Healers teach this Troll something

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GalaxySniper, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. LightSp33d Well-Known Player

    As a healer, my power usage really is based on the group. If it's a good group of players that know how to avoid some damage I can easily keep the group healed at 100% with like 80-90% power bar. However if it's a bad group, (e.g. Bad tank, Melee dps, people not blocking when needed) Then my power bar will occasionally dip below 40% because I'm constantly healing to stop group members from dying.
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  2. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Battery Trolls dont help the issue honestly. Those stuns actually help manage a group's power resulting in less heals needed.

    If healers are struggling to heal Fire/Earth they just dont know how their mechanics work.
    Fire is made for a healer to heal. Earth straight up mitigates. H.o.T and timed bursts are all they need.
    Shields dont help fire unless you are a Celestial Healer with Consecrated Ground.
    Rage... eh.. easy mode healing. You are only filler heals with them. In a crowd of adds just font worry about them until they call out rage crash then you do your normal job.

    Also the reason why healers heal so much is because of the constant dps spam your healing mentality.
    It forces them to spam because they little to no survivability then the dps cry and say why you never heal me and the healers were healing the whole time.

    That said.. I dont use much power when I heal.
    I've healed without a troll with power to spare
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  3. Kill Shot Well-Known Player

    Lots of possibilities...

    Spamming for no reason.

    Tanks that are not very good at preventing damage or Rage tank health buffed high and spamming to fill it.

    Dps that stay close range.

    Dps AM is a problem for trolls sometimes, especially if you have a few Quantum in the group. Its because there power bar fluctuates below the tank and healers blue bar so often your power is constantly going to the dps.

    Lack of SP = Low power reserve stat and resto stat/ Crit
  4. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    Healers who drop to zero power and stay there throw me off my game when i'm controlling. i just don't get it and this is coming from someone who loves healing as well. Either they're doing it wrong or are trying to dps with thier powers.

    on the other hand sometimes you need to heal everyone just as soon as they take a little damage. if something hits you for 30% of your health bar and the follow up attack will knock off 75% of your health you'll be knocked out if i don't heal that 30% before the second attack. Healing over time is nice but its unpredictable. you might instantly get back a lot of health from it, you might not. i'd rather be safe than having to worry about picking up downed group mates.

    as a rule of thumb i've always let solo support roles have free reign where power management is concerned...but now that controllers are being asked to solo as well i'm seeing a lot of healers and tanks who got used to have a steadier flow of power when running with two controllers. they just have to get used to it or wait and see if gu47 forces everyone to run with two trolls and healers to make up for stat clamping/whatever theyre doing.

    the best way to learn how your healing powers work is running instances without a controller. just focus on healing, seeing how your healing over time works, how it combines with burst healing. try to use as little power and powers as possible. it'll do the trick.
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  5. DrTyme Well-Known Player

    While Earth tanks mitigate damage only gem stone shield is a 100% mitigation. Which means they are always taking damage so the more hitting them the harder they are getting hit. Waiting for the counter or a safe time to leave block can cause extra damage which means they need constant heals to keep their health up. While what would 1 shot anyone else only hits them for 10% if they aren't healed soon they die. Fire tanks don't get the mitigation but heal themselves so they're taking massive damage all the time. Very few fire tanks are able to heal themselves enough without constant heals.
    After gu47 all this will all change with enemies not ignoring defense it'll reduce damage they take so done right will need less spam heals
  6. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    What I find is interesting is that I see many Nature healers not using Bug Form and spamming powers. Many do not use Hive Mind outside of Bug Form. With this you have fast power burning healers that is hurting the group in multiple ways. First, troll is spending more time trying to power up the healer, second, not using Hive Mind reduces damaage out by Might based powers. Going to Bug Form with Hive Mind makes it easier on trolls due to you having Hive Mind that helps both DPS and trolls out.

    As for other powersets, finding a loadout that uses minimumal power and providing good healing takes time. One league mates that is electric has finally found a good lower power using loadout that heals really well. I have a sorcery healer in the league that has 3 loadouts for his healer side that rotates between low, mid and high power usage and he changes between them based on required healing and trolls in the group.

    Now if you talk about tanks burning through power, sorry man, I didn't mean to burn through power so fast. That is on me.
  7. Van_Gho Committed Player

    This is where I used to get in trouble, hell I feel like this is where everybody gets into trouble
  8. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    I actually know a nature healer who uses Hive mind and bug form and still has power issues... She's one of those passive aggressive types, and also isn't receptive to help unless you wanna make her mad.

    I think a lot of these spammy healers would do well by

    -predicting damage
    -as you predict knowing what heals to use
    -knowing your healing loadout(what powers clip and how much each power heals)
    -having a shield in your -
    -also depending on the power, it will help if you understand your power. Celestial being about line of sight, and electric both that and proximity. Sorcery both line of sight and placement mostly. I say this is because I've found myself using more power when I'm trying to heal a guy out of sight or out of range. You'd be surprised of the tiniest of elevations can block your line of sight. So that just boils down to knowing where you are standing, and knowing where everyone else is.

