Work In Progress What's Next For DCUO: New Plans For Future Episodes.

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Apr 9, 2015.

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  1. Nirvana 93 Well-Known Player

    Say it with me now, TEST SERVER.
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  2. RachaelRay New Player

    We can make out own challenge. I can run a t2 raid in t1 gear along with my league if we want to. The fact that we are forced this bull**** is beyond me.
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  3. Larry Labotomy Level 30

    I've been playing since day 1 of the ps3 release. since then i've switched to pc around the time the FOS raids released and i've seen the game change from a challenging game of skill to a game of boring progression due to cr 114's carrying any raids under t6. used to be hard to level up because you needed a solid team of players that where willing to work together.

    That hasn't been the case lately, i've made new characters, got to level 30 and waited for my ques to pop so i can test my skills with my new powerset, only to get matched with a 114 that wants to rush ahead of everyone and 1 shot all the npc's. this creates alot of problems for new players that never get a chance to learn the harder content before t6 and also (IMO) takes away from the spirit of the game.

    I understand that some people want to be able to smash on weaker level npc's because they have worked to get stronger, but those same people never seem to mind removing that challenge from a raid that other's have qued into because they want challenging content to play.

    That being said i think that the stat flattening as well as the mark changes will add the requirement for skill over cr back into the game and it's just what dcuo needs. If you don't have to overcome a challenge to get the styles/feats and marks you want then it takes away from the gratification of earning those feats or styles.

    As far as i can see the only thing that will change in the long run is people wont be able to be carried all the way to t6 just to go back and clean up feats in a matter of minutes. I'm all for this, and i feel like anyone who isn't just want's to cheat the content with over powered characters rather then try to earn their feats they where ment to be earned.

    As far as low level players having a hard time finding groups for their content, no one knows for sure that this will even truly be an issue. last i heard they are still planning on doing a ps/pc server merge which will add to que population and there's a good chance that if people aren't expecting to be carried through low level content you will begin to see people in LFG for these raids because it will be necessary again.
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  4. Nirvana 93 Well-Known Player

    You aren't being forced, it was an error on the test server. Go read what Mepps and Tunso have said.
  5. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    There were some errors on lower CR adds, yes, but overall it was working how they wanted it to. They are now changing that based on the overwhelmingly negative feedback that it received.
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  6. Nirvana 93 Well-Known Player

    Sorry it wasn't made entirely clear, kind of shady they didn't include anything about it in the letter regarding the changes. I guess after the name change incident I shouldn't be surprised.
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  7. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    Just to inform you that I have just come from the test server ... and nothing has changed ...
  8. Martian Reaver Well-Known Player

    The making everything one mark is great.

    The making everything old not pay out is horrible. With only X number of relevant scenes being paying it effectively locks whole chunks of folks off from any progression at all when there are screw-ups like paradox wave. If you have 8 scenarios that are tier at a given moment and 4 of them are unplayable messes, this turns into a pretty boring game.
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  9. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    They never said they had actually pushed the change on to the test server yet.
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  10. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    For the people that do not want the higher cr people to "ruin" content for them....players have offered other suggestions like allowing the higher level to just walk into the content. It is also ridiculous that after running a raid for years and not having the luck to get all the styles. There is no reason to have to run content that many times for a style. If it was true progression it would take the maximum time as a dlc was current. So after 3 months maximum we should have had the styles.

    But beyond collecting styles it is just fun to try to solo content that once destroyed you leveling up. But again just allowing players another way to get to that content so they did not interfere with a player learning their role would have been sufficient.

    The part that I think people that actually want these changes are forgetting is you do realize the reason you often get high levels in the content versus your own level is because there aren't as many people playing at your level and therefore may not have that many people to play with anyway.

    The one aspect I kind of like is that I really feel that people are able to progress too fast and become an end game player before they are ready. When a troll does not know how to give POT as a T6 you gotta wonder. But if the game is too slow of pace then people will quit as well. The monthly reward boxes were added to speed up the progression.

    I personally want the ability to be able to revisit other content and have fun in it. I am fine with walking in or using a different quing method to enter that content. It could simply be choice one would be for people have the correct CR and choice 2 for those above that CR. We have the choices of regular and expert now. Why not just do that?

    I would also suggest a way to get those rare raid drops from the lower tiers in some other way than running content that does not give any reward. If we were even guaranteed the drop if we were 2 tiers above it I would be fine with that. But it does not make sense for us to waste an excessive amount of time for a chance at a style which we have already been farming for years to drop in a raid that gives us nothing else.

    In terms of the mainframes and mods why not just make those in game cash instead of marks? That way the devs can balance around gear and not over complicate things.
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  11. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I'm fine with these changes except one thing, it seems like having Alts will be more difficult because the gearing up process seems a lot like end content gearing up and that is supposed to be a grind. Oh well, I lose my Alts, you lose my loyalty and money.
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  12. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    One thing I have always said and to give us the option to choose if I want to go in the normal way or updated cr. But playing the whole world with updated cr ? Having to go back to being beaten anyone in the street after years evolving?
  13. Son1cPT Well-Known Player

    is really a shame what they are doing to people and to the game

    the same thing happened on the market

    before I bought a dlc for 8:00 and they offered a power and a gun

    now we pay 6:00, only for a power, and still lack the DLC and the gun, just do the math

    big business

    I really do not know where ya wanna go with all this

    stay, without anyone

    perhaps, is that
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  14. UltraVillain Committed Player

