Legend PVE Raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mr BeefCakesss, May 2, 2015.

  1. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    Make it happen devs! My body is ready to see this.
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  2. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    I agree. Put some really cool base items in them as well.
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  3. LightSp33d Well-Known Player

    Honestly, I would love this idea. Usually I prefer raids over alerts and duos so having a PvE legends raid would be amazing.
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  4. space outlaw Well-Known Player

    omg I can just picture a legend pve raid doing prime battleground

    I hope the team will know how to roll and hold block to get health because if not its going to be a long mission
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  5. just an honest dps New Player

    it's hard enough getting a group for a legends alert so no thanks
  6. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    Count me out of it.

    No roles, no control of the loadout, among many other reasons that I got to not like Legends.

    If they made them I'm not planning on playing them.

    My 2 cents.
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  7. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    No it's not. Just because YOU can't find a group doesn't mean we should all suffer.
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  8. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    Felt like Smallville was lacking health/power gen this time around but I agree. They would have to put everyone 1 tier above just to keep it from being a blood bath.
  9. Van_Gho Committed Player

    I would watch the hell out of pug runs on youtube if this ever happened
  10. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    No! Jesus god no!


    I love DCUO so, no more legends PVE instances. None. I want absolutely no more development time wasted on these things, particularly with instances that have actual mechanics. Alerts are annoying enough, especially because we can't ever do them faster, we can't overgear them and players stink. Legends PVE instances are nothing but tedious and boring. Everybody is a DPS and without roles, most instances are ungodly boring.

    People can't handle LPVE Area 51. If, hypothetically, LPVE FOS 2 came out nobody would ever get it done. Like I said, I want zero development time dedicated to these atrocious instances in the future.
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  11. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    Rehash stuff for LPVE or rehash stuff for "new" dlc?

    All looks the same to me.
  12. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    That's YOUR opinion. Some of us LOVE legends and would LOVE to see more LPVE content. Including raids. If they're boring and tedious TO YOU. Then don't do them. It doesn't mean they shouldn't get us a raid ASAP
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  13. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    The DLCs are almost entirely new? I'm missing something there. New character models, new mechanics, new instances, new gear, etc.

    Legends PVE are rehashed instances where we get nothing of relevance for completing them besides 10 point feats that lead to SP that are largely irrelevant after 130 or so.
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  14. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    So...You don't play this game just for fun ? Only to "get something of relevance" ?
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  15. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    So you want the developers to waste development time on rehashed instances using characters that don't have roles and don't aid in progression? Oooookay.

    Me and the 204 (JUST ON THE FORUMS!) people who despise these instances know that these things are a waste of time and resources unless they make several major changes to them. (https://forums.station.sony.com/dcu...t-you-took-a-great-idea-and-ruined-it.247655/)
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  16. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Yup, all 2 minutes of that wait...

    Never had any issue trying too do or get into this alert or the others for that matter!

  17. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    Ummm the new duo in the next dlc is in our league hall.....again. Not everything is new like it should be in this game when we get a dlc.

    It's something to do in the down time when we have nothing else to do. After this next dlc it's another 3-4 months until the new content structure plan and that's just sad. People will be in this forum crying about there's nothing to do or playing ESO full time since it requires no subscription.
  18. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I play for fun. Getting things that are relevant to me, is as fun as playing the content.

    THIS content is not fun. It is nothing but button mashing through instances I have run hundreds of times before as legends characters that don't have roles, nor the ability to progress, meaning I can never run the instances faster or better then I do today. If they had roles and I got something of value for doing it, it might be a different story, but they don't and the content is boring, tedious and a chore as a result.
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  19. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Okay...that's one instance out of 6. What is wrong with them putting new content in existing instances, so long as they don't rehash the entire thing?

    I agree that we need stuff to do in our down time between DLCs, but I would rather them not spend a second more development time on Legends PVE anything, unless they do an overhaul of it and make it interesting.
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  20. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    Erm...Did you even read that thread....? A lot of it is about the general feats..Which I agree should be lowered. Other then that. What's wrong with the instances ? Level 90 seems to be a happy medium that they're putting the alerts at. They're not hard at all..The objectives ? Try running regular smallville. The scientists and clones are halved in the LPVE version..They are listening to our advice. Smallville is FAR from boring. Trigon is next and a great alert. What more do you want ? I
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