Can we end some of the complaints?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by jamesbopp43, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    I'm sorry for implying all those with high skill points are elitists. I mean to say, I fear if we allow for too much of a significance to SP we could cause too wide of a gap between experienced (high sp) players and new players. When the gap is too great, a bias or discrimination will naturally evolve.

    You'll see those in LFG requesting tools with XYZ SP as a requirement. Pick up groups will kick abuse players who are trying to build their character, but can't because they weren't big enough to be on the team. So, for the sake of the game, I believe SP as it is is just fine. SP improves you, but doesn't make you completely OP.

    If you want to get extreme with it though, we could always remove CR. Make everyone level 30. Make all content available. Make new CR armors add the equivalent of one T1 inate skill point to each Stat (complete a set, get the equivalent of a skill point for might, precision, vitalization,...). Then those skill points will match up better to your lower stats. You can play all content, and your stats are based one your skill points and the number of armor sets you completed. Extreme? Eh, who knows
  2. jamesbopp43 Committed Player


    Edit: your message was too nonsensical to merit a response. You first state LoL people are paying to win. Then you state they are F2P. Completely opposite. So, retry that post and get back to me. Otherwise... Come on dude
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  3. Rockman X New Player

    You have to admit though that the SP portion of this game needs another revamp all thanks to what GU47 did. It really is a slap to the face of all the grinders and oldbies of this game.
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  4. Dedikated6 Well-Known Player

  5. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    How is it a slap in the face because of GU47?GU47 brought larger inate values to skill points. What do you propose? Pm me, no need for this thread to go off topic more than it has. I'll be happy to discuss your thoughts on it.
  6. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    Good job
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  7. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I find that instructing other people on what they should or shouldn't say rarely works well absent being atop a hierarchical authority structure.

    Your Mileage May Vary.

    Incidentally, you do realize that this post is complaining?

    Setting a positive example might work better than telling people to do what you say, not what you do.
  8. Rockman X New Player

    Well apparently they weren't LARGE enough to satisfy the community so...? The devs are not perfect when rolling out any sort of change to the game hence why we have a test server. Even then, we don't have enough testers to help the devs catch EVERYTHING before changes are made to the live servers. In the future, when the server merge takes place, I only hope I will be able to run on test server to help on what I can.
  9. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    Yup, one of the first repliers called me out on my hypocrisy. It is my intention to address some of the recent done-to-death complaints I've been seeing (which is why I used the words "some complaints" in my subject line - I wasn't complaining about complaining in general... Obviously).

    What would you propose as a better solution to how I handled my rant?
  10. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    It would be nice to provide a test server to PS4. Perhaps a separately download able "game" used purely to test new content. I do agree the recent practice of fixing after launch has caused a fowl taste in everyone's mouth
  11. Quantom Boy Committed Player

    Having high sp doesn't make you a dedicated player, just a player with a lot of time on their hands. People can dedicate themselves into dcuo without farming for tons of sp.

    Also once again, no one forced you to farm for sps, you willingly chose to do that. Sps aren't meant to be a major factor in this game, which is very clear seeing the way the devs are handling them. They're suppose to help you out a little and give you a small but still noticeable stat and performance increase against other players. An increase that is to big enough to cause a divide because people might think it's unfair that they're being beat due to someone collecting styles rather than actual skill. Sp help you out but don't make you op, arbitrary numbers aren't supposed to do that, if you want to be op, work on your dps or switch to a fotm power.

    Also the fact that sps aren't nothing but bragging rights and not a major factor to do game is further reinforced by the devs dropping gu47 and making the game more cr centric than souly based on stats, if the devs really intended for sp to be a major part of the game they would have wait another route with gu47 one that wouldn't comprise sp and make them "redundant", but they didn't because they why they put in sps and the purpose they serve. And the purpose is to keep players logging in and incentivise them by offering them small stat increases, to make them continually keep logging in and increasing their play time. There's a reason why so many of the feats in dcuo are so grindy and that's because the devs want to keep you on the game for however long they can, untitled more grindy feats are released.

