PSA: Restoration is a useful stat for tanks

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by taylor0987, Jun 5, 2015.

  1. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Oh. I was giving you a reason to have straight resto mods. If I were to use real bytes, I would use resto health. Resto factors into your shield strength, but doesn't increase your defense like Dom does. Resto health would make you that much more resilient underneath your shields. Since I use straight resto prefab, I guess I'm not one to talk, though.
  2. Cosmos Girl Well-Known Player

    I could be wrong, but I think healing is by dominance is dominance x 2. Half of my mods I use on my fire tank are restoration and half are dominance. I wouldn't use restoration on my other tanks. Dominance is useful to keep on your feet and to knock down enemies.
  3. Sarcasm Committed Player

    Rage tanks dont use remorseless in end game content that move is for DPS side , Rage bringer gives us more health the more we pull ,
  4. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    Yes and no. As a tank or healer dominance is equal to restoration for healing and shielding. 1 dominance = 1 restoration for either role. The x2 comes from the fact that tanks double dominance innately. A tank with 3000 dominance in their stat screen, truly only has 1500, the game just auto-doubles it because you are in tank role. This also means that for ever 1 point of dom you add via gear/sp/mods, you gain 2. If you use a mod with 50 dominance, you gain 100 dominance and so on.

    Also, dominance only increases defense for earth tanks. Dominance for an ice tank only contributes to shields(same as resto), and CCing ability. Defense for an ice tank is an exact 90% increase based off of current defense. It does not take dominance into consideration when making this adjustment.

    Dominance per tank:
    Ice: CC, Shields, Regen Shielding heals
    Earth: CC, Dom is added to defense when power is used
    Fire: CC, Dom = Resto for self heals
    Rage: CC, 2/3 Dom added to health per power per add (2/3DOM x Powers used(#) x Enemies = Health buff +10%(using severe punishment)

    Resto per tank:
    Ice: Shields, Regen Shielding heals
    Earth: possibly totem healing brick, regen shielding heals
    Fire: self heals
    Rage: ire, regen shielding(though shield not used)
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