Same gear price, not same rewards... WTF?!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WildPegasusrs, May 7, 2015.

  1. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    So since every Tier piece now costs the same regardless of tier, one would think every player should receive the same total amount of marks from completion of their "relevant"™ content available to them, that would make sense but... that is obviously not the case.

    So let's see the total amount of Marks one get per Tier:

    - Tier 1, players receive 65 Marks of Victory (5 from solo content, 10 from duos, 20 from alerts and 30 from raids)
    - Tier 2, players receive 107 Marks of Victory (4 from solo content, 8 from duos, 25 from alerts and 70 from raids)
    - Tier 3, players receive 67 Marks of Victory (4 from solo content, 8 from duos, 25 from alerts and 30 from raids)
    - Tier 4 a.k.a LOL Tier, players receive 52 Marks of Victory (2 from solo content, 10 from alerts and OP, 40 from raids and OP)
    - Tier 5, players receive 69 Marks of Victory (8 from solo content, 6 from duos, 25 from alerts and OP, 30 from raids and OP)
    - Tier 6, players receive 118 Marks of Victory (7 from solo content, 6 from duos, 35 from alerts and OP, 70 from raids and OP)

    On a daily basis without replays it makes:
    T1 = 35 marks
    T2 = 37 marks
    T3 = 37 marks
    T4 = 12 marks (< no problem at aaaaall)
    T5 = 39 marks
    T6 = 48 marks

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm 118 Marks on one side... 52 Marks on the other side.... mmmmmaybe something is wrong somewhere??? Of course this is the case of a lambda player having access to all content.

    Out of the 52 Marks, if you're a villain, you can gamble that you might rarely enter 8 players raid/OP so you can kiss goodbye those 40 marks which leaves you with 12 Marks compared to 48 Marks on T6 every day if you don't count the 8 players raid/OP as well.
    While any other player will able to get a chestpiece in two days without buying replays, the T4 players will get one in a week. Which makes full gear in 2 months time playing on a daily basis, therefore T4 players should know better than buying a useless Legendary membership, Premium will definitely be more worth their money and time spent.

    I wonder how many new players will really bear earning at best 12 marks a day. Not to mention they'll get trashed A LOT before being able to even buy a single piece of their "relevant" gear, probably even making them unable to do their solo content before getting at least one T4 piece. I mean, even if you spam replays you'll basically go insane before being able to buy half your set. This might be a good way to lose many new players and only keep those in T5 and above.

    This definitely needs to be adjusted either in the price of gear or in the reward.
    If T6 players get 118 Marks of Victory out of all the available content for them to purchase then T4 players should also get 118 Marks of Victory from their relevant content if the gear cost the exact same price on both sides.

    Possible solutions:
    1) Add more content to T4 (our example), all the final mentor missions are still not available in solo Challenges for example.
    2) Adjust the reward earned per tier. Like doubling or tripling the amount of marks in T4.
    3) Adjust the price of gear in some tier.
    4) Combine Tiers like T4 and T3, which was basically how players escaped that no-man's land of a Tier (by doing T3 content to earn their marks in between T4 raids reset).
    5) Sell Marks of Victory in the Market, since basically T4 players will need to spam replays like crazy to get out of that hellhole (which they might as well spend in vault tickets), you might as well sell them Marks of Victory in the market, at least villains will keep their sanity from not spending 2h (when lucky) in a queue for which replays serve no purpose since they can't enter in the first place.
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  2. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    In the short term, they could remove the loot lock on the Ace and Strykers daily solos.
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  3. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    Within the Developer Discussion of GU47 the developers acknowledged the lack of content in some Tiers and content size. With the Monthly releases that will follow HoP2 those gaps should be attended little by little.

    My 2 cents.
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  4. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Just nitpicking, but...

    There are no tier 1 raids. The novice raids and expert raids cannot be run separately since they lock players from loot in both versions.
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  5. NightBandit New Player

    It's apparent that the focus is now solely on Replay Badges.

    Think of the Marketplace as quantum's am. Replay Badges= time bomb.
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  6. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    I think that you forgot that is really important is the daily bounty missions in the Tier 4 that will ALWAYS drop a piece of gear that is equal to the vendor gear T4 can be progressed thru by ONLY doing this 2 missions for a week( couple days if you get really lucky with drops). So no i see no issue with the lack of marks given in T4 for progression factors only. No other tier gives DAILY rewards equal to the vendor gear of that tier.
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  7. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Grundy drops an additional quest that give you a mark. Obot and Mbot are also there. I'm not sure but I believe the quest from Zatanna with the cultists is also a below-t5-quest. That'd be 15-16 Marks per day. Sure that is still only half of what we get in other tiers but I really don't like the idea of being vendor-equipped in a couple of days.

