Ares broken again.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Derio, May 6, 2015.

  1. Viktoryos SS Active Player

    If you thing 4 tank method on Aress elite is balanse GO TO HELL
    I am OK with 2-2-2-2 group But not with 3 or 4 tank or troll or heal THATS IT so simple
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  2. Malachyte Devoted Player

    It's the DEVs way of saying sorry for previous God Awful loot drops ....LOL
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  3. DrTyme Well-Known Player

    What about those players that actually don't like playing as dps which I know many that prefer to play one of the support roles
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  4. 1ndab0x176 New Player

    Its my choice to agree. If you "need" clownbox to beat elite, then wait for t7 and come back for the feats. I absolutely agree that if u need that tactic, "you are not ready", and should just do regular throne.
  5. True Despair Well-Known Player

    did people need to pull the ads of the fos 2 ramp? the answer is no, but they did because it was an easier option. Clown box is a legitimate work around a stupid mechanic that the creators put in because they dont know how make things more difficult. Do you know what things like "need" and "not ready" mean? if you can beat tod elite you are ready to to do elite. Not using clown box doesnt get you bonus points or make you a better player. Your choice to agree is irrelevant, you agreeing to everything he says is just your opinion, and your opinion is idiotic.
  6. Cexion New Player

    You would attack him anyway cause of the adds. Unlike the previous exploit that you had to do something out of the normal.
  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Well now you have 1 tank do the essence and adds. The other tank tank Ares. If your group is good enough and has a rage tank, the tank can tank it all and you can just run 5-1-1-1.
  8. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    Is this fixed yet? I want to run Throne in the next few days, but not if it's broken.
  9. Redman_x Well-Known Player

    I'm not saying it's right... but..... for every person you can find that prefers playing a support roll I will find you 15+ people who prefer playing as DPS.
  10. DrTyme Well-Known Player

    You don't need a rage tanking I did it easily as an Earth tank
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  11. Inpent New Player

    The DEVS even said this is legit way to do it.
  12. Ramonater New Player


    just because the devs said its a "legit" way does not mean its legit. They arent gods and just because they say something doesn't mean we have to buy it. Trust me they said its "legit" just because 1) they do not want to spend time to fix it 2) replay badges 3) wont admit their own mistakes. Trust me the people in the community that respect hard work and integrity will look down on those using the clown box because even those it isn't technically "cheating/glitching" its still a very cheap and sleazy way to do it, it takes out the skill and team work required and replaces it with a way to get around all that. To those that want to clownbox it go ahead i will be the last to ask you not to do it however if someone wants to come here and say its "legit/fair" that a bunch of bogus. Dont come with that BS talking about elite is easy when you are clearly exploiting the game to beat it. Until someone posts a full video of them beating it without clown box i will not believe that anyone has "legit" beat elite yet. Stop buying and blindly accepting what the devs say just because the devs said it, common sense and moral integrity says that using this tactic is cheap, lazy and shows complete lack of skill. DGAF what the devs say
  13. Ramonater New Player

    you and that limited thinking lol. So only rage can do it? lol. I am an earth tank and i solo tanked the first part since its broken. form a group, add me and ill show you how someone other than rage can do it lol.

    you guys with the rage obsession are funny lol
  14. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Notice I said good group. If you have a good group you dont need a rage tank. But if you dont have a good group then perhaps you do need a rage tank.
  15. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    I don't know why people are still running elite.
    It is really stupid. Just a waste of time and replay badges.
  16. HazelWarriorPrincess New Player

    What else should they do? Run Gates? Khandaq?
  17. Commander Coral Well-Known Player

    Hey, I don't know if you actually read the post about it not being a glitch but as an Earth tank I would've assumed you understood. I'm an Earth tank and I can use a Supercharge power called Envelop that is an Encasement that is a 35% Supercharge and I think Ice has one too called Hibernate. They didn't "fix" this because in order to "fix" this they would have to adjust Envelop and Hibernate and that would've been worse. It's just now that everyone can buy this Supercharge it's a power that they can use just like a power I've had access to for years. I don't want that changed.
  18. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    Work on feats :rolleyes:
  19. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    Now that's funny. No, here's what actually happened: people swarmed on it. I heard multiple groups of people today bragging about how many times they ran Throne last night, once word got out it was glitched so that the Ares fight was really fast.
  20. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I'll never understand human psychology to the point why people brag about achieving something easy...