GU47: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TrueGODofMarvel, Apr 13, 2015.

  1. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    Fair enough, both of our opinion are arguable. There are pros and cons in both games. The main difference that makes me prefer DCUO is that here you can choose not to farm and take your time, but you are right when you write that the luck system here pretty much sucks. Vault and lock-boxes drops are a joke. I am more like the Dude, as a player.


    If you don't know the character, watch the movie "the Big Lebowski" and you will understand what I mean. It's a great movie! :-D.

    Anyway, I always take it easy and I do not rush toward anything. My world moves slower than yours and I flow in harmony with it :).
    In spite of the fact that I started playing about 3 years ago, I am still sitting on my 125 SP and CR 112. My ice character is CR 111 and the electric one is CR 94. I just started a Munitions character, a villain and it's CR 41.
    In spite of my average SP level, no one ever complained about my characters and i am always appreciated in every team I play.

    Be like the Dude and take it easy! You will see that farming is not so important and that being the best is irrelevant. :-D
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  2. BlackSuperGirl Committed Player

    agreed but still is sad story when u players for +2 years and don reach top geared and SP feats yet
    i believes we have got a game loot system problem here (slow ques, low drops, high replay content necessary, hard raids boos, nwibe players .... how can u play new content if old contents dont get u rdy for it
    they will release new DLCs contents and will have alot players stuck on old raids tier yet ... buyin replay badges for have got a little smal oportunity or plays new DLC content maybe
  3. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    What's the cost of the new gear? Talking about both marks and cash.
  4. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    If you find yourself with free time and want to farm likes, I'd love someone to just consolidate all the changes and reassurances. There has been so much over so many threads I'm sure i've missed stuff.

    That said until said changes and reassurances of changes appear on test, I'm not going to assume chickens will be the result of each.
  5. Senior Moment Level 30

    I say remove loot locks from content that is no longer relevant to your CR. Your not getting any marks anymore for doing low level content. The marks that I do get from relevant content I rather use for rent, vendor gear/items anyway. The only real reason high level players do low level content is to grind out feats. I would gather more seasoned players will be willing to run older content in the upcoming update if this was an option.
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  6. OGM_Madness New Player

    Really? You going off at the numbers? You know numbers are relevant to the gear you have (better gear = better numbers).

    When I saw the livestream, all I thought was: "How many Mass Dets did he need to kill a few adds?" Answer: TOO MANY!
  7. OGM_Madness New Player

    This will not happen, but I can see this as the only solution to this system. If we don't need FOS123, then perhaps we can play it for free while still getting the rewards (minus marks, ofc) in order to finish styles faster.