Man or Machine Style Feat Bugged!

Discussion in 'PC Account Support' started by Xemphiz, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Xemphiz New Player

    i dont get Man or Machine style feat. but i already got the Shielded Robot Hand Style. I got the hand style from spark ion drop n other one from assist lantern on downtown metropolis. Please fix it ASAP!
  2. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Check if the style counted in the feat tab (marked with that yellow-orange square). There is a generic bug that sometimes hinders style updates when equipping a new style. Usually that one can be worked around by equipping, checking if it updated and if not: leave the item equipped and log out and back in. This bug is around since.... at least 2012 and yet not addressed....
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  3. TSR-AlexS Customer Service

    Please be sure to also submit in a bug report so the dev's can look into this further.