Server Downtime - June 17, 2015 - Game Update 49!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. Stark23 Committed Player

    They took it down due the black lanterns mission being inadvertently added.
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  2. KidSuperBoy Well-Known Player

    PS4 server down. Maybe I shouldn't have been fighting Black Lanterns, almost had top boss and poof, I mean I do test server occasionally but friggggg!:eek:LOL
  3. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Nothing sad about this update my brotha. Fire, Ice and Gadgets got their much needed damage boosts. Also, game updates don't always come with content...and as it was, no one should have been expecting any immediately. Survival Mode and Summer Seasonal will be here shortly.
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  4. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    ^^^That's m answer to you. ;)
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  5. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

  6. disableddad New Player

    Why is the world down again?
  7. Rahmzese New Player

    Damn this down time will be lame but well worth it i suppose

    We are currently hiring add me on DCUO
  8. Stark23 Committed Player

    Yea, apparently if you went to Metro Battlezone there was a new guy to talk to that gave a solo mission with black lanterns. Something got put in a little early, world down to immediately nerf!
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  9. Darka21 New Player

    So How long it the servers downed for then?
  10. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    HL is awesome as it is. Doesn't need any more work anytime soon. Maybe in 2016/17?
  11. Rahmzese New Player

    Were back up
  12. The Game Well-Known Player

    guess the testers missed a possible stealth bug for gadgets...Battle Display from stealth is not giving back power as it should be if we use it without stealth. Hopefully this will get looked into ASAP.

    While I'm at it, if you have a robot sidekick in stealth mode, unstealthing will cause it to be destroyed. I don't know if this was intentional or not but that needs to be looked at as well.
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  13. Molecular Occurance Active Player

    Yeah you guys screwed up gadgets completely. COMPLETELY. Who in their minds thought to ruin it like this?
    There is NO way to properly manage power for raids now. battle Display is useless in stealth and useless outside of stealth. The way it was before was perfect!
    I saw the gadgets "revamp" and i knew this would screw it all up. Change it back
    But thats right, the power get ruined on PURPOSE. Because you guys care much less about renovating gameplay and performance, you just want the money from people changing powers after the destruction of a power sets use. Then you make it good again so people change back or release a new unbalanced powerful set. Its sickening to think this is the closest to a good SuperheroMMO i can find right now, moneyhungry much more than just "Obtaining the deserved and neccessary profit"
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  14. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    The fireburst for fire AM is so awesome now! I feel so powerful!! :D Thank you so much devs for this love for fire. We deserved it! Thermal absorption for power regeneration is awesome as well! Now please everyone, don't ask for nerf PLEASE. Ice is even more powerful then fire. We can do great damage now. Fire is reborn.

    Sucks for gadget :(
  15. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    World down...

    Anyone know what's the ETA?

  16. SKUMBUCKET Active Player

    definetly not liking this adjustment to battle dispay and stealth...disappointed.
    and right back down smh.
  17. oCYBORGx New Player

    i did great dmg so idk what people are crying about
  18. oCYBORGx New Player

    mhy gadget dps was great with using the am with no stealth i was hitting good numbers maybe some people are just using the wrong loadout
  19. Vanessa33335 Level 30

    First the Legendary membership off, now update issue. -2 days lost. I dont think they'll 'replace' the days we cannot use our benefits...
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  20. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Some people said they were used to a specific loadout and is now power hungry. Never played with gadget so I don't know.
  21. .PHREAK. New Player

    Okaaay, where to start...I'm PHREAK, I do Gadgets, I've always done gadgets, now gadgets is doing me.
    Excuse me Mr.Game Developer, could you please fix the thing that wasn't broken until you fixed it. jks.
    No one could argue that Gadgets was slow/weak and justifiably unpoplular as a result, 'trolling makes it bearable,
    just.. A tweak in the inflicted damage dept was long overdue IMO.
    Anyway, 3 lvls and 2 skill points ago my PD was hitting, (sparring target), for avg 2800-3150 after using BD,GG,CF,SB then PD, simillarly after unstealthing avg 1600-2200. Today, I can't tell you what it's avg hit is, because, even on the 'Sparring platform', I AM UNABLE TO DO EVEN ONE ROTATION, Arkham Asylum is VERY tedius when you only have weapon attacks and trinkets. I'm actually surprised the lvl 60 'troll didn't try to kick me, poor little fella never worked so hard. I cannot fathom why power return was changed, I know we all want more people playing their role, i always ready up for "troll and DPS. I tried 'trolling earlier this morning, WORSE than damage role for power regen! BD does not 'regenerate' any power whatsoever, in fact, it's almost like power regen from weapon attacks has been 'fixed' too? :(
    I've done duos with other quantum players 2 lvls below me with 15 less skill points, and although we were side by side pew-pewing... rotations, WM combos, Trinkets galore, 4 to 5 TIMES the damage of Gadgets...but still, I persisted. Now I feel like unfolding my briefcase into a spaceship and flying home for good. Quantum here we come i guess??
    I must say I'm taking this quite well, thanks for listening, you're cheaper than therapy.
