.
    I suggest sending a private message to Mepps the community manager of DCUO. He might be able to help you.
  15. Fires New Player

    I'm still waiting... ¬¬ A week waiting for an answer ... but no email received.
    Summer vacations or they disregard me?
    I want my Character!
  16. sigisixx New Player

    Wow.. This game should get the award for "Worst support in this game and deleting characters of players without warning them"
  17. Tyne New Player

    rankly the migration was done poorly. Had I of known about the migration I would of migrated but that said. It is your duty to migrate the characters. You took over the publishing rights . Come on really my e-mail was canceled by hotmail so I got no migration e-mail and all my characters are too lost. You have angered alot of costumers by not transfering all characters. Yet you transfer account details and payment cards????? Not the characters just shows your a greedy company
  18. sigisixx New Player

    3 Weeks and still now answer
  19. Fires New Player

    2 weeks for me!... thanks god, ticket is free! xDD
  20. Phoenix Five Active Player

    It might be an odd suggestion, but try to request your user name from the log in screen again by entering the e-mail. (I think this was possible.) It would then give you both daybreak and previous prosieben logged names. You might just be logging into the wrong user name (which somehow managed to live on unbanned?) I don't know. Maybe it works.
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