Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by zCaution, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. zCaution Well-Known Player

    It seems to be good but I'll see when the test server is out. I hope it's finally the top 3 of the flavors of the month. I love HL and I hope it finally gets its 15 mins of fame lol. :)
  2. HazelWarriorPrincess New Player

  3. zCaution Well-Known Player

    No not at all I'm being serious lol
  4. HazelWarriorPrincess New Player

    HL at a few prolonged occasions in the history of dcuo been by far the most op power set provided you had some skill and practice. Still rules pvp.
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  5. zCaution Well-Known Player

    Aka why it's my fav power. It's fun and takes skill
  6. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    PLEASE DON'T TYPE LIKE THIS, NOBODY'S GONNA READ THAT Hl Doesn't need to be op, It needs to be line... Otherwise it's gonna be bottom tier again..
  7. HazelWarriorPrincess New Player

    The skill part is not utilized anymore. Practice either. Dcuo dpsing = easy mode these days
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  8. Saybro Committed Player

    Happy they are fixing your power finally Hazel, i know you have been waiting. I will just rage all over until something is done!
  9. Radium Devoted Player

    You'd really think that, wouldn't you...
  10. zCaution Well-Known Player

    Waiting forever lol
  11. Amontron Well-Known Player

    chill out man drink some cold orange juice its summer time, go to the event its fun. now seriously, dont change power stay with the power you enjoy the most, no one is ordering you to buy power tokens everytime devs change something. if you can´t compete with the power you use now, just be cool and have fun. i love to farm sp and damage, i know that, but look im hard light and i can´t compete with top powers now, but i try to chill out and have fun. do the same mate ;)
  12. Amontron Well-Known Player

    the king of all kings its Batmans power Gadgets, this is the main of dcuo not hard light. but you right HL won top dps power many times, but so gadgets and others i can recall now, so it will be fun to see how far HL can be competing with ice and fire :)
  13. Dead_Lantern New Player

    Too much shifting in powers strength lately, it is getting annoying. Hard to keep up if I suck or just other powers got stronger.