All trinkets from SM: FoS!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SenseIess, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. MeloMan New Player

    Pretty sure they changed it round 10. I could be wrong tho. But a league mate of mine beat 10 the other night and got 1. Maybe he shouldnt of? Idk just cant remember atm :p
  2. SenseIess Well-Known Player

    Nope. Round 10 only gives you the Platinum shirt + base items. Trinkets are only drop on Round 11 and above.
  3. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    I saw this on the DC Universe Online facebook page.
  4. SenseIess Well-Known Player

    Oh, awesome! They posted on Facebook and Twitter lol hahaha!
  5. SenseIess Well-Known Player

    Yeah hahaha, been on SM the whole night trying to catch that Round 20 :p
  6. Buckley Loyal Player

    DCUO here is a wad of cash I want something in the MP that is awesome and does not do anything for the stats... maybe a pet or something

    Devs: NO

    O well I see warframe is having a special on at the moment, maybe they want my money
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  7. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Nice chart. Very jealous. I think there's at least one more but I'm not at liberty to discuss it ;)
  8. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    They at least should give us some stats, llike for exemple, trinket from the seasonals events. Something that no will break the game.
  9. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Why does everything have to be about stats and progression? can't we just have something fun?
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  10. SenseIess Well-Known Player

    Maybe one on Round 20, but who knows :p
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  11. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    Of course, but will be cool if you can use in combat. For exemple, let's imagine this trinket like the event from Aquaman seasonal, will be usefull, and will not break the game.

    But how it's is, for me it's fine, I don't see any problem.
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  12. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Can you just bring them out now? them standing there doing nothing, causing the PS3 to shake under the stress of all the additional geometry? :p I like to bring out my Leprechaun trinket whenever I'm DPSing. Just for fun.
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  13. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    I find it funny how all these people who can't beat round 11 are crying for pets to be in the Marketplace.
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  14. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    Oh... PS3.... I know..... I feel your pain friend.

    I like the BOO family, from helloween. Boo Jr it's in my loadout since I got from 2013! lol!
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  15. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    I didn't played R11, I am at R9 (got yestarday) and I really think this never should go to Marketplace....

    this need to be special, like it's now.
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  16. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    These pets wouldn't do great on the marketplace. They're very niche. But they're also very relevant. That makes them great prizes for this sort of content.

    Vanity pets should be introduce to the marketplace, though, but of characters with more mass appeal such as Krypto, Dex-Starr and even "iconic action figures" (think Trickster CC bounty) which spawn a miniature Iconic NPC to help you fight.
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  17. ChuckLess New Player

    Not really sure what the connection is between people that "can't beat round 11" (some dont have the opportunity to either) and people that would like stuff like this on the marketplace is...

    Odd statement o_O

    Anyway, do these stay out? Or are they temporary like other trinkets?
  18. SenseIess Well-Known Player

    Because people that didn't beat Round 11 want the trinket so bad, that the only way they find to put their hands on it is buying through marketplace.

    And no, they are temporary like other trinkets. My guess is 2-3mins, but their cooldowns is really fast so you can summon them as soon as they disappear.
  19. Elusian Crowd Control

    60 seconds aka 1 minute to be exact.
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  20. ChuckLess New Player

    It has nothing to do with SM. Lol. People have been asking for things like this forever and they go and add it to a part of the game most people have no interest in??? o_O

    At this point, I have to assume there is some sort of issue with the marketplace that is preventing them from selling items like this. Every other game makes a ton of profit from vanity items. Something is off here.
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