We should be excited about the new dlc but we are not

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Davis, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    For quantum's big #; always confirm in combat log. Sometimes the way # pops on screen a 20,000 partially covering left of a 10,000 makes it look like 200k.
    Not saying ppl aren't getting the big #, just saying some have been mislead by the way the yellow # fly.
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  2. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    i have to wait to take it all in. there are things i like, things that worry me. going to be interesting to see how it all plays out. i'm only half paying attention to whats going on.

    do we think the changes might cause things to go back to running groups of 2's?

    i think were currently burnt out on end game content. might be interesting to see the lower raids get some challenge back..but this would only last a couple of weeks til that got old again...

    overall i'm disappointed in the games direction the past few months. the new content looks and has been great but they seem to be homogenizing us to such a degree that theres very little individuality especially if you want to run the hardest content. 1 troll-nature healer- (rage)tank and 4 quantum or munitions dps unless its thrones elite where you need four strong tanks.

    theres a lot of that going around.

    hate getting painted into corners.
  3. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

    Yeah I don't trust fly text especially if the hit was used to ko something. I always look at the combat log.
  4. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    Why did you guys change the rewards system in the New Genesis Open World Mission from a list of 102 gear to regular reward box as if you would kill a boss in a duo/alert/raid?
  5. Revoemag Committed Player

    Could the vendor styles for lower content be added into the drop loot table from said content, that would solve the problem of not getting marks to buy those vendor styles.

    So if a legendary player had to drop his sub for a month for whatever reason, that player could farm low/ bought content for styles including the vendor styles (T3 content drops t3/style, t4 content drops t4 styles, etc).

    Mark drops wouldn't matter then.
  6. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I hit him up on Twitter and got an answer by the way...

    He said they will remain unlocked, so that's good. I was going to be a little mad if I had to spend the MoV I had saved up just getting the first parts of my mainframe up and running again.
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  7. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I was actually incorrect when I wrote that... I thought it had 1 raid and an elite version of that raid. I left out the 8 man OP. Which makes it even worse - for small content players.

    But, as Mepps has said, this was not a small group DLC. It conforms to the new content release format.
    And over the long run that is very fair.
    The Devs abandoned the small group - large group format after DLC13.

    What I'm curious about is what will happen when they can't meet monthly releases and start to fall behind.:D
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  8. Ivar New Player

    These "edge cases" are called premium users and for a die hard one like me, it will be the rule.

    At this point I consider you lot have basically conned me into buying your current content, that you must have planed on obsoleting for quite a while.
    Ironically the symbol solution you so haphazardly threw under the bus would´ve removed the whole problem.
    Making us earn symbols in "irrelevant" content for irrelevant gear.

    But that´s irrelevant now as I can clearly see from your posts, just like I as a premium user am to you people.
    And that´s a simple observation not some over sensitive whining.

    Good to know, freed up some valuable space on my SSD.
    Over and out.
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  9. RealGODofWar New Player

    They really don't care about premiums from what I've seen and heard. Not really sure why.
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  10. RealGODofWar New Player

    Also. Spot on about the conning aspect of this. It is a con. It is very similar to the Low-Ball technique. The action of adding additional costs or restrictions to a deal after it was already made. They are devaluing the products we already bought. Essentially making them more worthless than when they were purchased.
    It also isn't in good taste to have die hard premiums like us spend so much as premiums over the years, than try to force us to subscribe. Subscribing after paying what we've paid makes me feel like all my contributions have been worthless to them. I own every DLC. If I subscribe, I've essentially made my action of purchasing those DLCs redundant... It's not a good feeling to realize you've wasted money. It's a giant con. "Hey we'll make you THINK you can survive as premium in this game and have you spend alot of money! Then we are going to essentially force you to go legendary anyway! Lol sucker"
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  11. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    The phraseology is 'members' and 'non-members' - I think that explains everything about the perception pretty clear.
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  12. RealGODofWar New Player

    that's an argument of semantics isn't in? What is the difference between a premium and a non-member? It's not like premiums were members at some point and they separated the access levels. Truth is, Premiums have ALWAYS been non-members. So please tell, me. What perception shift are you referring to if the reality of the situation has not changed? I'll wait.
    Once you realize the ridiculousness of your point, please inform me.
    Your argument is very similar to chastising me for saying Toe-MAY-toe instead of Toe-MAH-toe
    And yes I realize that those are not exact representations of the pronunciations
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  13. Harlequin Devoted Player

