If you joined the hero side....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Progeekzy, May 22, 2015.

  1. Progeekzy Level 30

    Yet you wait till someone clears mobs then steal the objective from them, you are a villain.

    Most missions needs you to do some sort of activity, usually many times. And that activity is usually covered by mods that needs to be cleared first. Waiting for someone to clear those mobs, then swooping in and doing the obj is a villain thing to do. Helping someone clear those mobs then allowing them to have the objt, very hero of you. Stealing from your fellow heroes, go re reroll as a villain you already act like one.

    As a newer player this is very frustrating. Its bad enough we are trying to learn the ropes and how things work. Ive gotten lost more then once before i figured out the map system. But to have to compete with each other...I rolled a hero because i generally play a good guy and i thought other heroes would be the same.
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  2. dresserball Dedicated Player

    It's all on how you look.at things. If that person is taking what they took from you and then using it to help other heroes by lets say killing other villains or because he leveled up he can now help more lower level heroes, is that really a villain or a hero you don't understand?
  3. The Anxient Loyal Player

    How about when heros stomp my mutant flowers? That's not very nice either.
  4. OldmanJoe New Player

    Actually this kind of thing rarely if ever happens on the Villain side, yet it seems to be a common every day practice on the Hero side!
    So please stop staining our good name, I think this kind of act is a slimy, scrubby, lowlife thing to do, YES I agree!
    But don't go associating being a slimy lowlife scrub with Villains as it is obviously a trait seemingly only found on the Hero side!
    As well as blaming Villains for several things that mainly only Heroes do!
  5. Progeekzy Level 30

    Thats a pretty poor justification.

    Its ok for me, a hero, to steal from this hero and hinder his progression because over all its all for good.

    Evil, stealing, does not help good. It hinders it over all.
  6. IveGotThaPower Active Player

    Hero side is alot more immature in my experience. Lots of great people still, you just have to find them.
    Villain side is alot more laid back, more people willing to help rather than hinder but que times are a little longer. Sounds like your still leveling so now would be them time to change if that sounds more of your pace.

    And for the record, my main is a hero.
  7. Nightcrow New Player

    It's impossible to 'steal the objective'. If a number of players do damage to a number of NPCs associated with the objective then the objective is shared. If a number of players do damage to a number of NPCs associated with the objective, the player or players who didn't do damage can't interact with the objective. At least that's what I observed whie playing.
  8. The Anxient Loyal Player

    But they can still stomp my plants...
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  9. CaptCosmic New Player

    There a awful lot more heroes then villains yet even the chat can sometimes be mean spirited with heroes bad mouthing each other...
  10. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    First off, Welcome to DCUO.

    Now I like many others I do hate when people do things like you have described but I have to point out that it is only a game based on comic book heroes and villains and we as players are not actually heroes and villains.

    This type of behavior is common place in all games, the one shinning point of DCUO is that most things can be gained by everyone of your faction (everyone gets credit). Don't let it get to you to much this bunching up of players on missions only really happens with the starting mentor missions, after that people start to spread out.

    I have my own personal standards for how I act and play but I in no way ever expect others to do the same. I do still get ticked off at people for poor behavior but there isn't really anything to be done about it. This is a game on the internet where no one has any real consequences for their actions, sadly.

    And yes this does happen on both sides all the time, villain side just has less population so you don't notices it as much.
  11. Malachyte Devoted Player

    If you both are in the same faction you should still receive credit for completing the objective even if someone else activates the switch after you cleared the mob, as the mob is tied to the switch for completing the objective.

    If not, it maybe a bug that needs to be reported. If its a cross faction that does it....ie A Villain stealing the mission from a Hero and vie versa, well not much to say there other then those are the breaks.....lol
  12. Hannibal Harper New Player

    i let people 'stomp my plants' all the time and i still get credit. this is not true for all objectives, but for most.
  13. The Anxient Loyal Player

    I think a fun interaction for seasonals would be if you interfere in the opposite factions objective your Pvp flag automatically comes on. You stomp my plants I should be able to hit you in the face lol
  14. Primordia_Vox Well-Known Player

    I understand your frustration but, as it was already mentioned, there was an update that addressed this along time ago. Before, you wouldn't even get credit when someone stole your "clicky". That was frustrating, especially during the first few weeks of the game when everyone was new and doing the leveling clicky missions. For me, I have gotten where I dislike clicking things to progress in the mission and when someone else can do it for me, by all means let them.

    Silver lining, my friend, is that you can only get stronger for clearing those mobs yourself. I find it more frustrating when I am taking out mobs and someone with a much higher CR than mine comes along and doesn't let me get a single shot in. How am I supposed to get better if I can't even fight?
  15. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    Since there's no PVE suicide squad, therefore many villains wanabe chooses the hero faction over a semi empty one especially since there's hardly any difference between the two content wise.
  16. Progeekzy Level 30

    One that comes to mind, right before you fight scarecrow you have to go defend hazmat workers as they prepare barrels then you can take the barrels.

    SO you have to clear mobs and wait for the item, the barrel, to be ready. More then once someone swept in while i taking care of the mobs and have taken the barrel. leaving me in the dust with even more work to do.

    Theres many other missions just like this. Another one where you have to clear mobs away from telecommunication things thats messing with oracle. I clear mobs, someone else grabs the communication array thing.
  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    While that is the case, I think it comes down to the principle of the thing, especially with stuff like solo or seasonal content.

    In both of those cases, the content is designed to be able to be completed by one person, and unless a WHOLE bunch of people are swarming an area, the devs have put in some decent respawn timers so that you aren't stuck waiting forever to find an objective/target to take down. For the most part there isn't a shortage of enemy spawns for content.

    So with that in mind, when another player comes up and starts in on a spawn you're already working on, at best it's going to come across as kind of rude considering there's more than enough spawns to go around. At worst? They'll come across as a leech, sponging off the efforts of someone else. Even if their intention is to be helpful, those are two likely reactions the second player is going to face for their "help."

    It gets a little more nebulous when you move on from solo/seasonal stuff, though. Things like bounties or the Sub-Avatars are designed to be taken down by multiple players, so coming in to help on those has a little more room for forgiveness even if a player is at a high enough CR to take them on alone. But for solo or seasonal content? It's probably best just to move on to another spawn if you can, especially if you want to prevent any hard feelings.
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  18. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Most of the time you'll get the objective as well if you contributed to it in some way.
    Just take the New Genesis daily.

    If you damage a Courier enough but didn't kill it and someone else activated the Courier, it still counts towards both of your objectives (enemies knocked out and disrupt efforts)
    If you contribute in dealing with the Herses by either activating the electrified dreggs, the teleporter or the hedrons on the ground, it will count towards the objective

    If you're leveling in Midtown Metropolis and you have to transform bestiamorphs back to amazons, if you do enough damage to them but someone else activates them, it'll count towards your objective.

    If you're in Love and War knocking out Star Sapphire Technicians or Sentinels and someone else rushes in and activates them, they still count towards your objective.

    This is true for almost everything, and in the cases it's not, well that's the way people are. Try to be faster, if you're using Keyboard and Mouse start activating stuff with left click+right click rather than some random key on your keyboard. It's faster in any case.
  19. just an honest dps New Player

    that doesn't make you a villain. quit being a *****