Arrow Season 3

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by DCUO Post, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    Like to be the guy that's getting all the $ for looking the other way at the airport , all these planes from foreign country taking off n landing, anything to declare?
    Any weapons?
  2. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Would have made more sense if Ollie-Ollie-oxen-free had switched out the Alpha-Omega for a simple knock-out gas, because NONE OF THEM WERE BLEEDY FROM THEIR MOUTHS!!!!

    All it would have taken was for one guard to look in, or worse, for not-Ra's to stay to watch their deaths, see no blood, and realise something was off

    One thing else that gets me: OOOF kills the "Demon's Head", but doesn't take, you know, the Demon's Head's head? o_O
  3. Black Fist Loyal Player

    Probably because, after killing the Demon's Head, he was immediately shot by snipers and taken away by Rescue. I mean, Felicity.
  4. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    If they was inoculated y would they b bleeding?
  5. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    That's the point: anyone looking in and not seeing any blood would realise that something is not correct, and if they was inoculated, why did they get 'knocked out'? It should have had no effect at all, thus, OOOF swapping it out for a knock-out gas would have made more sense, tma, than Merlyn groping everyone when they weren't looking
  6. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    He had time after gutting the Demon where he was just standing there before the snipers shot him, he could have either hacked the head off while Rayshe was still upright, or bend down and do it (bending down could also have saved him from being hit, but still require She Who Cries to swoop in and carry him to safety)
  7. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    "We are all on the Archery Team" or they they just have private jets.

    Actually this is America, they can just buy the weapons here.:D
  8. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Season 4 costume upgrade.

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  9. Remander Steadfast Player

    Wait, didn't he retire? ;)
  10. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Diggle gets a costume in Season 4.


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  11. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    Here's a highlight reel if you missed the season, lol

    Hopefully next season has better writing because season 3 was all about the Olicity drinking game (do a shot every time Felicity "cries") :p
  12. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Yeah the bits and pieces follows as such.

    The new costume shows his progression from Arrow to Green Arrow. The costume is going to reflect who he becomes, not where he has been.

    New characters will be Anarky (another guy stolen from Bat's lore) and Mr. Terrific. The PC Police got their hands on Mr. Terrific, he will be gay. Not sure how to feel about that, him being gay is ok but the PC thing ticks me off.
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  13. DCUO Post Loyal Player

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  14. Ivar New Player

    Thanks for the highlight reel, now I can skip that whole whinefest.

    Already meh on the costume, there´s a reason Archers wear lower arm protection. But with pretend CGI bowstrings there´s of course no reason to not have an inner arm´s babynaked skin exposed.
  15. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    The Arrow cave getting an upgrade!

  16. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    I'd get tired of green everything,
    When I was in job corps , work clothes was old green army fatigues , forest service green vehicles that we did drivers test in, green buses to take us on leave,
    I swore I would never own anything that shade of green when I got out
  17. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Now that's cool, it reminds me of something but I cant place it.

    It seems to have a far better functionality to it and could be better on safety with a multiple views room.

    On a side note I think its almost time to start a new thread for the new season.
  18. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Not the 'Arrow cave', it's The Quiver (so sayeth The Harley!!)
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  19. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    I think it depends on the shooter, Stephen Amell seems to hold his bow in such a way that keeps his arm out of the way.

  20. The Quickster Well-Known Player

    It reminds me of Batman Beyond Batcave and that one episode in Spongebob where they become super heroes