Replays Destruction of DCUO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MEBegnalsFan, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    With monthly content, replays are more of a necessity than before. Gearing up in a week or two doesn't mean much when more content drops 2 or 3 weeks later. The game is better designed for keeping people around. Monthly content was the 'fix' for players who replay burned through a 3 month DLC in 3 weeks and then left (if that was a thing).
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  2. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    With the new content coming in as two pieces of content people are gonna replay badge right out of the episode and ask for the new one within a week Or two max :cool: Then they'll be When is Next episode Ready for Episode 16 Come on Devs hurry up.
    Oh i forgot too mention the Carry me's asking for Cr130 for every group.
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  3. Backseid Devoted Player

    Replays are a double edged sword.

    Due to us having no other content than instances, there simply isn't enough to do so long as there are weekly lockouts. Without replays, the game would have died a while ago.

    But, the game is now designed to use them. That's even worse.

    As for people getting all the gear day one and quitting? That's extremely rare. Are people gearing up like that? Sure, but they are not leaving till the next DLC. They are, however, Lording over the general population and raising the CR requirements in LFG prematurely. That is the real issue.

    We should have a way to unlock content for free within the game (for Legendary only). At this point, the game isn't playable, for more than an hour, with out spending more money. THAT IS WHY PEOPLE LEAVE.
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  4. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    Need CR 130+ for The Vault, pst.

    I agree with those saying vendor gear should be top tier, in principle at least. Issue is with a 100 cap, and how easily we get marks, you'd be done in 2 weeks with no replays used. So that's going to need reworking too if you want to go that route. Back when FOS was end game, marks weren't as easy to come by (apparently) as others have said.

    I'm just really tired of running raids, getting the equivalent of nothing (as I could have got the other stuff faster/easier elsewhere) and having to wait a week to do it again, or waste money on replays, which I refuse to do.

    Hopefully monthly content fixes half of this, but we're going to have to wait and see I guess, and probably revisit this issue later.
  5. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    Totally agree.

    #1 reason to logout... locked from content.

    Would have been great to spend Marks of Triumph to unlock T7 raids... >.> Play old content, to unlock new content... or buy replays and just unlock, everyone wins.
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  6. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Gotta have to agree with the OP, while i think everyone can play however they want to and spend whatever they want to...
    You can't help to think of how ... sad... the players maxed at day one are.

    Wasting a months worth of gameplay, just to fill the void that comes with the realization that life is but a fleeting experiece that, at one point, will erase all trace of our existance making every single thing we do here nothing but a pointless attempt to avoid drowning in a sea of time, all while knowing that there is no land of sempiternity to where we can swim, nowhere to go, nothing to do other than waiting until our energy is depleted and we...just...sink.

    Okay...i may be adding a bit of drama, but really guys! It's a game, and activity meant to provide entertainment, a past time, you wont gain anything by paying only to ruin the fun for you in a day...unless having nothing left to do is fun for you..then by all means, replay the hell out of it!
  7. lukelucky Devoted Player

    i outdate replays so i can speak on how the game was without them and how its been since. one thing people should relise is we still ran the same raid multiple times in a week for various reasons. reset day leaguemates real life caused him to miss the raids. maybe its saturday and an up and comer finaly breaks the end game tier threshold. he put in work so you help and take him into the recent content.

    we know how people feel about not getting "rewards." i am a team first guy so if u needed help i was one of those run it for free guys. i also happen to be a quality tank so if groups struggled cause the tanks were lacking id again get the call. U GOTTA HELP THE TEAM!!! suddenly the nights over and yup you got not a single thing for the entire night. NO marks, NO gear at all so not even salvage material. you got nothing more than to hang out with 7 people.

    replays has caused some issues but they have solved and helped out alot. for the record i am no longer a replay spammer. i was a replay aholic in nexus and dox but man that was the most fun we had in maybe ever.
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  8. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Remove replay badges, and then you'll see the population drop even more. I personally use them a lot, but it's because I have 9 toons, I level then one by one, the people that usually level up then leave are probably the same who only use FOTM powers, so their goal is only to show off, and once they did then they leave until something new comes, those aren't real players in my opinion. But there are others who use replay to level multiple toons, rerun content with friends, or SP. Also drop rates are back to how they where in Dox and Nexus, so unless you are really lucky, it's not likely you will have the current raid gear in a day.
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  9. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    +1 f9r the op. Find a new cash cow.
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  10. BlueLionSven Well-Known Player

    The horse has left the barn and is not getting put back in. While this is advertised as a game, it is a business. The revenue stream from subscriptions is the main source, but any business always looks for other ways to make money. Replay badges satisfy the general public's desire for instant gratification. At the same, nobody is forced to buy them and you are given free replay badges every month as a subscriber.

    Nothing is stopping the players from policing themselves. If someone feels that strongly about replays, they shouldn't use them and not run content with people who do use them.
  11. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Like someone said already the old mark system was so much better .... When the best marks only dropped in the hardest content and was only available once a week then the tier below that had a few daily things get gve a few marks then raids once a week to get more marks and then the tier below that had a ton of options for you to get a piece of gear although making you run a lot of content every day that piece once a week...

