Controllers and Tanks

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by space outlaw, May 8, 2015.

  1. space outlaw Well-Known Player

    Ok why is it that as a tank can Not pull enemies when controllers stun the enemies? As a tank it makes it hard to do the job when the enemies can not be pulled towards the tank and on top of that its even harder to pull them when they are immune from all the stunning done from the controllers.Is there a way to fix this?
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  2. HazelWarriorPrincess New Player

    Yes, let the tank do all the controll effects.
  3. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    I've run with a few trolls who wait until after the adds are pulled to stun them, but they're few and far between. I just get over it and pull what they missed and wait for the stun to wear off.
  4. Delta795 New Player

    Not all stuns are hard or rooting stuns. If the tank and tried work together it easy.
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  5. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Tanks can pull my stuns :)

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  6. lukelucky Devoted Player

    since a controllers job is to help with the controlling effects id disagree. the aswer is stop being bad role players. work together and as a team. the troll knows the tank groups up all the enemies so why would you stun an add b4 the tank gets them? only reason that is ok is if a group member is under attack. troll ccs him tells the tank and at that point one of the two can handle said add till its no longer an issue. 2 dps turn and burn and its gone in moments as opposed to all the headaches we experience.

    if a troll stuns a add then focuses on the tanks pile he can give the tank the time and space to pull the add he 1st stunned. ive done this with troll buddies since year one as fire. the problem is bad players not the design.
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  7. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    One troll told me he does early stuns because he gets nervous and it's just a reaction...Thought that was funny.
  8. David Ivanenko Committed Player

    Stuns on Quantum's Space tree also let the tank pull CCed enemies.
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  9. space outlaw Well-Known Player

    NO that is not what im asking for. Im asking as a tank to be able to pull Eneimes when controllers stun them rather than waste power pulling them when controllers are stunning them and cant be pulled or immune from already being stun from a controller
  10. The Anxient Loyal Player

    As a troll I usually wait until the tank gathers the adds to stun unless things are getting out of hand. If that's the case I'll stun earlier to buy the tank a little time. When tanking I hate it when the adds are spawning 3 or 4 at a time and the troll is hard rooting them as soon as they appear.
  11. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I don't like to stun anything until the tank has it under control. I will if I need to, but grouping npc's up is the Tanks job - not letting that happen is counter productive.
  12. TheDark Devoted Player

    It doesn't need fixing. People just don't know how control effects and immunity works. Players of both roles are sloppy.

    Some tanks are often slow, obsess about having NPCs literally touching their toons body even thought you have about 6 meters of space for damage from AoE powers to register, and/or they don't understand taunting.

    Some controllers are reckless too. But regardless, pot powers, personal regen for power via weapon, debuffs, or just playing as a controller, instead of just standing there, all result in a control effect by default. It cannot be turned off.

    There are a few powers that do not register pull effects to work. Quantum has the popular ones. tach burst and anomaly are commonly used. I think the other is distortion wave. Other controller Powersets have them too. Gadgets has PDart stuns 8 but registers no pull effects to work on the original target.

    Players need to Study their stuns and their effects and understand NPC cc duration, breakout & immunity.