Promethium Lockboxes

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by kabeq, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. kabeq Well-Known Player

    Come on guys! I'm sick of getting Venus fly traps. If this is supposed to be a Legendary perk how about putting in something worthwhile, like, I don't know...a Total Recovery Kit?!?!? (havent gotten an aura in two months)
    Just saying.
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  2. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    How about updating the styles in them?
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  3. mightybugthe1st New Player

    I'd rather base items than useless total recovery kits, now that we have synthetics. New styles though.. hell yes!
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  4. kabeq Well-Known Player

    i was using type 3 synths, but now everyone cost 5 thanks
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  5. kabeq Well-Known Player

    yeah, got all the styles
  6. mightybugthe1st New Player

    Yeah, I hear you. I guess I'm at the point now in the game where I'd rather spend time playing and farming styles than bits for mods... since you know... they don't help our CR anymore.
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  7. kabeq Well-Known Player

    I'm addicted. I'm farming to get those 7's. but at this level you pretty much HAVE to recover the bits. Which takes me back to my original point. Something worthwhile in there pleeeez! For some its new styles, for others, bout an update?
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  8. Benn 10 Committed Player

    We need a lock box revamp STAT!!
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  9. Echo Blue Committed Player

    Hello everyone,

    I think we'll be getting some new New52 inspired gear from the Promethium boxes in the not to distant future. I think.
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  10. mightybugthe1st New Player

    What makes you think that? I've not heard any mention of anything like this happening soon. Conjecture? Wishful thinking? A shot in the dark?
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  11. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Compound AUX-07 !!!
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  12. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    Rnd scanners !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  13. Humane Committed Player

    Exactly, they need to update the compounds.
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  14. SnowStar Committed Player

    I wanted to give this 1000 thumbs up, lower tier synths used to be more affordable for sure, now my other role/stance has to wait in a seriously long line for mods
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  15. VariableFire Loyal Player

    And make more drop. It's not just the quality of drops that's the problem, it's that there's so little dropping in them. Aside from the solitary mark most people won't even notice anymore.
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  16. blacklisted87 Active Player

    If they updated compounds that would be nice. Making another lock box style would be nice as well. As long as I don't get any more bushed landscape paintings or peasant woman statues I'd be happy.
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  17. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Many on these vary forums have been asking for Promethium Lockboxes to be updated for some time with no avail.

    Even when T5 content was first introduced to Test, I asked if the items, particularly the buff sodas and accessories had been updated to T5 standards, of course this was not the case and accessories were even taken out of Lockboxes and placed in The Vault, further devaluing Lockboxes.

    Unfortunately, it seems that Lockboxes are yet another legacy item or mechanic on this game will be neglected, yet still want to call a benefit, IMHO.

    If this is NOT the case then I would luv a green name to say the differ but since I have never seen a response in any of the threads that periodically pop up regarding this subject, I will continue with this train of thought.
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  18. ChuckLess New Player

    How long has it been since those styles were put in there? Feels like years.

    I've still never seen a slim Aura.

    Got 3 Pterosaur's (not even going to try and spell that) when that collection was first added. Never seen any of the others even once.

    There are only 3 base items in there that I have ever seen.

    This is from someone that gets a box every single day.

    This, and the Vault are a huge let down everyday, for years. Sometimes it really is the little things.
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  19. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Well, the Vault did eventually get a Mark reward that scaled with our CR...and months later A) Marks got consolidated and B) it was factored into our new gear progression making it more requirement than reward.
  20. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    New styles and AUX sodas from Prom. Boxes would be nice.

    If new golden rings/necks were put into the Vault, that would also be nice.
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