My preferred raid set up

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Swaggernaut, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. Swaggernaut Active Player

    Literally anything. I don't care if we run 8 of one role. Is it efficient? No. Do I care? Of course not. Is there a point of this thread? Maybe I'm just trying to say that you can play what you want to play. It's a game that gives you freedom.

    Spread the love! Be who you want to be!
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  2. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    But unfortunately the attitude of the community is more dps orientated, and well it isn't fun being a healer and not being able to get into a raid group, because they are using a solo healer.

    Sure making your own group is the way to go, but it really isn't.

    I have tried making 2-2-2-2, 1-3-2-2 groups, and people laugh or just get impatient and leave. Even people have complained in 1,1,2,4 groups!

    I have gone with this dps mentality, but I'm not happy with it.

    It's not even funny getting abused for playing a support role in duos, alerts, raids because you are put down and not enjoying the instance due to that. This is why many have converted to dps.
  3. Swaggernaut Active Player

    Yeah the game has definitely been made too easy for DPSers so that hot-shot attitude a lot of them have is unnecessary. I used to believe all roles had their reason of being harder than others but that only applies for support. I just wish dps didn't have power restoration. Oh well. The day is going to come where we all have balance. For now I'll play whatever raid I get thrown into.
  4. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    I would love to run a ToTD tanks only session and see what happens :D.

    Another idea I had would be making a 7 healers team and waiting for a DpS to PuG, and keep asking him if he can solo DpS, complaining then that his healing is very poor and kicking him. :D
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  5. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    Honestly, I think that this is just an alibi many people use to justify the fact that they wanted to play DpS only and have fun this way. It's just my opinion, of course.

    I am convinced that if you really want to play a role you like, nothing can convince you of the contrary.
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  6. Van_Gho Committed Player

    There's some truth to this, I enjoy healer but raids and most of the people in them made me HATE playing that role, Stopped playing raids completely and the love returned. There's no easy route, you'll get trashed no matter which way you go so you might as well make it work for you
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  7. EP Ice Loyal Player

    Not true. You have to play DPS just to get passed the solos nowadays. I went into the Parallax solo mission as a Healer and got destroyed. I went in as a DPS and did a lot better. Try going into the New Genesis solo as a Troll or Healer and will get destroyed because the adds lunge you so much and spawn from everywhere. Of course, this is speaking about people who are trying to gear up and not the over geared persons. It's not that people want to play DPS but have no choice due to the design of the game. The devs even said that they working more on the DPS side of things and will one day (eventually) work on the support side. So, until then, this will DPS Universe Online.
  8. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Agreed, I hated healing because people constantly wanted me to solo heal, and when I say, that I'm struggling, they laugh...
    If I go to a group with another healer, people ask me to change and when I say no, I get crap or kicked.

    I've had enough, I'm so patiently waiting for that day, that support roles get looked at in the future!
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  9. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Well, my preferred set-up is 2-2-2-2. I usually don't pug. I run almost exclusively with my league. When I do pug, the contribution of the pug in inconsequential. Thus, we can normally beat the instance without them if needed. When new content drops we always run 2-2-2-2, then if then gradually we may move away from that configuration. I don't care what the community thinks. Screw them. I form my own groups. Now if I pug, which I rarely do, "......I will do as the Romans do". But I'm not going to get mad at the group for not running the way I think.