Need some advice from trolls.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Green Candle, May 18, 2015.

  1. Green Candle New Player

    I've been trolling since a long time ago but mainly DPSing, so with the release of HoP 2 i decided to go mainly as a troll. Picked up a lot of gear already and ran new gen far too many times for my liking but now I'm cr 125 with my lowest gear being 108.

    I looked at my Vit and thought "thats far too low" and threw a lot of mods on, i have everything modded to Vit (vit and prec in reds) apart from my blues and 2 of the yellows are 6 synths since i haven't got round to it yet. But looking at my vitalisation its still only 5553... is that a respectable number? Because i constantly see people in LFG with 6k vit and I'm wondering how? my buddy who's cr 122 has 5.9k vit with 13 less sp than me? what am i doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance,
  2. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Seems awfully low, mine is 5800+ at 118 CR. What's your toon name or can you provide your wavedox or dcuolive page?
  3. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    you are fine. Some players mod all vit but you have better power return properly nodding your socket affinities
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  4. muellersascha Well-Known Player

    I am 116 cr and have a little over 5700. That mainly comes from having 187sp. I would say SP is probably the difference.
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  5. FlexVibrant Well-Known Player

    thats not low at all, you can solo troll most content with that VIT.
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  6. Green Candle New Player

    I've been solo trolling everything this far but its just frustrated me with how low it is, my toon is Greën Candle for you VIRALITY, i have 136sp so its not low as such
  7. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Nevermind, found you. Get the 2 blue sockets modded correctly. The other issue must be your skill points.
  8. rolando nacanna Well-Known Player

    my cr as troll is 118 i miss two yellow mods and a blue all the others are 6 vit is 5858...
    so...the problem could be SP,league buffs or mods on personal base....
    as a cr 125 you are a bit low....
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  9. DrTyme Well-Known Player

    Don't worry about it your vit is high enough. You may have higher Dom, prec ECt.
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  10. Green Candle New Player

    The thing is with 80 more sp I'm not going to get 600 vit, not sure whats going on here
  11. lukelucky Devoted Player

    correct. i ran 10 gates runs with two trolls. one modded correctly and one all vit. the backup generally should be at %50 of the main troll but the numbers were easily closer to 60/40 or even 70/30. this is not concrete evidence but ill never support losing affinity bonuses
  12. Delta795 New Player

    Ok, just looked you up and here's what I see...with 136 SP.
    Just guessing, but I would suggest a respec. At your CR you should have well over 3k DOM and Vit should be 5700+
    My troller at 119 has over 5,500 and 146 SP. TBH anything above 5300 is ez-peezy solo trollville
    Health: 13308 of 13308
    Power: 5203 of 7685
    Defense: 18812
    Toughness: 46517 Might: 4948
    Precision: 1292
    Dominance: 1679
    Restoration: 4852
    Vitalization: 5200
  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    use T6 expert mods, is what I plan to do man. It gives crap loads more stats (from what I saw of a video) then the T7 plans.
  14. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    HEALTH 12328

    POWER 6105

    DEFENSE 12686

    MIGHT 4440



    PRECISION 1409


    DOMINANCE 3264
  15. Delta795 New Player

    No they don't
    VI Expert plans still give less than VII plans
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  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    thats my CR117 trolls stats with 164sp + full synthetics
  17. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    then why does the generator mods give a hell of alot less?

    you have to get like 7.3 to even hit above VI expert mods in generator which IMO is BS
  18. Delta795 New Player

    You are correct, generator mods are like that. The plans that you mod gear with are not..
    Granted Vit VI expert to Vit VI is only a +6 but still an upgrade.
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  19. Targetmaster Well-Known Player

    How have you specced your sp? Go for all the crit power chances 1st, then get your wm of choice and purchase the bottom row vit while you're getting the wm. After that open up as many trees as you can whilst purchasing the vit innates available to you.

    Other than that you're gonna be losing some vit/crit chance if you haven't modded your blue sockets.

    I'm on 6106 at cr 122 sp209 but I get 61 extra vit from 4 elite pieces. I would say you should be somewhere around the 5800-6000 mark if specced and fully modded.
  20. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    SP matter for support roles. Stat flattening brought about an increase for support role stats for tier 1 and tier levels in the weapon trees.

    My vit is around your value and I do not have a single 108 piece or 110 piece. I have a few 102 and I'm a 115 troll. State flattening aslo means your stats will not go up as fast as they previously did.
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