Problem isn't support/dps or the devs... it's us

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ms Killy, Jun 8, 2015.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I think you mean propose. If so, no. These remain ideas discussed at large by the community, not something we have committed to. (With the exception of mechanics, which you see more and more of in newly released content.)
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  2. Katniss 13 New Player

    Yes, you can hope but not expect. The developers are not genies that will grant everyone's wish. And not all players have the same take on each idea/opinion/complain/suggestion/proposal, that's why it is being discussed. These kind of changes in the game looks small but they're big enough that they need to consider the short and long term effects - they can't be too rush with it.

    Try seeing it from their point of view, maybe you'll have a change of heart/mind (hoping). ;)
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  3. grendel007 Well-Known Player

    I have a backstory for all my toons. Part of being a superhero.
    But I don't think they should redo powers or AMs to make my story easier.
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  4. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Consider this D,.....Throne proved that content can/will drive the narrative if done right. The mechanics of that fight dictates that we will always need 2 Tanks for the first phase of the fight with Ares. The content dictates that. It's not optional. There is no way for it to be completed any other way. To your point, it's now up to the Devs to figure out how to broaden that to Trolls and Heals. I agree sudden change can be shocking to adjust to, however, if the content dictates what is needed people will do what is needed to complete it. The key here is to implement content that requires 2 of each role. Even if it is not needed for the complete fight, there should be certain phases that requires that setup. I know the Devs can do this. It's all about the content.
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  5. grendel007 Well-Known Player

    Whaaaat? You don't like the 7%?
  6. grendel007 Well-Known Player

    There should alw
    there should always be more than one way to do content. Having only one solution would be boring.
    But there should be a balanced and role based way to optimize gameplay, and it should be based on episode and not always be same thing
  7. Jokersjoke New Player

    Just get rid of role less buffs end of discussion.
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  8. Spidey Well-Known Player

    The scoreboard was always toxic. I'll never forget being in Dox way back when, and coming in 4th in damage. I remember getting kicked because of it, however I was the ONLY one running around doing pickups at breakneck speed.

    I learned that day to NEVER do a pickup. Not my job. My job was to burn. Once I learned that lesson I never came in last again, in anything. Usually 1st or 2nd. I don't care if you went down right next to me. I was a product of the community and played by its rules.
  9. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Your point would be well taken if our community didn't try to only stack DPS. No matter how the Devs have tried to slice it, the only solution for much of the community is to stack DPS. The first part of Throne eliminates that problem. It was new, different, and greatly needed.
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  10. YinChakra Dedicated Player

    I'm for getting rid of roleless buffs. The way it could work is, lets a pug group goes in to LoA, with 3DPS 1Troll and get smashed, Oracle could be like" Woah that looked like it hurt, having a Tank to take the blows would help, or having a healer to heal all damage taken will make it less painful"

    Just an example*

    Like the game can detect what role people go into content with, and when they wipe twice or more, Oracle can give them hints on what roles will help them progress. Either through Voice or text.

    Yes i know voice will take a lot more work, but it will be more noticeable, instead of text with people spamming LFG/Trade you're more likely to miss it.
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  11. YinChakra Dedicated Player

    Also the scoreboard is not the problem, it's your DPS.
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  12. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Alerts did have some very detailed explanations, but not all of them, a good example is Oolong, details are given on the start, but then it's not so clear except for some X's on the screen. In the end it says we need to shut down the consoles, not that it's easier with a suit on. Most times it was half an explanation, others it wasn't even that clear. Also some times following those directions would keep us from getting a feat, so even if you game us a play by play, it wasn't always beneficial to follow it. Just because you have to explain things doesn't make it a bad thing, why you hate I don't know, they point is supposed to be for people to enjoy it, not to throw every possible boulder their way, last I checked the last thing people complained was the help you gave us, but instead the lack off. And I've said before, a big problem with this game that I don't see in others is the lack of support roles development during leveling, the 1 to 30 grow should be more than just a dps fest, and when people chose to do it on their support roles, they quit due to the difficulty because there is no aspect of that time when support roles are needed, not even the alerts. Maybe if you guy changed the whole 1 to 30 system, it would actually allow for more complex mechanics in higher end game content. Btw this is coming from a guy who used to for 5 hours in FoS 2 and actually enjoy it, so it's not from someone just asking for easier content, just looking for a way for people who are new to learn the most out of the basic stuff, at least until they get more into the game and then have to use forums or sites like DCUOBlog (which is where I go whenever I start a new toon), or join an league.
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  13. grendel007 Well-Known Player

    Didn't devs create one-shots, AM, and the content you describe as needing 5-1-1-1?
  14. BigBadDogIV Committed Player

    I, Like most DPS's, Damage better when I'm not being attacked and/or not laying on the ground dead. A extra tank or healer makes it so the DPS's can focus more on burning and less on surviving.
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  15. grendel007 Well-Known Player

    This exactly. If you don't like 5-1-1-1 groups DON'T QUEUE THAT WAY.
    Run a 2-2-2-2 group and follow the mechanics. It's that simple. Players like me, who enjoy playing a "support" role would be grateful since we would ye to learn the mechanics and the role better. But to queue into groups with 5 dps and then get abused because we "failed" is mind numbing.
    Stop complaining people don't know roles when you're just burning content.
    I have complained before about players who blaze through content and then complain about it and support roles. You don't HAVE to play that way. Stop trying to get to highest CR to the day content drops and ENJOY what you are doing.
    I've made it through far too many raids where I don't even know in the end who the boss was. I like to explore the rooms and enjoy the graphics.
    I'm just glad there is a way to progress in the game foing dailies, solos, and duos. If that wasn't there I would have quit long ago having to deal with this crap.
    As a caveat, there are many good players out there willing to help and enjoy all that is going on. I don't want to sell them short.
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  16. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    The defense debuff isn't 7 % anymore. Most NPC in game have an armor of 15 %. The defense debuff post GU 47 will reduce defense by 33 %. Which takes armor from 15 to 10 %.

    It now lowers defense by 5 %.

    The damage debuff will not stop a one shot. It's effect will at best help a tank avoid death.

    The heal debuff in PvE content isn't needed for most content.

    That is one aspect of controlling that could definitely be improved.
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  17. Juggalow New Player

    The problem is skill points, dps requires minimum sp and support roles need a lot of sp thats why nobody want to support.
  18. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I will be honest..... to this day..... I have no idea what he switches in the last fight with Trigon do.

    We never even used them. :oops:
  19. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I think it prevent you from getting hit by his hands I think
  20. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    How about something like this??

    It would allow to be immediately be exposed to the DC brand.

    And it would allow to squeeze a bit of a tutorial in there.

    Imagine being a Flash fan and starting in CC with the Flash museum and being trained by the Flash him self??

    Or a Batman fan starting in the batcave and being trained by the Dark Knight himself??

    Heck I had a big nerdgasm when I first saw the Flash museum. Imagine a new player that is a Flash fan starting that way?? ;)

    Just a thought. :D

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