    Once again no one forced you to do lpve 100 times a day for an extra sp, you did and by doing that played into the devs hands and are perpetuating the purpose of feats/sp, to increase playtime. That's pretty much it m8.
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  12. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    The problem isn't the voicing of legitimate concerns. The problem is thread after thread after thread that say the same things. It gets very tedious wading through posters' inabilities to exert any self-control over their thread-creating addictions.
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  13. Streven Dedicated Player

    I wouldn't read these forums if I worked on the dev team. It's mostly just a place where people vent. Most of the people that are venting, if they were running this game, would have run it into the ground years ago. There are a few people that want to talk about the game without being complete drama queens so they make the forums worthwhile for me. But some days it's hard to find much worth reading.
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    The latter part of your argument is probably unrealistic because it is a completely re-work of the game as it is, notwithstanding the fact that the game changed in GU47 already.

    GU47 is not something I will discuss in detail, we all know it was game changing and going back at this point is a fruitless argument.

    With that being said I will come back to the SP argument.

    my view is that SP are an integral and important part of the game, they're ther for a reason and that's to, through dedication and effort, provide a player with greater stats and attributes.

    It is my personal opinion and I stress my opinion, that the only people who say SP shouldn't matter or are fine where they're at is because they don't want to have to put in the effort themselves to grind them. I think low SP players respect the high SP players but they don't want to accept that their greater number of SP should make them exceptionally better than them.

    The problem with this attitude is that it only pleases one side of the crowd; the casual gamer.

    the casual gamer doesn't want to put in the effort of a dedicated player, but they demand and expect to have the same rewards and powers.

    what the casual gamer has to learn to accept is that this should never be the reality, you get out of something what you put in, in other words and like in anything 'reap what you sow'.

    It is my personal belief that SP should offer an exceptionally distinct advantage to players, it's often been this way in the past and trust me this situation as we see it now has also occured in the past, we get to a point of saturation where the SP start to be watered down in worth, until the developers make a change.

    The same thing has occured when they added each "tier" to the skill point tree, that's been done because the point of diminishing returns was reached.

    The reality we should accept is that these skill points should be valuable, they've been in the game forever and are important. My advice is get out and farm for them, they're there for a reason and the smarter people will always work towards obtaining as many as possible.
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  15. DarthSizzle Dedicated Player

    Reading these threads are pure entertainment lol you got your sp complaint threads, unbalanced power threads, stop the complaint threads, pre gu36 threads, population is dying threads, so many negatives right?

    I'll throw some positives... Ummmmm no more pot overwriting yessssss(but we only use one troll)

    Ummmmmmm we don't have to grind for sp anymore yessssss(but that just means less to do)

    Ummmmmmm we have 4 optional weapons to use now(but isn't there more than four?)

    Ummmmmmmmm no more PvP map rotations(I'm a leave PvP alone)

    Ummmmmmmm help me out here I'm sure there's more right?

    Insert the yay player comments here.

    Enjoy ;)
  16. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    I wouldn't mind getting just 1 mark for prime. Yeah sure it's not much. The raid don't have anything else to offer me. I got all the prime weapons and helm of op on an alt. most of my toons already have all prime feats. I would be satisfied if they could come out with more new styles more often for all tiers. I still run prime but it's rare. I only run prime to help friends. I will help randoms if they ask me. Same with gates.
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  17. dibrieEUps Well-Known Player

    i dunno man, but all i read between the lines is im 'annoyed by your complainst'
    In the most civil way sureting . :rolleyes:
    Then i read a bit more and it turned out in a SP discuss :cool:

    Gotta love this community :rolleyes:

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  18. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    Look up Skill on Google and you will get your answer about the definition of skill.

    Knowing game mechanics is only one part, the skill part is the manner in which that knowledge is successfully applied in an instance.
    While a large number of feats in the game are grindy in nature, quite a few of them are skill dependent, e.g. Death Proof or Granny's gold star are skill dependent and while you may have knowledge, you may lack in application.

    I don't have time to waste, so, I'll stop posting on your thread.
    Have a nice year!
  19. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    It sure got hijacked a bit, didn't it?
  20. Three Rivers Well-Known Player

    people complain... get over it