Test Discussion GU 49: Ice AM Improvements

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tunso, Jun 5, 2015.

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  1. Harfaern New Player

    Thanks for the test of the Solar Flare vs Full Might, is an interesting fact.

    You are basically (basically) propposing to lower AG dmg and give it more area, to make it more similar to other AMs.

    Maybe keeping it as it is now in test server can make ice AM a bit different: more focused in put high dmg in an small area (i am thinking in bosses); there are already AMs doing (big) Area dmg (Mental, Quantum, Munitions, etc.) so maybe could be more interesting to have an slightly different kind of AM to avoid to tend to powersets being all "the same but with different animations & colours".

    Just my 2c
  2. cosmic war New Player

    OK i wanna see video of you using Gust against Hades in elite or on the drone in HH elite.
  3. Hemmy Committed Player

    I'm not sure if anyone has done this yet, but can someone do a straight side-by-side comparison of Avalanche and Arctic Gust? Just to see the difference in DPS? I'd like to see it play out in a real instance rather than on training dummies.

    PS I know avalanche will obviously be less effective but the reason I ask this is so we can see HOW MUCH dps we would be losing if we need to switch to long range, rather than IF there's a difference. (because we all know there is a huge difference already)
  4. generalzod Committed Player

    Agree to lower the damage a little and make it so it hits more adds other wise will all be saying ice is op and asking for nurfs ..but please open up the cone , if you reduce damage to be on par with fire and gadgets
  5. Hemmy Committed Player

    On the subject of widening the cone of AB, I think it's perfect the way it is. Since there is a fairly good amount of mobility already in the powerset and AM, you have to control what you're damaging by moving around and planning ahead. This holds true for the situations where you have a lot of adds either centered around a tank, or around yourself in positioning your character so you'll hit as many enemies as possible. When fighting a boss, avalanche would be the safest option (obviously with lower DPS) but when you go up closer you have a high risk = high reward scenario.
    I think AB should stay just the way it is.
  6. generalzod Committed Player

    Yes well it could be fine as is I guess you have to position yourself and move around won't be easy so yeah this might be just fine .
  7. Primordia_Vox Well-Known Player

    Did you notice that the cooldown timers for Arctic Gust is not working in your video? It doesn't even show that you hit the power. I made a video on test to confirm it and I will post it here and on the bug tracker after it is done uploading.

    Is this intentional? I didn't see it in the notes and they are activating on live.
  8. Primordia_Vox Well-Known Player

    Here is that video.
  9. Hemmy Committed Player

    I believe this is intentional because AG and Avalanche are meant to be used back to back and since power isn't a concern when using them properly, a cool down timer is unnecessary. Even if it isn't intentional, I think it's perfectly fine the way it is. There's nothing i'd hate more than mid AG being interrupted by an enemy, then having to wait for a cool down timer before I can resume my rotation.
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  10. Tunso Developer

    Possibly, I'll give it a second look. Although it didn't go live, but we had a systemic last second bug internally that was throwing off all damage numbers by a fair degree. So pretty much everything had to be quickly re-tuned before going to test center with this build. So it's possible something went south there. Thanks!
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  11. Tunso Developer

    That is intentional. The cooldown causes an unnecessary client side delay but has the benefit of letting you know the power is active. But the animation and visual effects also tell you the ability is active too soo... I erred on the side of making things a little faster/smoother :D
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  12. L T Devoted Player

    Smoother is better. However I noticed when testing the Mental's Pyrokinesis seems to also have no cool down. Since it's a DOT, that's probably something to look at.
  13. SSeid Committed Player

    While looking into it take note that gust can't hit all 8 targets in the league hall and unless proper positioning was made, Penryn's numbers most likely come by hitting only 2-3 of the targets therefore hitting with minimal splitting, something not possible with gadgets.
  14. Remander Steadfast Player

    Ah, so that's why. I guess that's the better option. Will just have to learn the timings. I just find myself spamming the buttons waiting for the ability to fire without that visual cue.
  15. Primordia_Vox Well-Known Player

    Great! It definitely goes much smoother than it does in live. Thanks for you the feed back!
  16. Primordia_Vox Well-Known Player

    I know what you mean. I prefer the way it is on test, but I'm just not used to the icon not even changing colors.
  17. Tunso Developer

    Yeah I missed noticing how feeble the damage cone was compared to the other cones. I widened it significantly so you can like, hit stuff in front of you. Thanks!
    • Like x 10
  18. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Awesome. I'm liking this thread so much I may switch my main back to Ice. Time to dust off Mr Test and check things out.
  19. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    Perfect! Thanks a lot Tunso. I have a small question regarding the Power Regeneration, does it scales with Vitalization?

    When it was power back I would use Vit&Might for yellow sockets, and in my SP I would spec into vitalization and power crits if I could.

    I can't tell the difference tooo much since there aren't numbers to compare.
  20. Prosser Dedicated Player

    Well, that made my day :)
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