Customer Support Problems (Bugged Character)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Imaginos, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    Hey there Everyone.

    I have this friend in-game & real life who is having some serious issues with his character that have been completely blown off by customer service and kind of ignored by Mepps :/ (no reply whatsoever).

    He has had an outstanding bug where after killing Green Arrow and Black Canary in the world (by mercy hospital) he has not received credit for this. We have tried many things but he never gets credit, so he can't finish the Feat for SP. CS just tells him to come to the forums as if that'll do any good.

    Now it gets worse. He has another bug where Bludhaven won't show up on his alerts briefings list, though he has bludhaven either complete or almost complete. This also blocks off the briefings for Alerts as bludhaven is also part of that. Again no help from CS. He is now suffering from 2 bugs where things just disappear off his character and are not accessible or acknowledged in game.

    Today it gets worse. He consumed the "Shabby Table" to add to the shabby base items feat...and again the game has not acknowledged that he has done this as it doesn't show up on his base feat list, YET his base item inventory shows 3 of these tables he has consumed to try and get this feat. These problems are blocking other feats that need them done on top of the main feats they are part of, such as Hired Gun, All classic briefings in the game, etc..

    His character is suffering from some serious bugs here and they are not being taken care of in any manner by CS or the Devs at all!. It's been over a month since he first contacted CS about his first bug. He has even added them to the bug tracker, yet nothing is being done.

    So tell me what happens when something he buys from the store goes missing? Is he going to get a "too bad suck it up" from CS for money he spent? He is seriously considering not buying anything else from this game (episodes etc..) if it's going to keep being this buggy for his character (he only has 2).

    What can be done about this?
  2. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    Check to see if he accidentally moved it to the hidden missions...
  3. amazingmanll New Player

    Did you both read the TOS or Did you just hit accept ?
  4. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I don't know about you, but I expect more as a consumer than we currently get from support. The TOS aside, Daybreak games provide far less service to customers through their support than many other games do. My opinion: it will start to cut into their profit margin eventually.
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  5. NaumNML New Player

    OP, check my sig. "Support" is as dead as Batman's parents. They will not assist with any feat related matters. They will only help with marketplace related issued.

    I had video, photos and PSN trophies supporting my case and they would not budge. According to them, as long as it can be completed in game, it needs to be tried again. It is by far the worst policy introduced after the Daybreak takeover as it passes on the burden of responsibility to the customer even if it is of no fault of their own. They will tell you to keep trying and submit a bug report.

    I really hope you get a response to this because this sounds even worse than my issue. If not, I would tell your friend to drop the game before the lure of it becomes too much to pull away from. I am still pretty pissed about what happened to me to the point I can't bring myself to even look at those DLC feats anymore. But the lure of the game is so strong I can't get myself to unsub even though I should. So yeah, give them a week. If not, tell your buddy to cut their losses before their trapped. There is no telling if or when this game will ever get the manpower to provide actual support again.
  6. Physique Dedicated Player

    Is this a PC or PS player?

    If it is a PC player, open the launchpad and Validate Game Assets. After that, restart the game and see if that fixes the issue.

    For PS players, highlight the game in the XMB, hit select (PS4) or triangle (PS3) and check for update. If that's completed, you may need to delete saved data file and then relaunch to reload your progress marker from the DBG servers.
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  7. NaumNML New Player

    It already has on my end. Before my issue, I probably would have purchased those Booster Bundles until I got one aura I liked for all my toons. Mind you, I have over 22 toons lol so there would have been a lot of buying to make sure each one had the aura I wanted on them. Instead, I just brought enough to get the aura I wanted on my main and called it. They still made money off me, and will still get my sub. I've had to just admit that to myself that I can't voluntarily quit without another game to take my time. But they surely did not make nearly the profit they would have had they just given me what I earned in the first place.
  8. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    When Daybreak took over they changed their service policy and let go a good portion of the customer support team. I would not expect to get the service that we used to, or any at all.
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  9. MeloMan New Player

