DEVS: quick easy Electric dps fix

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dro, May 31, 2015.

  1. Dro Level 30

    Make all electric powers benefit from weapon mastery none excluded and make all electric powers clippable by one another done the damage will be fast and the dots will stack except the fact that overload is broken at Holla back shawtys
  2. Sumeric New Player

    This won't happen. Its not intended for damaging powers to clip other damaging powers.
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  3. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    this is the worst suggestion i have seen anyone recommend for electricity improvements
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  4. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    And make every tick hit for 20k!
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  5. Xolag Well-Known Player

    is electric dps broken? :confused:
  6. Derio 15000 Post Club

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  7. just an honest dps New Player

    down with wm down with am
  8. ApolloMystique New Player

    no...make it be able to be effective might operated alone
  9. Petralka Well-Known Player

    Electricity and Nature AMs are intended to be used along with your weapon so your suggestions make absolute no sense what's so ever, and what up with the hold thing about electricity been broken? I haven't experience any issue as far as I know. :confused:
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  10. Streven Dedicated Player

    Electric and Nature aren't broken but they have definitely fallen behind in DPS potential. My personal testing shows them doing only about 70-80% the DPS of powers like Quantum and Celestial. They are about on part with pet powers if you are doing traditional pet roatatons and not doing the pet despawn rotations.
  11. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Somebody mentioned the idea of being able to wipe out all layered dots (poison stacks, charge stacks) at once to power one heavy burst hit against afflicted targets. Like that idea, as it also makes use of the power return features of the intiial stacking abilities, which aren't typically used again in between stack refreshing.

    Alternately, I'd like to see power return kick in for certain abilities when poison/charges have been fully stacked, allowing for another pure might setup.
  12. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    this would be very interesting, but i can see it slowing down the dps overall because you would have to refresh your dots a lot more often.
  13. Unida Dedicated Player

    look, just do what just about every nature/sorc/elec/earth etc is doing at the moment and spam clip scissor kick or martial arts spinning punch or that staff one once your dots are up.

    its actually not bad.

    it'll probably get nerfed as its verging on being competitive with quant/mental/celes in the right hands.
  14. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Could definitely go that way. Guess it'd depend on how big that dot consuming hit is. Another mechanic that could be added to that is to make the big hit hit harder the longer the dots are allowed to tick, similar to how quantum's time bomb hits harder when more abilities are allowed to impact before it kersplodes. In this case, letting the dots ride out as much as you can before they expire would mean the accumulated damage would be at their highest. Would also mean the bigger hit would escalate further if you tagged multiple enemies with dots as opposed to a single enemy.
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  15. BumblingB I got better.

    DoT class and Pet class powers are supposed to be passive damage where you are actively doing weapon combos between. It's not intended to be played like Burst powers, which play from the tray or Combo powers.

    So the brunt of your damage is DoTs, you supplement it with weapon combos to equal other powers..
  16. not_again Dedicated Player

    The quick and easy fix for electricity and nature is double the WM finisher damage. That is the easiest way to fix the problem and possibly give players with 12345 power a WM option. Plus more damage for support roles!
  17. generalzod Committed Player

    why you selling us short i want a timebomb tick or better yet munitions BIG GUN 1,000,000 !!
  18. Streven Dedicated Player

    I don't see weapon clips with DOT powers that competitve yet but it should be doing those kinds of numbers. How exactly would that deserve a nerf?
  19. ChuckLess New Player

    I don't understand the very end of that long sentence.
  20. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player