    Those five things I think would help a lot.
    Having a routine down makes it easier (having a routine always makes things easier in general. When you have routine it's less to think about. Which equals less panic)

    After you get so good at healing it's really easy to spot discrepancies in the group. So after healers get the above mastered you can usually see if the tank is doing his job or a dps (who may benefit from close range) getting too close.
  9. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    there are so many healers that don't know what their powers do. I've seen a Celestial healer start a boss fight by casting Divine Light. So many as a result spam powers for this reason and the never use their weapon because they can't catch up. It's a vicious circle.
  10. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    This is actually not healers panicking it's groups panicking.

    Like, our groups together queuing for throne elite with like 4 of the 6 people on mic discussing how rage tanking works, and how adds give rage tanks more health.

    Mid elite ares fight as the rage tank is trying to shift adds around.'SPAM HEALS, OMG SAVE THE TANK, SPAM HEALS'.
  11. siressarchangel Dedicated Player

    Yeah I get yelled at when a rage tanks health goes down to a certain amount (when I pug into groups)...I'm like the rage tank has 100k health...he's fine.
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  12. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    Sometimes it's not healers spamming.
    It's an entire group.

    Expecting power efficient solo healing WITH solo trolling in somewhere like throne, where you have dps in back getting hit by not yet aggroed adds along with a tank being hit by ares/hades/etc and a defenseless dps shaded dps being hurt, it just kinda shows a misunderstanding of actually healing.

    If it gets that bad a great work-around is having a troll powerset have their shield, power supercharge on their loadout. Regardless of how geared a troll, power out sort of has limits.

    Some healers use lots of power, some use none. When healing I can manage my power based on soda timer (nature) unless people are just going nuts and getting hit all over the place.
    As long as people are alive I'm like hey whatever.

    I've yet to see these constantly empty healers though. Lucky me I guess.
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  13. siressarchangel Dedicated Player

    Yeah I don't see them either, but that's usually because I'm the one healing lol
  14. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    That's usually not the case for me.
    I hate rage tanks. Yes they are usually fine, but I've had too many bad rage tanks.

    One example, is when I was healing throne, a rage tank was tanking the adds. He'd be ok mostly, but then sometimes his health would be so huge I couldn't make a dent yet the adds hitting him were causing that health to go down continually. It was like he was getting his health buff, but he wasn't getting his heals back from relentless anger/sever punishment. I tried healing him, but my heals did nothing to save his life. Then they blamed me of course... Later they apologized but still. I think the issue was just what I said it was. The rage tank had his health buff but didn't use his rage mode power. That's really all I know to explain it.

    That wasn't the first time that happened either. It's happened elsewhere. So when I see a rage tank, and I'm watching my heals only bring him up a tiny bit im thinking to myself and hoping that rage tank doesn't do to me what others have prior.

    It hasnt happened recently fortunately but I have this fear of that happening. So what I try to do now is just pay attention to his health. If it suddenly drops I know he rage crashed but if it's continually dropping but still going up (even a little) there is no need to worry. If he suddenly dies, that's not my fault. He rage crashed.
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  15. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    I find shields help a bit.

    Pop a shield before you guys head into anything a few times. I do this to give me a picture of how things will be with my own power management and I switch it up from there. The shield is not promixity based.
    notice it goes to the same 4 people. Those are the ones you keep an eye out for because they have the lowest health in the group. If you can rotate heals and shields to the T, go on wit ya bad self.
    anyway, if your powers have a knockout heal effect, use them. That extra h.o.t. and burst really help.
    Of course, Im only speaking the tense of raids.
    In alerts when healing without a controller, It's absolutely a huge help. Especially your Supercharge shields that give health and power.
  16. siressarchangel Dedicated Player

    I actually don't use a shield as nature in raids. Never really needed it. I find that swarm shield just takes up a space for a power that I use more often and is worth more. But that's just how I run at least with nature. As celestial I always had my shield as a healer, same with Sorcery.
  17. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Same here :D though I typically only use Shield SC's to replenish the controller or give them some more freedom.
    But yeah! It's not needed. Even with Celestial Sorc and Electric.
    For me is a measure of what Im in for with a pug and I adjust from there.
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  18. siressarchangel Dedicated Player

    Yeah I try not to pug if I don't have to. Usually i'm running with league, but sometimes you just don't have a choice and you have to bite the bullet.
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  19. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    For me personally, depends on whose tanking/ if the group if trying to fend off adds. In throne, if the tank's health goes down, im gonna spam heals, it's a habit. As a rage tank, I will usually tell the healer to heal me if i know im going to crash. A lot of rage tanks crash in throne and i know once you crash, you have to immediate heal the tank if they werent blocking during that 7-8 seconds. But other than the tank, I only throw out a savage growth or metabolism here and there. Those heal the group in 3-5 secs.
  20. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    I constantly have to rearrange my loadout depending on the group. Some raids I need the sc, some i dont.
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