Ranking powers for dps

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by HellsGate, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. NoWorries121 Well-Known Player

    1. Quantum
    2. Munitions(im not counting Biggun SC on scoreboard)
    3. Celestial
  2. NoWorries121 Well-Known Player

    and honestly gadgets does some really good damage as well. its underestimated.
  3. generalzod Committed Player

    Correct !!!!!
    After GU 47
    1. Celestial, Munitions, and Quantum ,Earth ,Sorcery
    2. Ice, Gadgets HL, Nature, Electric and Rage
    4. Everything else
  4. Inpent New Player

    way off
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  5. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    While quantum is very good it can be beat by a few powers in some situations. Every power has its strengths and weeknesses.
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  6. KDICHU Well-Known Player

    im electric id know man, every 114 quantum I beat when adds are close so your way off
  7. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    • Like x 5
  8. Supersnus New Player

    Some more rankings and pros n cons, please :)
  9. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    lmao people think biggun does a million damage STILL :confused:

    this has been said by a dev already:

    if a add has 20k biggun will hit for 800k (for example) BUT only the 20k will make the scoreboard NOT the 800k, so for all you people that think the 1mil hits make the scoreboard and think that makes munition sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo OP, enough its not.

    Before you build a SC I will of killed that chump add JS
  10. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    This is why Splosion is better over BigGun. However, when add has full health, BigGun can take out quite a few if positioned correctly.

    In LAB I cleared out the adds any times on the last boss allowing the Quantum players to focus on the boss. Knowning when to use BG and how to position it is very important.

    Since I'm not a scoreboard chaser I prefer my normal rotation with BG as a way to ensure quick kills for the adds.
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  11. BETTA New Player

    el electrico!? la verdad como dps es bastante deficiente ya que cuenta con error que es no suma adecuadamente las estadisticas de daños en la interelacion entre poderes. creeme soy electrico desde que salio y aun hoy en dia busco una combinacion de poderes que compita con otros como el linternaverde o ultimamente el cuantico y no hay manera que un cr menor tenga tips dedaño mas alto que un electrico que le doble en puntos de habilidad y cr. es mi experiencia con el electrico.
  12. Xibo Loyal Player

    1. Munitions, 2. Rage, 3. Quantum, 4. Celestial, 5. Electric
  13. YinChakra Dedicated Player


    Top Dps powers atm.
  14. UnlckEusps New Player

    Thats funny lol
  15. ACW37162 Loyal Player

  16. Glacier Extreme Well-Known Player

    Gotta strongly disagree... ice is nowhere near nature, electric, rage, or hl...even on a good day!
  17. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Agreed, I love fire and fire tank and no matter what power is op, I'll stick with it and fire is really not the power that suck the most, AM yes but WM I'll follow with everyone. It all depends on how the players know and use their powers.
  18. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    We all can speculate but with the built in Combat analyzer we can now see how effective we really are or are not...