    Btw why do Tier 2 players get 70 Marks from raids? Khan, BC1-3 are 40 for me. Are there new TIer 2 raids I overlooked?
  8. Astral Lantern Well-Known Player

    Little by Little?....what a joke.......they literally took content away from players.....and now acknowledge there's an Issue?
    They either saw the Issue and ignored it.....or are totally blind to what they are doing...either way.....T4 customers are getting the hose and being asked to "Please Wait".....or pay 1000's of replays to escape the dead zone while being restricted to almost no content.

    The tiers should have been balanced as far as marks go prior to this update...once lack of foresight by this Dev team.

    Increase the marks rewarded within the T4 would be a much faster fix then waiting months for this team to get on it.
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  9. AndiKrist Well-Known Player

    Zatanna daily is t5.
  10. Davis New Player

    Agreed a lot of this update was so that people replay the same content over and over, im not gonna argue with that strategy, there are those who will buy those replay badges, but at least they wont be getting it from me.
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  11. Minnion Devoted Player

    Wait... So ignoring the lack of mark rewards for a second, you are saying that there is content we can't run at all anymore? OR are you saying that some premium players have completely lost access to the DLCs they have already paid for?

    Or, is it just this:
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  12. Astral Lantern Well-Known Player

    Yep.....go ahead and ignore the main part of the post that T4 is mark limited and forces the use of replays to escape it....and the devs let it happen when they were already well aware of the issue.....then stated they had no intention of dealing with it anytime soon.
    Ignore that any player in T4 is stuck there FORCED to use replays....or wait till whenever/forever when this team gets on it.

    12 marks a day without replays and you don't see an issue with that....but hey....what do you care....your probably not affected by it....and I'm not as well.....i just see an entire segment of players being spit on and ZERO consideration by this team until the public outcry got loud....and even'll take them months to fix it.

    The games population is already at an all time low....lack of foresight and consideration from this dev team isn't going to hold onto customers.

    I'd like the entire population to be treated fairly and with respect by the people they are paying to play the damn i asking to much? should not have to be asked for.
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  13. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    If the developers primary focus is endgame content, then why even have missions "mark locked" for (at least) the first two tiers?

    Bottom Line: If they want players to get to end game content "quickly", then why way make it so cumbersome for early tiers?
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  14. Circe New Player

    This (as well as T4 alerts and over being a lot harder for characters at level) really rubbed me the wrong way. So far, not having a great time at T4 on my T4 alts. I just want to earn Marks on these characters really, but they don't give me much means to. Like T6 where there's so many instances to play and so many opportunities for Marks.
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  15. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    For that you shouldn't be killed in few hits, a fresh T4 can't solo it, if you ask higher cr there are even chances it won't even get validated for you (it happened with Raven bounty) and if you're looking for other players your tier to do it it's back to my point for T4 8 man OP (at least villain side).
  16. Ranger Silver 6 Active Player

    Somewhat related issue: I just checked in game and all tiers have different mark costs. Has this already been noted?
  17. Trexlight Devoted Player

    The Developers have already acknowledged the lack of content in T4. Also remember there are Solos in there as well. Spytle has already said before they will look into "adding" more content to some degree to T4. What that is, he didnt say. We'll find out more down the road. Honestly though, with the gear that drops from those instances and the solos, you may not be in T4 that long.
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  18. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    Yup, that makes a total of 2 marks for both solo. Gears only drop after the 5th mission. Would you reset 5 times a content just to finally get some loot once?

    As for other drops in instances I don't think I have to remind you that T4 doesn't have Unattuned gear (except for the 5th mission in solo), so you're still stuck with lots of gear not made for you.
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  19. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    from what I remember leveling gotham wastelands dailies "special missions" awarded gear that was not below vendor. The only dailies that award crap gear are past these tiers, like gotham under siege, that awards gear that is worse then what you're already wearing or can buy from the lower tier.
  20. metalfenix Committed Player

    T4 is the red headed stepchildren of the tiers, and T3, with its all over the place difficulty on alerts and raids, is the drunken uncle that comes late to the tier family party.
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