Vendor gear next DLC..... please

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Morsy808, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. Morsy808 Committed Player

    I agree that the game should keep us hooked. But a lottery isn't the way to go. I have spent months trying to complete my 100 set and I'm barely two thirds of the way there.

    Considering somebody else I know started T6 way after me, replayed it FAR less than me AND has two pieces left to get... makes me feel cheated.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for the guy as he's a decent league member. But this makes me wonder why I bother replaying these raids.

    Now every time I see a 115, I now wonder exactly how lucky they've been with the drops.

    There are many many ways to expand gameplay, a lottery isn't one of them. How about vendor gear, where the prices are high? They'll still get their replay sales from people wanting to grind fast.

    Instead of having CR affecting armour drop rarely, style pieces and feat linked base items instead for the SP hounds such as myself. Also add lots more feats to the content to keep us amused.
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  2. lukelucky Devoted Player

    i had the same amount of rewards after a hundred dollars in replays in t5. gotta say i was a big spender but after months of dox in almost all blue gear i can not spend and support this system. i beat the new raids every week, or lab and hoh every week with my main. 3 toons and the toon used least has the most gear. main again is the weakest as it was in t5. hate this system
  3. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    My enjoyment of the game improved immensely when I stopped caring about gear, beyond CR.
    I made the game about collecting feats. I plan on buying the vendor gear and using Vendor 22 to finish style feats. With AF2 or other raid heavy content I skip as much as possible - backtrack when needed. It's not that I don't enjoy running raids, but I won't grind them they way I do Solos, Duos and Alerts.

    I will not, as a rule, pay extra (replays) to run content - my sub should cover that.

    My preference is for Vendor gear to have the same CR as Raid gear, I want to feel like I'm getting the 'best stuff' for my time. I've followed the forum for 2.5 years and read all the Dev comments about this topic. It's just not in the plans, I think the cash cap is more likely to change than the formula for 'best gear'.

    The most that players like me can hope for is no more than +1 cr boost between raid gear and vendor gear.
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  4. Morsy808 Committed Player

    I've spent the same as you, if not more. Running down the rest of my replay badges tonight before I put a padlock on my wallet. All 98 pieces again. Lab, HoH and ToD elite. I actually feel completely ripped off right now.

    What really annoyed me particularly tonight, is we carried a league member with 107 CR through HoH tonight and he got (on his first run) the 100 ring and chest i needed. Plus a level 98 trinket he needed.

    Again, happy for him, but I've replayed these raids dozens of times and got nothing. This loot system needs to be flushed down the toilet.

    How Mepps can say this system is fair and equal is beyond me. DC has seen its last income from me until the next DLC drops, and even then I will never be buying RB's again after this. They can shove em.
  5. Giggles Loyal Player

    No thanks, I will just continue getting everything for free with my lifetime sub, and not buying anything off the marketplace and doing the bare minimum in this game and throwing my money and time at other games.

    All this game has become is a glorified slot machine, and like I also said prior, if I wanted to gamble my money I surely would do it in a real casino for real money, gambling my money for a chance at a line of code that will be replaced rapidly is not my idea of fun.

    I strongly encourage anyone else who feels the same way to vote with their wallets. That's how change comes about in a game like this one. :)
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  6. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    3 weeks in a row now for me getting only 98 gear in all 3 raids ,not using replays i just play the 3 raids when they reset then go back to gta5 this loot system is utter garbage and 99 vendor gear is nothing more than a cash grab to force players into using replays if they wish to get top cr and those of us who refuse are trapped at cr114

    on day 1 of this dlc i said 99 vendor gear was BS and clearly i was right and i am starting to hate this game more and more every day
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  7. BA Baracus Well-Known Player

    I agree. Maybe I am in the minority here but I think vendor gear being lesser than raid drop gear has caused a lot of the population to wander away. My league basically just shows up for our once a week scheduled raid at this point. The rest of the time, it is a ghost town. If they are not worried about getting the feat for the 99 gear then why work to get it? Just take the 100 drops.
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  8. Entrophy New Player

    NO NO NO NO NO AND NO. If you want to get the best gear available on the game it should come from the best challenge the game has to offer, and im sorry but turbo farming Solos and Hoarding Lockboxes is not the best challenge the game has to offer, true, casuals might feel screwed whit this, but it is what it is, you want to be on shinny max CR armor go do the max CR Raids
  9. Illuminating Heaven Well-Known Player

    I swear this community is backwards.
    You have elite with better gear, it's unfair cuz it's too hard to get, so u ask for gear with slightly better stats.
    You have elite with slightly better gear and you want higher level gear, because wats the point of elite if there is a small difference.... o_O
  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    it isn't a gambling service unless you choose to make it one, I want the special aura from the booster bundle? I can take my chances and purchase an OPTIONAL service that MAY OR MAY NOT yeild what I want. The game runs on microtransactions usually on cosmetics and optional services, that hasnt changed
  11. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    As one of the more.. louder voices on the subject, I think we just have to play the waiting game on this issue now.

