What the hell is going on?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rigbuckets, May 6, 2015.

  1. Rigbuckets New Player

    I'm doing alerts that should be below my tier, the south gotham courthouse and all the rest. But for some reason, I'm taking 1-2k per hit from basic mobs. I'm getting knocked out in four hits from trash mobs. I have 8285 defense, and my cr is 71.
    What's going on?
  2. ChuckLess New Player

    So, they are "flattening" you? Lol!
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  3. Rigbuckets New Player

    I suppose you could put it like that! GU47 doesn't seem to be my friend at the moment. Seems my basic weapon combos are doing more damage than my AM, but that might just be me.
  4. Zygar Cthulhukin Well-Known Player

    Someone no readie patch notes or forums for last 2 months?
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  5. Derio 15000 Post Club

    You are only 1 tier above the content. And barely that. 71 compared to 60 is very minimal. So they should still pose a threat to you. You wont steam roll them until your CR is at least 80-85 range.
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  6. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    It seems very uneven.

    Some missions are a walk in the park.... and some mission of the same level are freekin tough.

    So it seems very uneven.

    Or is it still bugged??

    Or do they still have some tweaking to do???

    Guess we will have to wait and see.

    So far.... it does not seem too bad...... but it does seem uneven??
    Although it is still too early to tell....barely tried a couple of missions.... and sadly I have some work to do. ;)
    So I might try it more tomorrow.
  7. Rigbuckets New Player

    I did read the patch notes, but I didn't see anything that said I'd be getting destroyed in alerts that are lower than the current tier that the game says I should be doing. I didn't realise this would mean I'd be getting four hit by trash mobs, is all.
    "when fighting against non-player enemies with a Combat Rating higher than your Equipped Combat Rating, you will inflict less damage and take more damage. When your Equipped Combat Rating is higher, you will start inflicting more damage and taking less"
  8. Rigbuckets New Player

    I never thought it would be a stroll through the park, but it's definitely harder than I remember it being. Instead it's like I'm being steamrolled by it. Can't imagine what it's like for the people who actually have the cr that's recommended for the instance.
  9. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Did you have a tank in the group who wasn't tanking?
  10. Rigbuckets New Player

    I don't recall that there even was a tank, actually. So the role-less buff should have applied there.
  11. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    The stat flattening change seems to be an incentive for more people to run with a balanced group. Good leagues or groups of friends may be able to run any format they want, but random PUGs might be safer doing balanced groups for content within 1-2 tiers.
  12. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Roleless buff isnt gonna save yer bacon alone. Mostly there to aid with the block healing mechanic.
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  13. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    Are you in a group? What role are you playing?

    The change in this update makes content 'relevant' for long (i.e. more challenging for more CR levels). At 1 tier above the content it should be easier than running at level, but if you are in a group of people all at the level of the content and you are the only one above it then that could pose more of a challenge.
  14. Davis New Player

    Flattening by any other name.
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  15. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    And the this weeks winner of the Forum 'Snappy Retort Award' goes to.... :D
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  16. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    Relevance for me would be if I receive something to be doing! But getting beaten is not and never will be relevant to me! I'm not a masochist ...o_O
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  17. Sbel Devoted Player

    'relevant' but not actually relevant, since it won't drop marks anyway.
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  18. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    Hey forum mods, pls send me a msg next time you delete my post. SOE had the courtesy to do that, at least then I know what was not correct with my post. Check my sig I'm a moderator on other major forums and that was disrespectful to say the least, nothing I said violated the terms of service that I know of, not one thing if so please clarify so I know.

  19. metalfenix Committed Player

    Just watch the CR of the npc, every T3 alert npc is CR 80, WAY OFF the CR window of 56-69. This MUST BE a bug.I spent 1 hour on both Strykers and LOA today.
  20. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    I feel like this gu was not thought through, it took all role playing capability from us. So now in lower instances the adds lvl more to us, in comic book lore a lower level villain like Kalibak could never be the equal to his father Darkseid - since new episodes are based on that same lore I feel like the fact that some heroes are stronger than others, same with villains. So if we take this into consideration, and we now know that based on the comics we've been reading for decades that certain things are that way for a reason and not all heroes and villains are created equal.

    1) Two-Face is a decent opponent for lets say Batman but how often do we see him against Superman? I don't recall it, ever. Needless to say Supes would level two-face in a few seconds. For Batman it depends on the scenario.
    2) Kalibak is the son of Darkseid, in all comics we see and know Darkseid to be stronger, the same should be said of in-game npc's. If I go to a lower instance or for example Prime Battleground the adds should not be harder to fight than before - I surpassed the prime battleground long ago - the fact that we can continually replay a mission means nothing to the story. If Superman destroys a villain compound/base in the comics we do not see him in the next issue "replaying" it so to me the enemies died once no matter how the game is designed, they should have never "leveled" with me.

    What do we want? We want new content, not what seems like band-aid patches since no one could ever figure out a way to fix clipping, instead we received WM that then ruined pvp and required an update that took much of pvp mechanics and strategy out and dummied down the game so much that they called it "balancing". No sir I grinded my butt off for those marks and that gear, now you tell me when I fight someone with my hard earned gear they simply get easy mode? How was that fair, to them only? <-- That was then, this is now and now is not much better when we've worked hard for our gear only to go into a slightly lower tier and be torn apart by adds? Holding block 24/7 is the new fix and no need for fortified blocking?

    I just don't see how much of this was thought out, I'm not saying you failed directly I'm saying to me it feels like you failed, to many others it does as well and to those who don't know and simply assume it seems solid and favorable to which I say, you're not looking at the bigger picture that I and many others feel you should be. First we saw band-aids and new wm then advanced mechanics to attempt to fix a system they should have never "broke" (again imo).

    I've been told and noticed myself that some content and missions were taking much longer due to the changes, seen a few say they love the changes so far and good for you just not me lol - why? Well I and quite a few others have whats called a job, and umm we have so much time per day to spend in-game. Now what say you to my thoughts on this - Why buy replays to run one mission in an hour that used to take 15mins? Knowing full well that before you could have bought (and DB make more $) replays and simply spent 45mins replaying three times that day to get the marks you need to do what you needed to do then log? To me it seems as if less replays will be bought, especially since it now takes longer to run content than before and isn't the point of keeping the servers online, the same point which is making money to do so? I eblieve that part of the equation was not thought through - maybe someone went "Ziiiing I've got it, lets let them sell or reset their friends, everyone has a friend with big pockets" and that seemed like a good idea - everything seems like a good idea until you ruin something with it sadly.

    I don't need a reply, just want the devs and upper management to read this and realize its more than just a few factors here and that there needs to imo be a dedicated testing team and not reply on the feedback on the forums alone via the few testers who actually care to comment - I care but don't have time to test which bring us back to my statement regarding buying less replays above - I can help test but then I'm running less content and in-turn you're receiving less money from me since I'm not buying replays due to either now testing and providing constructive feedback or spending money on replays to do what I need to do in that 45mins ohh wait, now its taking over 3hrs to run the same content so now back to my comment about less replays being purchased see how all this is going full-circle?