High CR ruining Low CR Experience

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by dresserball, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. dresserball Dedicated Player

    I have read on this forum many people that are upset that high CR players have been destroying enemies in duos/alerts/raids. I have spent the last 3 months doing lower content and in each case asked the other player if I would be ruining there experience by killing enemies quickly.

    The end result: No one cared.

    Let me repeat that: No One Cared

    So where are all these people at? I read your posts on the forum, but none in game.

    I am calling bull on this one.
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  2. MrB Dedicated Player

    Yep pretty much "new" members were complaining. I mean their only posts were in those threads. Haven't seen any of them make a sound since the update.

    I've been playing for solid 3 years and never had anyone complain about someone being high cr. Hope they like what they made.
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  3. kawe Loyal Player

    I do think new ppl would at least like to see what is hapening. When high CRs are running ahead and you only walk through empty hallways and suddenly get some loot from the distance.... That sucks, even for me.
    But overall? I guess nobody has anything against getting it done quickly for the most part. I like it if I am on one of my alts and I get grouped with high CRs. I know what to do in these isntances, I just want to be done with it and gear up asap. I don't need to learn my role, and learning my LO or powerset can be done on sparring target or within short time anyway.
  4. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    I think its not killing things quickly but skipping stuff.

    Take t4 inner 2 high lvl crs que and run past everything. Leaving the 2 lower crs to struggle catching up
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  5. Vyltran Loyal Player

    I think lower ones need help from higher ones.. withhhh theseee.... capss.. is much harder for them to complete a few instances.. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:... never had such issues about running lower content, with lower cr people..
  6. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    Only when I'm tanking on a low lvl alt, does OP players bother me with their one banging ways. Because they just run ahead and I don't get to tank... but at the same time, The weak players just run ahead too.... so I don't get to tank.....
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  7. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    invited a lower CR to FOS1 walk in. I asked if he minded if I killed everything. He was a range tank and there was no Controller. Obviously he was trying to work on his tanking but without a controller there was no point. He did at least get a piece of tank gear out of it.
  8. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I try to run and do minimal damage by playing my non-DPS role in lower content. If the damage is lacking, I'll pick it up a little. I generally only do 2-4 times what a DPS at tier in those instances would do, so it's not a big deal even when I do pick it up with the extra health everything now has.

    I have gone DPS a few times if there is another high CR player already in the instance in DPS stance. In that case, I just watch chat to see if anyone in the group asks us to tone it down. I haven't seen anyone ask yet.
  9. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    So in three months time you ran old content with each or even the majority of the millions of players in DCUO at the varying times of day and on varying servers in the varying regions.

    Gotcha, very detailed experiment. Thank you, I can be absolutely sure now that no one dislikes it when they steamroll through older content.
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  10. Raxia New Player

    I ran prime with a group of 70 CRs the other day. We kept getting wiped. Then a 125 CR came and saved the day. NOT having high level CRs in lower content ruins the game for me. Not the other way around!
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  11. Streven Dedicated Player

    I cared then and still do now. If I'm leveLing a new toon and pop into an alert or raid with a 100+ toon a I ask myself why am I running this? The high CR player can solo it. It's not fun to me. Some people don't care, some people do. It is what it is. We should all have as much consideration for others as possible.
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  12. Streven Dedicated Player

    And promotes poor play all around because people never learn mechanics. It is good to be challenged and sometimes fail if you learn from it.
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  13. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    If the group was 70 CRs in Prime, they've already failed at learning one of the core lessons: Don't enter raids at minimum CR. Prime has always been a struggle if most of the group is not at least mid to high 80s.
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  14. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I was going to say the exact same thing.
  15. Streven Dedicated Player

    I think most people won't say anything. Doesn't mean they are necessarily happy. Just not worth fussing over. I usually just leave the group if I'm not needed. If I'm gearing up I may stay but really depends on the situation.
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  16. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Wait until you're high CR next to other high CR players. They won't bother running with you if you got just carried and don't know anything about mechanics.

    Gladly there are still raids like Dox that even a single High CR player can't get done if the group keeps failing. There are soooooooooo many information sources on the internet. Use them, learn the mechanics and the absence of a High CR player won't "ruin" anything.

    Btw your second last sentence was the most hilarious thing I've heard in a while. No offense, but quotes like this causes people to not take you serious :p
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  17. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    1 Word: Scorecard. I was 106 on my rage toon, me and my buddy got kicked by a 15's because they were scorecard chasing. Fact is they aren't ruining the content. it's that stupid scorecard, I still see a lot of people wanting 120's nowadays for all content. This could've been all avoided if the new UI which would've had walkins for old content, but alas dumb stuff like this happens.
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  18. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Yeah, I can understand the hesitation to say something, too. I have asked high CR players to tone it down before so I can practice tanking with a new power. They usually get an attitude about it, which I don't understand. Had a guy in Oan say, "Okay, I'll just stand over here and do nothing then," because I dared to ask him to do less damage at 106+ CR.

    The CR scaling has exacerbated the problem, so I've kinda given up on things being changed. I really wish walk-ins were the only place CR scaling took place. Our stats should be all that matters in the on-duty instances, but then we'd need walk-ins for everything, and that was put on hold with the new UI.
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  19. Raxia New Player

    I beg to differ - we won (After a good hour of people dying and leaving) and still learned from it. That was my first time running the alert at 79 CR and I learned about standing behind the rocks before battle, rolling away when the floor lights up, etc
    Also, I would argue that the higher level didn't carry us

    Hence why we need higher levels to come and help. Not only for learning purposes but to actually stand a chance.
  20. Streven Dedicated Player


    I would love to see CR scaling removed. But the crying would be unbearable.