Very Frustrated...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Hyperwarp, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. Hyperwarp New Player

    I would REALLY love to see a change to what equipment we get while completing instances. I've seen where just about all the time now I get gear of a different power type than I currently am while playing. One moment I'm a healer, but instead of getting healer weapons and equipment I get controller, or tank. NONE are ever healer unless I pay for a power change token, and select either a tank power type, or controller power type. Then, I start getting healer equipment, and I have to pay out the nose again to switch back to healer. This is nonsense, and if it keeps up I fear DCUO is going to start losing players left and right. I remember a year or two back when I would get weapons and equipment of my power type. Now, I never do. I'm not rich, and I can't keep paying to change powers. I'm getting to the point to where I'm about ready to give up on DCUO. Can something be done about this? As a customer I would like an answer, thank you.
  2. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    What tier are you mate?

    From about T5 onwards most, if not all, gear is unattuned....meaning it becomes DPS / healer / tank / controller once you attune it.
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  3. CosmicCyborg New Player

    There are changes coming to the loot system for t6 and lower. No time date yet.

    Correction T6 and above is un-attuned. T5 is not.
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  4. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    :oops: I forgot what tier whas what.

    Although Tirgon does drop unattuned I'm kind of right...kind of :p
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  5. CosmicCyborg New Player

    I forgot Exalted and Corrupted are also un-attuned but they are attached to bounties or side bosses
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  6. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Well then, everybody's wrong!

    Which makes us both right :D
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  7. Hyperwarp New Player

  8. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Sadly you're at the mercy of RNG for a while yet :(
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  9. BumblingB I got better.

    You are also in the time period of vendor being the best. T5 is where it starts to change completely. Don't worry much about gear, just grab gear for your role and start thinking about maybe your off role.
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  10. Hyperwarp New Player

    Offrole? What do you mean?
  11. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    Each power can play 2 roles DPS and one other (Healer, Tank, or Controller depending on which power you are). Off role is the other role your power can fufill that you don't play primarily. If you're a Nature healer, for example, your off role is dps.
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  12. Hyperwarp New Player

    Ahh, I see what you mean now. My problem though is not with offroles, but any kind of drops we get in the game pertaining to armor, or weapons. Most, if not all, are for powers you are not playing. I've bought items up the wazu from the broker to build up my powers. This is fine, but one of the main reasons for playing alerts and such is to get better equipment. If you can't get better equipment drops you can use there really isn't much sense in playing these alerts as now it takes a very long time to gain the marks you need for better equipment. Time I don't have much of, because I have a job I need to keep, bills I need to pay, and all. I can't spend 24 hours a day/7 days a week playing just so I can get the marks needed for a chest piece, or something. I'm not asking to have everything given to me on a silver platter. Just drops I can use without having to change powers to use it.