    He wasn't correcting you. He was using the change in terminology to illustrate how he thinks the perception of non-subscribers has changed at Daybreak.
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  14. RealGODofWar New Player

    If we mean nothing, it's very wrong to lead us on imo. For years the game has been very accessible for premiums. Kinda like how FTP is supposed to work you know? But to have us spend years as premium than get to T7 and see such a price increase leaves a bad taste in our mouths. Sure it's a business. They aren't supposed to be fair, or even morally "right". But that bad taste they are putting in our mouths can lead to players just outright quitting the game. They are playing with our money. Worst it's money we've already spent. And Mepps just subtly said, If you aren't a subscriber you shouldn't be concerned about progression.
    My issue is that they are crapping on premiums as if we are worthless but we aren't. In fact, we are essential to the game. The benefits we don't get since we aren't legendary... we actually spend extra money to get them! Shocking I know. The Legends toon structure is a great example.
    What I am saying is, they actually SHOULDN'T want every one to go legendary. Because it will make MANY of the products they sell on the marketplace redundant. They are going ALOT of money back to legendary players via MC/SC and reply badges. Why spend money on a power if I can wait 2 months and get it for free? Why spend money on replay badges? If I get them for free? I also don't need to buy as many because I get discounts!
    Premium contributions fill the revenue loss that Legendary Benefits cause.
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  15. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    "Premium" implies you are "included" at a higher level, like platinum or deluxe
    "of exceptional quality or greater value than others of its kind; superior:
    a wine made of premium grapes."

    "non-member" implies that you are excluded and do not belong.

    The DCUO marketing team really needs to work this stuff out before going to XBox marketplace. Now that the game content is further divided to be more lucrative the marketing team needs to repackage / brand the identity of customers who purchase it.
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  16. RealGODofWar New Player

    How is changing premiums name to non-subscribers "more lucrative"? All it does is free the Devs from any perceived obligations towards them. But it's not like they were fulfilling these "obligations" in the first place. It changed absolutely nothing about how the game made money. ALl it did was justify why premiums haven't been given any attention despite being a former access level. Honestly it's pretty crappy of them.
    Premium use to be a bonafide access level that the Devs actually neglected. By changing the name to Non-members all they essentially did was rationalize/justify why that access level has not been improved since the change. But that does not excuse them from never improving the access level during the period it was official.
    If they want this game to be subscription, i'd rather be told up front. Than I can(could have) spend my money else where and it will actually be appreciated.
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  17. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    The content costs more now that it is all split up into powers and episodes...that is more lucrative.
    It's necessarily about complaints that non-member players have...it's more about valuing them so that they continue to spend money as a non-member. There may be no perks for non-members, but purchasing the product makes them a valued customer. The customer classification should reflect the notation of belonging - no matter what. The quality or value of the product is entirely separate.

    It was a harsh statement re-classifying customers to 'member' and 'non-member'... that was my point.

    With the changes to the marketplace the sub up or shut up feeling needs to leave.

    edit: I also think it's time for them to take a look at escrow and find more ways to make money from it. Permanent, increase to 10,000 for 1000MC for example. Once players establish a pattern of spending money and you have product to sell, you don't need to lock them in with a subscription.
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  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    That's a bridge we'll have to cross when we get there...;)
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  19. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    This...just this. Sorry...there are some good mental players out there, making the best of what the Devs plopped on their plates...but Mental is nowhere near competitive with Quantum (or Munitions/Celestial/Rage/Gadgets/Nature/Ice).

    I am very curious if Magneto ran that solo using Mental's AM or WM.
  20. RealGODofWar New Player

    No you see. That is where you are wrong. This game goes out of it's way to inform people that spending money IS NOT a sign that you are a valued customer. The only way to be seen as a valued customer is to be a subscriber. That is made abundantly clear. The changes of the marketplace actually enforced the sub up or shut up mentality FYI. Earlier in this thread it was revealed that Spytle sees legendary's main draw is the full access to content. That implies that premium membership is intended to get a diluted experience of the game unless you fork up the extra cash as a premium. The sub up or shut mentality is alive, healthy, and as strong as ever. The only difference is that the devs are telling us, instead of our fellow players
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