An Idea to Make SP Relevant

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by EBANESER11, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. EBANESER11 New Player

    So my idea is: what if each tier had its own gear? Kind of how pvp gear is usless in pve content and vice versa, but with tiers. So that way, each tier starts you with fresh low stats, making sp stats more important, and making the difference between 2 characters of different sp MUCH higher.:eek: As you run through each dlc, the stats for the gear get better until the final dlc, and that gear is the best for that tier, but sp will make the difference.
    I just think that the inflation in stats should have the same change as they did with the inflation of marks.

    Think of it like this: each tier is a new start, therefore starting with more sp is definitely more rewarding, and you keep the sp throughout each tier, so it stacks up.

    I like to think that this would make support roles more important because dps will need to spec into more than just dps skills(health, defense, resto, etc..), and support roles will need to spec into more damage skills(crits, precision, might). :)

    This may sound good in theory but making it reality might be bad, so I want to hear your thoughts...
  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    No, since stats don't have a major impact like Cr does. Only way to make sp relevant would to add more percentage based sp. Since those won't exist. There is no way to fix sp issue.

    Sp are only useless if you have over 100.
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  3. EBANESER11 New Player

    Try testing 2 players at same cr(like 40-60 range) but one has 150sp, the other has 50sp and test the difference. Tell me im wrong that the one with 150 will blow out the one 50.
    SP DOES make difference, but not over tier 4. ;)
  4. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    I lost the count. Is this SP thread #3.217 or #7.123? I can't remember....
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  5. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    Another SP thread. Why can't you give your idea in one of those other threads? My thoughts on your proposal: it seems like too great of an overhaul. If they make a change, most likely it will be simple; such as percentage based inates or static values that scale with CR (e.g. +2 Might times your CR divided by 10).

    Well, here's my thread of my idea that offers percentage based improvement on the third skill point unlock on the T3 inmates (bottom row).
  6. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Yea that's because of Crits. However take someone with 230 and then someone with 100 and compare, the difference is minimal.

    100 sp can be obtained easily before t4. And now we are in t7 where most of the legendary members are t7.
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  7. EBANESER11 New Player

    Don't tell me you want sp to stay the way it is?
  8. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    You ARE wrong, and its because the guy with 150 has stuck with hard light through thick and thin but the guy with 50 heard that ice was op.
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  9. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    I don't want the devs to turn screws the way they did in GU47 again - "give it a try and see what else will break down".

    Your concept is not complete or ready to go or anywhere close to that and frankly, with the current engine it's a plain bad idea and will get more players to leave; besides it looks like a majority of players - players as in playing the game ignoring the forums, opposing ranting on the forums and stay away from the game - is fine with it. People crying about SP here lately have one thing in common: they suggest blind fast campaigns for the sake of doing something instead of giving the ruins GU47 left the time to rebuild and see how bad it really is, and then fix the right things. This "symbolic acting" is a terrific thing to do in situations like Alamo, but not in situations offering the game still opportunities to get the act together instead of falling.

    "We heard you and we did this! to show you we heard you" got the game to the point it is now. Time for "let's clean up the mess. Thoroughly!"
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  10. EBANESER11 New Player

    lol forget FoTM! its just an idea anyways :( I said beforehand that it may be a bad idea but its hard to put in writing what the idea is
  11. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    The thing is power balancing is directly related to sp relevancy. And as the devs don't seem to want power balancing, the stronger power will out dps the weaker power with more sp.