Gotham Warehouse solo loot...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ReservistCH, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. ReservistCH New Player

    So I was doing this the other day for the feats and I noticed you get 5 pieces of loot (basic knowledge) what I was surprised about was the 4 'machiners enforced backguard' that dropped and also 1 chest piece. Now I was prepared to let it go but then I realised that I mucked up on the lion cub bit and decided to do it again the next day, I then proceeded to get 3 back pieces and 2 shoulders, I thought my game might be bugged so I asked a couple of league members to do it and they all got similar loot (someone got 5 back pieces lmao). Now I know loot is random but seriously?! I don't really need the heat but i think it's a bit of a joke tbh, I'd like to know if there's any other instances like this with extreme repeated loot, needs a small fix for all the low cr people levelling :)
  2. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    The last time I did the zone I got 4 backs and 1 chest. Got the lion feat just last week, finally stopped avoiding it.
  3. Multiverse Creator League

    I wanted to make a Galaktus toon and wanted the Mayan Helmet for the look.

    I would get everything but the freeking helmet.

    Took me almost 2 years to get the freekin helmet on that toon.

    And when I did..... I got like 5 of it in the same instance.

    Freekin RNG.

    When it is not rigged to make loot Uber rare... it is freekin broken. :mad:
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  4. Avian Dedicated Player

    I think up to 3 of the Mayan pieces only drop in reward boxes which is why you get a lot of repeats.
  5. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    I think the issue is the seed used for the RNG:

    If getting 4 of the exact same item is common, that's not random, that's just bad code.

    Again I question how much additional space on top of the data file for our characters an array of all drops we've ever failed to get and have their probability incremented close to 1 (so guaranteed drop) with each attempt, even if it would take 100+ attempts to hit that 100% mark. If only done for rare/uncommon items, and using item ID and a 4digit number to represent increased probability for it to drop next (that's reset to 0 on drop). That's probably less than 10kb per T7 character. even if it's 10kb per every character over 30 that exists (2 million if you include all deleted and inactive character using census data), so 2 gig of storage needed.

    Why is this not a thing? Even if they are wasting space with over sized data fields you're still talking about a small amount of space compared to the hardware that powers these games.

    It doesn't even need to be stored in our character file, data normalisation dicates it shouldn't be. So if it's stored with 1 array per character, per zone, and only loaded/looked at on entry...

    This is what happens when I think too much about games :( I'll just go back to killing things for xp.
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  6. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    Even the vault will give u 4 sharpshooter gloves once in a while lol, bout had a joygasam when the legs finally dropped
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  7. Cosmos Girl Well-Known Player

    Doesn't it depend on the day?
  8. MetalMario Loyal Player

    I'm pretty sure only half of the myan stuff drops form that duo. If the devs do anything to "correct" the issue you're complaining about it will probably be either to reduce the number of drops or add new junk to the loot table that nobody wants.
  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Much like the Vault, it's best to keep a sense of humor when dealing with the loot drops in the Warehouse and (to a lesser extent) the Gotham Subway when chasing Split Personality gear.

    Personally I keep a sense of humor about loot drops by "blaming" it on a secret line of code in the game that can read our thoughts and put the loot item we're searching for at the lowest probability of dropping. :confused: :D
  10. VariableFire Loyal Player

    I go with "Darkseid messing with the Interwebz again" myself.
  11. Original Kal Well-Known Player

    Loot drops just plain suck in this game. Let's be honest. I've been leveling a toon and very seldom do I get anything useful It's like it knows I'm a tank and drops everything for any roll but the tank roll. Even drops for the dps roll suck.