Buff colas

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by EBANESER11, May 11, 2015.

  1. EBANESER11 New Player

    I've thought about this for the past couple of weeks and I've decided to ask you guys if this seems right. Should we be allowed to use buff colas? I know many will say "YES! It makes you better!." But does it make YOU better, or your character better? The point I'm trying to make is that these buffs are an easy way of making it unfair for others who don't seem to have them or don't want to use them. They can be quite expensive, but I'm not saying to make them cheap. It's really just making you a liar. It doesn't show your skill when you use buffs(unless everyone uses them). Do you guys think we should continue in having these in game, and see who REALLY has the skills(points and talent)?
  2. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I'm tellin ya, man; they need to do away with gear, stats, powers and weapons. Challenging battle with nothing but your fists one hit point at a time; all skill. The only fair and balanced solution.
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  3. RapidRay Committed Player

    They are in the game, used tactically and they have been for a LONG time.
    No one is holding a gun to anyone's head demanding they be used. They are optional and don't determine if a player is a "liar".
    Why remove something that is beneficial?

    Some people's kids....
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  4. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    Are you serious? Please tell me this is a bad joke.
    1.) Buff colas don't make you a liar.
    2.) Everyone has some type of access to buff colas so if they don't use it, it's on them.
    3.) They're beneficial. Why would you take them away?
    4.) It's optional. (Ties in with #2)
    5.) If you die, has to be reapplied. (Not permanent)
    6.) Not stackable.

    I really don't understand anyone's reasoning for not wanting buff colas in a game. The only reason I could would be PvP instance. Well, scratch that, a duel. Even then, if it bothers you that much, the "better" person should win if there's a difference in skill. Definitely not unfair. If you have the "Skill" you should win. Unless FOTM is involved.
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  5. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    It makes me better. I log into dc, use a a buff cola, then log out when I have to do things like presentations in school, job interviews etc. I always seem to do better when I get on dc and use a buff cola first.
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  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Buff colas aren't like Raid drops, something random that only those who replay to death stand a chance of getting faster. EVERYONE has just about equal access to Buff Colas (the drop in content, and for the unlucky, there's the broker). The only time they offer an "unfair advantage" is in PvP...and they've been eliminated from Arenas accordingly. So that leaves PvE...no mater how many people chase the scoreboard...IT'S NOT A COMPETITION!!!

    You should be concerned with clearing content, and if Buff colas allow you to hit harder, therefore eliminating enemies faster, you stand a better chance of clearing said content. That's the bottom line. If you think they're too "expensive" to make, then that's your problem. That's not a reason to eliminate them. I can manage to make them...so can you. You choose not to, I shouldn't be penalized for your choices (not just you personally, but anyone who feels that way).
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  7. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    I wish they would make Ultra Soders and Next Soders heal 80-100%. Put them back on the map.
  8. AgentX44 Committed Player

    Then it wouldn't be a superhero game would it. :p The one you described is just a boxing game. :p
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  9. Kill Shot Well-Known Player

    I try to keep a stack of each kind of soda on all my characters.

    Why you ask...

    I don't agree with the kick him and get a better geared person.

    If a someone is struggling because they are lower geared I will open trade and give a few soda for their role.


    Because they need gear to progress just like you did and do.

    They will most likely go get a plan and make their lives easier and other group's lives easier in the future until they get better geared.

    Some may say ohh that's a crutch well that's your opinion. I have better things to do rather than wipe over and over and play the kicking game.

    I myself will be Tanking the New content today with a bulldozer soda active.

    Why make life harder than it needs to be for the healers and myself.
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  10. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    this seems like a scoreboard chaser complaint *scratches head*
    if someone uses a soda and it makes you get through content faster and it makes them feel better about them selves by being higher on the board it is no way effects you or anyone else the score board doesn't matter its just a stroke to peoples already inflated egos but no real consequence
  11. True Despair Well-Known Player

    after reading this i've decided to go and kill myself.
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  12. jedirobb Well-Known Player


    As a rule, I choose not to use them... doesn't seem I need to. The only caveat to that has been a few times in a healer role when tackling something tough like SM to give that little bit of extra help.

    Buff colas aren't doping... there aren't penalties for using performance-enhancing products and everyone has access to them. Sure, just like the good stuff out there, they do cost more than the cheap crap; such is life.
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  13. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Yes, please also remove mods, SP and gear. I mean, does spending 60 marks on a new chest piece really improve YOU or only your characters' stats? You dirty liar.
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  14. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    I use them, and will continue to do so. They make my character stronger, period. If I am getting say a 3% overall boost that can ONLY help my team.
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  15. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Please forgive me for saying this but.....

    CAN I HAVE YOUR STUFF? :) :) :)

  16. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    This is one of the very best posts I have ever seen on the board. You really get what it means to be a good team mate!
  17. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    and may I add a hearty "Yo ! Adrian" :)
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  18. MetalMario Loyal Player

    There's nothing dishonest or unfair about buff soders. They're available to everyone, and if you don't use them then you are not as good as you would be if you used them.
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  19. ChuckLess New Player

    Wow. Just wow. Really really bad post man.

    Those soders do not buff us enough to make them anywhere near as important as you are (poorly) trying to make them.
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  20. True Despair Well-Known Player

    No, My buff colas. MINE
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