Suggestion for Mental

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Celestial Thor, May 9, 2015.

  1. Celestial Thor Well-Known Player


    Would it be possible to make Mental's abilities mobile so as to not have us stuck in one spot while dpsing much like fire and ice. Same with Quantum.
  2. Sardik New Player

    According to the Devs Mental and Quantum are advanced PI powersets something like you need to use your power interactions to do your big hit(but there is 0 or almost 0 Pi in those powers mechanics)... So those powersets will never be allowed to move and use powers.
  3. Streven Dedicated Player

    Mental, Quantum, and Gadgets. Who knows why Quantum is allowed to do so well at max range though.

    Gadgets is the one where you really see power interactions.
  4. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    The same reason AM>WM because the easier stuff is the stronger it is. Dev logic
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  5. Ghostof91 New Player

    Tbh, Quantum should hit the hardest because ... see sig.
  6. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    If you jump after each power use you can move wherever. That's what I do and don't have issues with mobility.
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  7. urf01 Well-Known Player

    I was about to post the same thing, I'm jumping all over the place on my mental..i do the same on my gadgets dps
  8. Supersnus New Player

    I got a question about psychic resonance. Why does it usually end before i can throw in a hold and tap range with handblasters? Am i only supposed to spam powers and not being able to throw in a weapon combo?

    I usually do this: psychic resonance > Phantom Flames, Telekinetic Bolt, and Telekinetic Push > mass lev or mass terror. Where can i throw in weapon combo or it doesnt work like that?

    Btw i've only been playing mental for 2 hours, so i welcome all tips and advices :D
  9. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    There are five claifications of advanced mechanics in the game currently.

    Clipping - Light, Rage, Celestial
    Advanced Interactions - Gadgets, Mental, Quantum
    Pets - Earth, Sorcery
    Dot Stacking - Electric, Nature
    Mobile Focused Attacks - Fire, Ice, Munitions

    If you give mobility to mental and and quatum you make an already strong class stronger and you take away something from fire, ice, and munitions.

    I realized long ago they will never put all the cool things you want in one place.

    I think there are places you could add mobility the plauge divine light combo in Celestial is one.

    Mental is extermely friendly with its advanced interaction timing you actually have time to move in between each power cast and keep your AM damage up where as gadgets and quantum is extermely timing specific especially if your trying to squeeze a pre-loaded timie bomb or a supercharge inside of time bomb.

    Could not disagree more with mental and quantum having full mobility unless of course you were willing to give up a huge chunk of damage to obtain it.
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  10. Heart Well-Known Player

    There should be time after Psychic Resonance or after Mass Terror or Mass Levitation. :)
    I wish the times between 3 powers would be more forgiving ! :(
    I havent tried it with weapon combos but so far I've got most damage with menace being 6th power. ;)
  11. Heart Well-Known Player

    Btw, anyone know if Quantum gets might buff with Time Bomb or other ability? If so Mental needs one too !!! :p
    Maybe for Psychic Resonance or Menace ability.
  12. Zeoh New Player

    Mental is fine how it is however in PvP, it is quite OP. I don't know how can Mass terror (while using resonance)
    one shot people and block break. It is no longer fun when getting one shot. I remember this similar problem with Gadgets Emp.
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  13. Cable Committed Player

    I haven't actually been logged into the game for a while now but if your toon has flight as a movement mode it is possible to move pretty significant distances between each move while in the air. I'd imagine it should still work as I don't think they've made any huge changes to the AM since I turned in my chips.
  14. AL Lonso New Player

    I agree. people, mostly mental players, say they're interrupt-able, but the window is so short, by the time you lunge in after breaking out you would have missed the opportunity to interrupt.
  15. urf01 Well-Known Player

    Ughh 4 mentals in HoH...I wish u would all stay quantum