Atomic Skull (Flaming head of awesome!)

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Projenix, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. Projenix New Player

    Just kinda felt like sharing and would be interested in what others think. I was going through my legends characters and started to wonder why Atomic Skull has not made an appearance in the game? I think he would be a really fun character to play in legends pvp.
  2. space outlaw Well-Known Player

    no thanks

    fire already does that with the flaming head
  3. kravonik New Player

    This is why I don't think Atomic is going to be a power. Its just Fire rehashed.
  4. MrWon Committed Player

    Any suggestion on what his loadouts are? Also the damage, health, weapon, etc. would be nice.
  5. Projenix New Player

    Well for movement, acro
    Wepon , I would make his 6 a switch between brawling and hand blast ( as skull is a super strong blaster)


    1- a dmg aura (for the radiation) (might)
    2- a cone blast with push back and dot (might)
    3- a grab stun. adds dot ( as if garbing and irradiating somebody, does it to superman all the time) (the grab-perc dmg, the dot - might dmg)
    4- Aoe ground punch -usable while controled (i think it would be good to illustrate his super strength) (dmg type changes on wep in use , brawl=perc, HB=might)
    5- a charging body takle , interrupt, knock down (perc)
    6- wepon switch

    For stats I would like to see them change on wep stance. (Like an armory switch)
    In brawl
    High health, high deff, low might , decent perc.
    In HB
    Lower health , lower deff, high might , mid perc.

    Well that's how I would like it to go
  6. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    All Legends have the same defense [0] same might [0] and the same amount of precision [396].
  7. Projenix New Player

    Stat numbers aside merly trying to illustrate what id like him to play like. Meater with less dmg in brawling. Less meaty with higher dmg in HB