    This game was a lot more fun back then gave me a reason to sign on everyday

    Origin crisis ruined the way we geared up and we've only gone back to the old way once (Amazon fury 1) which was actually the last time I had fun playing game.... I didn't waste replays I geared up the traditional way I only ran the Amazon content 1 time each a day took me 30 days or so to complete the vendor set and I had a blast doin it and didn't feel
    Burned out... I know af1 wasn't a lot of people's fav dlc ppl only seem to like raids.... And I'm sure folks were replaying the crap outta the alert and burning themselves out on it but doing it the traditional wayside that content more fun for me...

    True the replay badges probably did save this game but they didn't really try to do anything else in the market place

    Look at the stiles none of them are superhero styles ... This game gets a huge super hero fan base whether it be dc or any other comic book brand it is appealing to those who like super heroes... And the only styles in the market place we get have almost nothing to do with comics ...that's why their styles in the market were a huge fail ... Where are the cape variations ? Where are the 90s style slim lines and trench coats etc? Where are the golden age styles? When halls of power 1 or 2 dropped you know how many people woulda eaten up "Kirby style slim lines" if they gave us a Kirby pack? They don't add this stuff I the market ... When the auras came out they shoulda went straight in the market place not Makin it an in game drop at all ... Look how many people buy booster bundles for a chance at an aura ... Those same people would be happy I have more stuff in the market place ...

    If these things were available they easily could have supported the game rather then replays of course they would have had to pump these out once or twice maybe three times a month but people should have bought them ... And if they had made them where you could t consume them on all your toons just one toon but of course with a lower price to make it reasonable people would have still paid for it

    Replays hurt the game I used them... So I was part of the problem but i wish they never would have added them...there's no going back now tho ship has sailed
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  12. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    I don't see how some players getting to the highest CR at day one ruins the game. They'll be stronger then you for some time, but you'll still reach them.
    If your intention is to always be better than them then it's another thing. It may "ruin" the game for you, but not for everyone.
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  13. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    Of course people are going to replay the content with Replay Badges, since the newest Raid can be beat in less than 30 minutes. Heck, this Raid is faster than most Alerts were when we were first able to run them. Yes, I have been here since 2011, back when Raids could take hours and Alerts would last up to a hour at a time. I miss the days when FoS2 would take up to 4 hours to run, but we will probably never see Raids with those types of mechanics again. The best raid that we had after FoS2 was pre-nerf Paradox Wave, but we will never see anything that challenging again either.

    Sadly, this game has gone to needing Replay Badges to do stuff, since many people that I know already have everything else done and there is a serious lack of relevant content. As it is, I have every style completed, with the exception of a few Raid and PvP styles.
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  14. DR254 Well-Known Player

    That was a BS run I didn't get anything good.

    But to stay on topic just loaded two more PSN cards for replays, lol.
  15. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Dude You need a 180 for the vault :confused:
  16. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I have a 130 healer currently with 2 120 pieces, 1 116 piece and 112 in all other gear sockets and I'm saving my marks to buy the chest plate on that toon. I have beaten the new raid 4x now on my healer and after four run I got 2 120 pieces and a bunch of 112. I have ran the duo 3x and that is all it took in two days. I still have more than 3 weeks to get some additional 116 gear. I know by the end of the month all my toons will be full 112 with a mixture of 116, 118, 120 pieces for chest, legs, waist and back.

    My wife toon was 114 and after she is done using replays in one day she will be 128+. Tell me this is not stupid.

    Players with have grinded out the duo to get the 116 rare drops and get a full 112 are now telling players with CR under 128 they cannot complete bombshell.

    Just taking my Healer into account he was 124 before the new content dropped. If I go off my first two duo runs and raid runs my toon CR would be 128 today and 126 last night, not 130 like he is. I can easily replay him again if I wanted to...but I'm not going too...

    This game really needs to have replays removed. As someone who benefited from the use of replays, I still believe they are bad for the game as I now have no reason to run any content since the raid drops 112 gear that I can put to use on my DPS. So for me, one of my toon is technically a weekly play now due to RB.
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  17. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    The best way that we can get them removed is to stop using them. I have. If we do then the devs will stop designing around them. I won't tell someone else what they should do but I have no problem saying what I do.

    Replays drove my original league away from the game and started the steady march towards the 100% casual game we have today.

    DCUO-The Remedial edition has NO RPG elements anymore. There is no character crafting beyond styles. Skill Points and modding have been all but cast aside. The content remains tank and spank. Support roles are marginalized. And it all started with replays.
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  18. DulcesS Well-Known Player

    Yes, exactly.
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  19. DulcesS Well-Known Player

    But the DLC per month doesn't fix anything. Those players who came, sub for 1 month, get everything and then leave still will be able to do the same, just by doing it on the third month of DLC. Yeah, 2 months later but still they will be able to get everything on 1 month.
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  20. not_again Dedicated Player

    Replays are here to stay, but what replays have done is caused the "rare" loot to become more and more rare. That is my biggest gripe. If you don't reset this new raid you will not have the 4 pieces of 120 by the time the next episode comes out (Some player will be extremely lucky but most players probably not). I have no problem with someone getting the best gear day 1. I do have a problem with players who do the raid weekly only getting a piece or 2 before the next content drops.

    Remove the CR scaling crap and I really do not care as the stat difference between vendor gear and drop gear is minimal.