DOT/HOT overwriting fixed in GU50

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sbel, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    That is an issue they have in test that is fixed is my understanding....have you tested the fix? If not, than go test it if you can. If you cannot like most PS player, you will have to wait.

    There have been multiple PVP items impacting PVE...for instance the nerf done to HL. The same goes for how PVE impacts PVP...Buff to AM's etc....

    The game has never really been balanced since WM in PVP. One shots have existed since that time and I mainly stopped playing PVP due to that. I loved PVP prior it was fun and challenging but not where AM or WM killed you in a few hits. Now, it is all about 1-3 hits and the battle is over. Before, it would take about 5-10 depending upon armor....
  2. Serj Committed Player

    they stated it was melee focused, but not completely melee... otherwise things like rage blast, channel hate and dreadful blast wouldn't even work with savage state.
  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Sadly I even think there have been a slight drop in the number of testers, due to PC's population drop.

    However hopefully all goes well.
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  4. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Currently only three Soul Wells can be active at one time in an area, regardless of who throws them; an additional Soul Well will overwrite the previous after that.

    But if they're changing that, it could lead to, say, three sorc dps and a solo sorcery healer putting up 12 Soul Wells at once. Or even have four sorcery dps and two healers and go for 18 Soul Wells at once. I don't know that the devs would want to go there -- it seems unlikely -- so I'd definitely like specific confirmation about how Soul Well will function in GU 50.
  5. BearsF0RLife Level 30

    Lmao................. 4 + years later and 50 updates later you finally do this????

    Better late then never I guess?

    Its a Good thing but iiiiiiiiiiiiit still feels like a last desperate move to save the game, we have been screaming about this in 2011 when we had far less powers to choose from!

    Im premium and I wanna still play my favorite super hero game but with my entire league and other friends are gone for good its hard to come back!

    This does help, and all they have to do is fix the marks so im not paying legendary for Only 3 hrs of play and were good!
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  6. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Let's say you have four Sorcery DPS, each with three Souls Well out. What would you like/expect to see in that situation under GU 50?

    I've been able to test this two Sorcery DPS with six Soul Wells out. Each player was seeing three damage ticks from their own Soul Wells. When an enemy died, I received one Soul Well crit chance buff. In Healer role, the HoTs from multiple Soul Wells were stacking. I saw up to 6 ticks at one time from the six Healer Soul Wells. With me in DPS role and the other player in Healer role, I saw 3 damage ticks and 3 healer ticks from the six Soul Wells.

    Shard of Life was stacking. Circle of Protection was stacking too. We also tried Transcendence and it was stacking.
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  7. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    From what I saw, they overwrite.
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  8. DCUO ENTHUSIAST Dedicated Player

    This specific example was a group of four....My buddy, a 210 fire tank, 100 pvp...myself, 212 sp 100 pvp both roles on two toons...and two real life buddies that I WAS trying to get into the game....(not anymore)....our fire tank had 50,000 hp and was one shotted by the HL WEAPONIZATATION, NEO VENOM BOOST, and the HL WEIGHT CONSTRUCT...

    50,000 hps....ONE SHOT...

    Thats not no way can people actually even want to try for pvp feats associated w/ that...

    and on top which, it was such a turn off to my real life friends who i was trying to get into DCUO...

    but the worst part is.....I actually pay for this crap....There's a lot of good games out now at fractions of the cost....Its stuff like this that people walk away from DCUO

    OPEN YOUR EYES DEVS.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  9. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I got a better idea, remove PVP from DCUO...I mean it is broken. HL swing hits to hard, Fire Tanks heal too much health, WM hits to hard, AM are hitting to hard, LW is broken, etc....

    Whatever power you are I can find a complaint about PVP just as quick you can discuss LW one shoting you.

    As I already stated LW will be fixed.

    I rather them get rid of roles in PVP (DPS only) and remove WM and AM. Legends is the most balance part of this game right now, not PVE or PVP arenas.
  10. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    That's extremely informative, thanks, Penryn.

    I'm not sure yet what I think would be ideal behavior for Soul Well; I'd like to observe whatever changes are made for a while before deciding. Or at least think about it a bit more.

    But, hypothetically, we could have a raid of one tank, one troller, one or two Sorc healers, and four or five Sorc DPS. Let's say it's a solo healer, so one Sorcery healer and five Sorcery DPS.

    So we could see 15 DPS Soul Wells ticking off damage at once, along with the healing ticks from the three healer Soul Wells.

    What kind of damage does that total up to, by itself? Awesome? Lame? In between?

    Also, just to be sure I'm clear, when you say that Circle and Shard are stacking, you do mean that the healing/damage is additive, not just not-over-writing, correct? So two Circles give twice the damage/protection (proportional to each player's stats, of course)?
  11. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    That's a known bug that's on the to-be-fixed list, I believe.
  12. Stark23 Committed Player

    Have you seen the ticks from Soul Well? We're not talking game breaking stuff here.
  13. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    We ran a four player Sorcery DPS test tonight and this is what 12 Soul Wells looks like:

    Jump to the 1 minute mark to see all 12 Soul Wells in action.

    I'd rate the potential damage output as "not that good." You run Soul Well for the crit chance bonus and to do a little extra damage over time. However, running 12 Soul Wells in Healer role pretty much made us invincible in our alert tests.

    As for the stacking, let's say you have two Sorcery healers and they both cast Circle of Protection in the same spot for the tank. The tank will see two healing ticks when he/she takes damage.
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  14. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Great info. Very useful. Thanks again, Penryn!

    Now to get to that 8 sorceror lower tier raid.... :)