What happens at after the end of Dcuo? possibly the works of Dcuo 2?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lord Jareth, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    it could be a possible work" but before i start on that.

    i wanna know What do you think is gonna happen after the end of Dcuo?

    one of my league mates pointed out they could go ahead and start trying to develop Dcuo 2
    you know while they still got time With different game engine Different style different gameplay
    different mentors and other stuff"

    what are yall's idea's what do you think will happen after the end of Dcuo?
  2. Leveilleur Well-Known Player

    Once this game finally dies I believe they may get put to work on another one of daybreak's existing games or get started on a new mmo. Me personally after dcuo one and all the bad decisions that have been made I do not want a dcuo2
  3. Minnion Devoted Player

    So you'd rather have no DCUO at all than to have someone make a sequel? Me I think if they made a sequel it would be a good opportunity to learn from the mistakes and take notes about what people actually liked and wanted more of in the game...
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  4. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    In my opinion, you'll see a true Marvel MMO before you would see DCUO 2 (which I doubt would happen at all).
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  5. Leveilleur Well-Known Player

    If they do end up making it anyway I won't jump ship and play right away. I'd probably play beta and then wait a year. That is only if they had learned from their mistakes.
  6. Biester New Player

    If DCUO stops, it will probably be from a lack of enough income to support the game. Seeing this, what company would invest in making a second one? But then again, who knows?

    I would rather see a superhero mmo that isn't tied to the DC or Marvel franchise that way there would be no limitations (except for copyright limitations). Yea it's cool to see the iconic supers but they're so poorly implemented that most of the time they just get in the way. The only time I ever got excited from fighting next to an iconic hero was on the Brainiac ship when SM showed up and actually helped. Everytime after that, I realized that the iconics are scrubs and are there for visual reasons as they do nothing to help (in a few instances they will act as a tank).
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  7. toast Well-Known Player

    I hope to hell they are not making a sequel. i would rather WB/DC have WB games take over and make a completely unrelated mmo. but as someone stated above we are more likely to see disney/marvel come out with an inhumans mmo because of what DICE, a disney company, is doing with star wars and the frostbite engine.
  8. Revoemag Committed Player

    Rebuild dcuo with all that had been learnt along the way. Build it with the intention its a mmorpg.

    This game had so much that others don't do as well.

    I just youtubed elder scrolls online, that looks boring , no way I want to be a elf.
  9. Red Templar Dedicated Player

    All the heroes and villains go out for punch and pie.........
  10. Lionxoft Committed Player

    Star Wars MMO built on an expanded DCUO style combat. SWTOR should have had similar combat and it's a total bummer that game sucks as much as it does lol.

    I'd take Batman Universe Online though because the chances of me having to play through Wonder Woman content in order to progress are slim. ;) Honestly, I'd love to see a DCUO 2 that isn't shackled by potatoes at the very least but DCUO in it's current form isn't completely bad.
  11. Lionxoft Committed Player

    I played ESO for about 8 months while it was sub only and that game does quite a bit right but I can't say that anymore since it's b2p transition. They haven't added content in nearly 6 months and the word is they won't get anything new until after summer meaning they would have received a 4 man dungeon in the last near 12 months lol.

    DCUO is by far the superior title but ESO used to not be bad. ESO's cash shop ruined that game. They nerfed the game to incentivise in-game item purchases. They make DCUO's marketplace look tame and since the PvP lockouts were removed the MP for DCUO is absolute fantastic. Sure, it could use some better styles etc but it's better than selling power.
  12. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    It's extremely unlikely to happen any time soon with 2 games in development at DBG as we speak. There will come a point though where this game is even more primitive than it is right now and it won't have a large enough player base to support it. We're several years away from this though.

    Factors which will determine whether or not DCUO2 happens will be if DCUO is generating enough revenue to justify it's creation and there is a need to move to a new engine.

    If the current planed DC Cinematic Universe pans out and is successful (I reckon it will be, too), then DC will be probably hotter than it's ever been. Meaning there will always be intrigue and a market for the game and current plans for the film franchise extend to 2020, where todays mind-blowing technology will feel primitive so this may warrant a sequel.

    It depends on whether or not DBG can turn the business around and whether or not DC will be hot enough when the game becomes too restricted, based on it's engine, to grow.
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  13. Riggs Well-Known Player


    Costumes, consumables, mounts and pets. No idea where you got your information from that they "nerfed the game" to make the Crown store necessary.
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  14. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    There will always be another game. I bet DCUO wasn't your first game, and it won't be the last one. Besides, I really doubt DCUO 2 is ever gonna happen considering the success in overall terms of the current DCUO, it won't be viable.
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  15. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    I would also like a dcuo 2. With enhanced graphics and real hero and villain content. Also allow players to customize there own styles. No more mentors.
  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    actually its the other way around, this game is severely lacking in content. Final Fantasy 14 has far more content for less on a 12.99 subscription fee then legendary on a $15 dollar subscription fee that does nothing to enhance gameplay but give you less hoops to jump through
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  17. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Depends how you look at it, PvE wise then yes. The PvP in that game is abysmally awful however.
  18. ErnieB Loyal Player

    why do people think this game will end, only to get a sequel, it makes no sense. This is an MMO, they can just keep evolving the same game over and over, there's no need to shut it down, just to make another one.
  19. theswoosh Well-Known Player

    never ever going to happen....dcuo lists around 50k end game players worldwide...lets just double that to 100k and even then its NOTHING in terms of mmo community....from those 100k end game players there are most likely a bulk of premium players (meaning out of the 100k players there is only a certain % of them actually giving a steady cash flow) .and by players i mean characters not acounts... to be anywhere near a succesfull mmo you need to be in the million number mark....if they can hit 1mil actual individual accounts actively playing AND paying...then we would be on a whole other playingfield...but as it stands now there wont be any smart investor investing in a dcuo 2...dcuo already has a bad name/reputation and developing a new dcuo on a new engine is not cheap....
  20. JReel New Player

    I doubt there will ever be a DCUO. They messed up so much on the development and progression on this game that we don't even know if it will be in existence a few years from now. Meanwhile, ESO has come out on PC and did everything DCUO failed or neglected to do. Once it hits consoles, DCUO will fade away slowly if things don't change for the better. I find it hilarious how the developers are scrambling to fix everything now. But it may be too late. The past cannot be undone and the constant spit in our faces for so many years has led to many abandoning this game. At this juncture, I would rather Marvel develop a true MMO (not that Marvel Hero's garbage on PC).
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