Plasma Retch

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by NeoViper723, May 10, 2015.

  1. NeoViper723 New Player

    If plasma retch extends salvage state during my rotation, why is it that after consistent 19-21k hits with DB, as soon as I hit plasma retch to keep the burn/increase damage, the very next DB I hit gives like 3-4k?

    When is it good to use PR? Ranged loadout btw.
  2. TDSK Committed Player

    I'm pretty sure Plasma Retch doesn't extend Savage State, so if you do use it (which I'll get to next) you have to jump cancel it and then with no WM go straight into DB or whatever power that does extend it to keep Savage State going.

    Now on using Plasma Retch, it's not really recommended anymore. Using Galling Eruption clipped with Bloodlust then spamming Dreadful Blast for a Range/Midrange Rotation is much better damage wise. A basic, boring loadout would be this:

    Dreadful Blast, Infuriate, Galling Eruption, Bloodlust, Ferocity, Neo-Venom Boost/Choice. Basically, pop Galling Eruption and clip with Bloodlust then Ferocity, Ferocity second since its buff is shorter, then Spam Dreadful Blast and clip third hit with any other power once they come off of cool down. Not the best loadout, but its easy to do.

    *UPDATE* I was wrong, Plasma Fetch does extend Savage State, but I was still somehow right about how to use it if you do use it (which I still personally don't recommend). You aren't getting the power back and damage for one of two reasons:

    A) You're not jump cancelling (hitting the Jump Button to stop the animation) Plasma Retch and are instead letting the power completely run. If you jump cancel out of the power, you need to hit the next power that increases the duration of Savage State as soon as possible.

    B) You're using a WM combo after letting the animation run out or after Jump-Cancelling. Like I said above, you need to hit the next power asap.

    I hope this helped you fix your problem.
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  3. NeoViper723 New Player

    Thanks for the detailed response.
    I don't even use WM anymore. I always jump cancel and go straight to DB until plasma retch is active again. I just notice that that very next DB that hits is so low in comparison to not using it at all. It is supposed to give a "boost" when the target is burned but I feel its the opposite lol

    Ill try Galling but I feel like I have to get really close for it to be effective, specifically talking about throne. Im assuming Galling should be precision ticks right?

    I'll try the rotation you suggested too. Thanks TDSK
  4. TDSK Committed Player

    No problem, although with the rotation I gave you have some leeway. Neo-Venom isn't required, its just something I went with. I'm experimenting with different loadouts especially now with the in-game combat parser.

    As for Galling, you only need to be in mid-range for that to it so if it's in something like throne, just get it off as far away as you can while still getting the boss (over time it gets easier to tell how far away you have to be). And Precision tics are as far as I know not stronger in most cases, but I can double check on that.

    *UPDATE* Just tested it out. At CR 112 and 8109 Might and 3788 Precision, Galling Eruptions average hit (crits excluded)

    Prec: 169 per tic (avg.)
    Might: 187 (rounded from 186.9) per tic (avg.)
  5. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    The precision version of GE is not as good as the might version and does not warrant use for the extra animation time.

    Unless you just want to use it.
  6. Saybro Committed Player