    This is such a ridiculous response. Ok so read the ToS and u have to accept to play the game. But that somehow gives them the right have to have crappy customer service? Cmon.
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  10. amazingmanll New Player

    TOS aka (caddy shack's) "YOU'LL GET NOTHING AND LIKE IT"
  11. Chocolate Enforcer Committed Player

    I had the same problem but SoE investigated it and they granted me the feat. But now we are dealing with DBG.....
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  12. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    SOE cs was good, 90% of the time for me, when I'd put in a ticket I'd get a response within an hour and never more than a day. The last ticket I put in with DBG a week after my loyalty points and replays didn't show up took them three weeks to respond to. The response I received was a link to the change in their policies regarding instances of players fault (which was broken btw). I responded to the email by kindly telling them that although the link to the information was broken I was pretty sure I was not at fault as I do not dispense monthly membership benefits to myself. About a week later I received a response and they courteously gave me the info I needed and we solved the issue. Albeit aggrivatingly slooooow but understandable as they are now operating with a skeleton crew compared to before. Now had they been discourteous or rude that would have been a different issue. The understaffed GM's and CS team cannot be held accountable for enforcing the rules imposed upon them by the new ownership whether we agree with them or not. They can and should only be held accountable for their own actions and how they treat their customers. Sorry if I rambled that's just my 2¢ worth.....or maybe 3¢ ;)
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  13. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    Sorry I always forget to specify. This is a PC player/account. I'll have him check that, though I believe he's done that once before. Can't hurt none the less! Thanks for the suggestion.

    That's a good suggestion, though I believe he already did that. I will double check. Still that doesn't explain the other bugs, like the briefings going missing.

    I read your thread and am just shocked.The thing I am concerned for my friends acount about is that the database entry for it must be corrupt or having some bad issues if he's had 3 different but kind of similar bugs happen so far. Will this kind of bugginess spread to other people? How secure really is our character data, especially with daybreak not willing to lift a finger to do anything.

    An investment firm should be intelligent enough to know that customer service is vital. Very much so in a competitive market like MMOs.
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  14. Ifrit Morningstar New Player

    Hello I am the one he is referring to with this thread. He posted for me. any questions regarding my bugs feel free to ask. And its USPC
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  15. Dezaras Loyal Player

    Regarding Bludhaven being missing I have an issue, seconds after logging in, where my On Duty tab is blank. As in "Nothing til level 6" blank. I exit out of the On Duty tab then go back in after a few seconds and it's fine.

    I don't know if that helps, but I can't help with the rest. Sorry.
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  16. Ifrit Morningstar New Player

    If it is a PC player, open the launchpad and Validate Game Assets. After that, restart the game and see if that fixes the issue.

    Just tried that and nope it didn't work. I took down Green Arrow and Canary after the reset and still didn't get credit toward my Hired Gun Feat. I still have 3 Shabby Diner Tables but I have no credit saying I do. and lastly, Bludhaven is still missing from global briefings
  17. Chocolate Enforcer Committed Player

    Honestly the only thing i can suggest is PM Mepps to see if he can help you
  18. Ifrit Morningstar New Player

    yeah I did but I never received a reply from him. I was hoping someone would at least see this thread. Thx for your help
  19. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    If you have a high level helping you with Arrow and Canary, make sure you are doing the majority of damage. Otherwise, you get nothing. Also, make sure you have the actual Bounty Mission.

    Bludhaven may not show up, cause you have not completed the previous missions? I have not ran that mission in a very long time, but I thought you had to complete the other content to even see it.
  20. Ifrit Morningstar New Player

    Grouping for the bounty isn't an issue. ive beaten them both by myself several times. all I get is a MOT and a cola I think. as far as Bludhaven goes I am not aware of any mission I should be far beyond that as I have already beaten it id imagine. I swear I collected all the investigations and briefings in there as well as the collections. my cr is 102