parser and the scoreboard

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by pultinski, Jun 15, 2015.

  1. pultinski Well-Known Player

    with the addition of the parser, has it changed the way you view "competitive" dmg powers & weapons ?
    do you put more weight ( in judging your own performance ) on the scoreboard (eg dmg out = 10 billion / power in 0 ), or the parser (eg 125 million/s - 10 billion total - 100k hits - 2.5 billion max hit ) ?
    are you now looking more at personal bests in any particular boss fight, or is it still about topping the scoreboard at the end of a instance, or maybe some combination.

    a leaguemate uses the parser strictly for respecing/loadout testing. another just to compare for boss only fights.

    for me, its mostly eliminated the need for the scoreboard (assuming i can swap results with someone).
    also just wondering what all of you would consider "competitive dmg" using just the parser. right now, ive been just looking at the dmg/s, and within 1k/s seems to be a starting benchmark.
    maybe my question should be "does anyone use the parser" ?
  2. Sumeric New Player

    In my opinion, the parser really only useful under controlled circumstances (i.e. sparring target/rotation use). Damage output in any group instance has far too many variables that you can't actively control, so your results can vary widely from instance to instance and person to person. Just like the scorecard, being too concerned about the parser in an instance inevitably leads some to 'tunnel-vision dpsing.'
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  3. just an honest dps New Player

    i dont really care about the dps i'm doing as long as i'm 1st or 2nd and not too far behind on the scoreboard...if i'm 3rd or fourth i'd be worried that i'm getting kicked. it would be nice if i could just enjoy myself and not have to worry about these things..but this community...:)
  4. E Clip Dedicated Player

    The parser just gives you the potential damage output of a certain rotation in a controlled environment, but it doesn't account for your performance during raids. I wouldn't consider the parser as a substitute for the scorecard by any means, nor I consider it very accurate for DPS potential especially when you put DoTs in your rotation which last for more than a few seconds after you've finished the rotation. Shiny's combat log parser helps with this, because it allows you to cut the tail of DoT rotations and get a more accurate measurement of the DPS potential and also look at the crit percentages by moves. Another way to measure Dot rotations within a smaller margin of error is to do it on the 3 dummies on test server until you've ko-ed them.