    The future of DCUO is nothing like the past/present. Right now, they depend on producing content that lasts for 3 months so they have the opportunity to build the next batch. They attempt to keep people engaged by putting random drops in the hardest raids for us to chase during this time period (and it often doesn't work for some people)

    Going forward, content will be released monthly, meaning they don't have to keep us entertained for 3 months straight without anything new to see. This means they don't have to depend on extremely rare drops to ensure we're here next month and the month after that, as in that time period, 4 new instances will have dropped and two thirds of a complete set of gear will have been made available too.

    Of course, nothing may change. We may end up in a situation that we've been forced to endure since DLC7. In which case, voice your opinion and voice it loudly that you're fed up of the gambling approach to progression.

    But until we know for sure, all we can do is wait and see what it's going to be like.

    I don't know how much better DLC14 is going to be, progression wise, compared to DLC7-13, but even if it's just as appauling, I'm willing to give it a free pass, as the game changes for the better, content wise, once DLC14 has been out for 3 months.
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  12. Humane Committed Player

    I stopped replaying content a while ago, I refuse to support a broken system by rewarding the company with my hard earned cash.
    I too have been unlucky, and I have NEVER GOTTEN ANYTHING BUT 98 in ELITE.
    I once went 12 bosses straight with 98 items and then got a 100 trinket for the billionth time. It's not only that the RNG is messed up, it keeps dropping the same items over and over.
    I will see what they do with the drop system in the next dlc, however if it continues with this blatant attempt to make money off replays, I will seriously consider not renewing my sub.
    The devs don't seem to realize that people play a game to have fun, however when you are not rewarded for your time, the game ceases to be fun and becomes frustrating, and frustrate a player enough, no matter how much he initially loved a game, and he will move on.
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  13. Morsy808 Committed Player

    For one, I am not a casual. Neither are the rest of my league members. We've played these raids to death and we're all (bar one) stuck at CR 114.

    I was in ToD the other day with not one but TWO CR 115s who started around the same time as me (with no replays) and are on their way to building a 101 set.

    The only thing that separates us is luck.

    I have one league member who has spent money on 350 replay badges per DAY for as long as I can remember, and he is still stuck waiting for 3 pieces of 100 gear.

    How is this fair? There's no difference in skill, time spent playing or role mastery. Its just LUCK.

    There should be a degree of control over what we get and what we earn. Not a stupid lottery. Anybody who disagrees with this is blatantly at 115 and just wants to feel elite because not many people pop up with their CR level in raids.
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  14. Morsy808 Committed Player

    Agreed. Its exactly the same for me. 98 pieces every time, except for the occasional 100 trinket, hands or utility belt, which I've put straight into salvage or donated to league for prestige a lot of times.

    Its as if there's some kind of block thats preventing me from receiving the items I need.

    This system has definitely subtracted from the fun of this game, as I am seeing zero progression in my toons. It feels like I've hit a level cap of some kind.

    T6 raids just pee me off now. I should be excited when the boss goes down, but its massive disappointment every damn time and its really starting to make me resent the devs and if things don't improve soon, I'm just going to find another game to play.
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  15. AmazingDeVo Well-Known Player

    Since this is on test, did you check to see if this stat increase is intended? Have you given your feed back on the test forum to see if the devs are aware of the situation? Also did you consider that this is in line with the new stat flattening concept so that gear stats rise gradually and not on a steep curve like what we have now.

    If you have, I admire your due diligence, but I have a feeling a lot of people go on test server, find a problem, than immediately rush to the forums to cry havoc, then the community get's worked up, knee jerks by vowing to cancel subscriptions only to have a Dev notice and say "huh, that shouldn't be doing that I'll just fix it."
  16. Humane Committed Player

    Exactly. When a boss goes down I go into a raid fully expecting to get garbage and that's what happens 99.9% of the time.
    When I see a purple it's a nice surprise until I see what it is and it's always the same items.
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  17. Skirmish Well-Known Player

    The problem isn't the Random Number Generator, it's the weekly loot lock from raids combined with the Random Number Generator which is even worse for Throne Elite due to the progress points resetting. If there was no loot locks I wouldn't give a damn if it took me 50+ Throne Elite runs to get that last piece I needed, I enjoy the Raid but not the loot lock system that comes with Raids.

    I've played other MMOs, they have the 1 in bugger knows how many chance of getting an item but you always had the option of trying again for that item immediately without having to spend real life cash (Replay badges). If this game ever decided to completely scrap loot locks and find alternative uses for Replay Badges I would be ecstatic (and depending on what they did actually be willing to spend real life money outside of Legendary Subscription), of course that's nothing more than wishful thinking for the mean time.
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  18. BA Baracus Well-Known Player

    could not agree more
  19. BlazeChamp Committed Player

    Took much "we", not enough "I"
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  20. Unida Dedicated Player

    i dont really see any reason to rush n replay anything anymore.

    The 'nearly the best' gear will be vendor based and there is enough ways to earn marks to accumulate gear at a decent pace via the vendor. also the stat difference between the sets isnt huge - and we're talking what?, 1-2CR difference between total vendor bought gear and being the guy/gal with the luckiest drop rates in the game who has all the top gear.

    It's not enough to warrant replaying - I enjoy the content and just replay it on my alts if i want to see it again. Character progression isn't really a diehard thing in the game anymore, im ok with that, please focus on more and better content :)
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