    Indeed the thing that is being ignored is the fundamental problem...more players are at or near end game than running the low level more restrictions or segregation on who can group with who and queue times will increase exponentially. Ideally Q's and LFG's should put people of similar CR together (then high levels rush together, low levels have to test and learn their way forward).....but the population distribution and time factors simply don't make that reasonable or in some cases possible at all. The problem is not high level players blitzing content, it isn't low levels looking to be carried it is in fact a natural issue that arises out of a game of this this stage we need to do everything we reasonably can to encourage as many people to queue for older content as possible or we starve the ability of new players to stay and play.
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  15. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    DCUO needs to think about how GU 47 will impact the game long term. There has been numerous post on players who have played the game for years considering leaving due to this update. The update is not only impacting the future releases of content but the award system for both marks and gear. In addition, the update includes stat leveling that aims to improve stat progression between tiers. The update removes mods impact to CR, making it now mandatory for premium members to buy additional content. The change to the new mark system impacts how we can obtain marks, impacting what content we can run to continue our progression. Now, if the development team releases these changes in smaller chunks I believe the disparity between the community would be smaller. Complaints, not as high.

    Regardless of all these post I see change within the update. I for one continue to think on what this update means. For instance, now we get anywhere from 2-3 Marks of Fury in Solo content, soony we will only get 1. The same can be said for duos.

    Here is my idea on how to implement the new mark system.

    Dailies, Solo, and DUOs = 1 MoV per a boss
    Alerts = 2 MoV per a boss
    Raids = 3 MoV per a boss

    Now in addition to these changes that follow more in line with what the community see today, I believe the thoughts I had yesterday on awarding MoV for running lower content is still valid. Instead of earning marks at the same rate, players earn marks similar to how prestige is earned for the League Hall. Meaning in the smaller content the player gets no mark and therefore running 1 tier behind makes no sense. For Alerts players get 1 MoV for instance 1 tier behind and in raids player can 2 MoV for 1 tier behind and 1 MoV for two tier behind.

    These combined method will keep more Alerts and Raids Revelant to more players. In addition, this method may satisfy the masses who are considering existing your game due to the change to the mark system.
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  16. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    While I won't judge too much about this new changes yet till I see it live. But removing marks from old/older tiers has got to be the baddest decision yet. You expect ppl to run older content because they should want to help others for sake of helping rather than just marks.

    I'm not sure if you guys (devs) play this game or not or check the lfg but I highly doubt any1 will do that. Well of course there will be that small grp that will help even if they get nothing. But the community is already super picky about who they want in what raid heck even in raids that have a minimum of 100 cr yet they want 110+ players there just like how ridiculous it is for ppl Askin cr 100+ for fos or prime and so on. I don't see how you guys say you "think" it'll be better to have it like this and automatically "assume" players will just run older content just to help put.

    While older content doesn't give u as much as dox or nex runs, but even as a player in a lg. I still find myself pugging 90% of the time, and there's times I don't get on these raids or even t5 raids. So I randomly Q up from anything t1 to t5 duos/alerts/raids while I only get hundreds from those instances it was still more than enough for me to farm them to get some marks to help unlock my utility belt or when I literally was short 300 marks to have all my mainframe unlocked and the older content came in handy.

    I mean what's so bad about at least getting 1 mark from duos or 2 from alerts and maybe 3 to 4 from raids ( t1 to t5) or at least since it's irrelevant than how about it drops exo or something since we gonna mod both our roles every month and molding gonna be a pain. Ppl say do u really think that the 40 or 100 marks u get from a t1 raid or so worth or can do anything with it. I say heck yea, as I stated maybe it's a rare case with me. But I don't have time to play as much and when I do i still end up pugging these new content which at days harder for me to get into so I go back to older content which by the way has some of my favorite raids and farm some marks which at times are enough for me to boost my mainframe or unlock my utility belt.

    I told a few ppl I know about this update and some liked it others didn't and some thinking of leaving if it's as bad as it sounds. Then we have that 100 cap, and on top of that if u do have max MoT and Fury, once the new marks come in place ull lose any extra marks that can't be converted to victory.

    Well either way I have my sub renewed and expires by Sept, if update roles way b4 then, and I have checked it out and isn't as bad as it sounds now, since some stuff might sound bad but when it's live it all falls in place, I'll renew, if the new system is just bad as isn't workin for me then I guess my time to hang my toons cap has come sooner than I thought
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  17. lanternknight Committed Player

    They are making unnecessary changes to the game. They only needed to fix certain things. Like the crap raid drop percantage of rare gear. And that is only because they went away from the vendor gear being the best gear. That was by far the best way they had it for acquiring gear. The only thing people had to worry about with raid drops back then was ninja looters. The devs fixed that by giving us are own drops. They then allowed such drops to be unattuned. They should of just left it at that. That would mean the best gear would be vendor gear with us getting our own unattuned raid drops. Perfection. As far as those few of you that think those that complete raids should get the best gear is wrong. It's about earning marks. The benefit for completing raids is that they drop the most marks along with the best drop gear until vendor gear is purchased. Those that are doing just alerts and duos would get less marks and low gear compared to raid gear. Yeah they can use replays, but so can raid players. The raid players would still have the advantage with more marks and higher drops then alert drops until vendor purchase.

    Same marks is actually very stupid. Seeing the prices for mainframes that is a lot marks used to unlock them instead of purchasing gear. It is 20 to unlock rank 2 of sidekick/accomplice. Then they said 25 to unlock rank 1 and 2 of orbitals, supply drops, and tactical mods. A lot of marks being used for that instead of purchasing gear we only have a month to acquire. Which is not that long. Especially, if not including down time due to glitched content. Something I did not even think of until someone else pointed out dcuo's track record with releasing dlcs full of glitches.

    Im all for new marks. But, use what works. Convert marks of fury to marks of truimph content along with a monthly box. That also takes care of out of cr range content, but people will still run them for rent. Which is the only reason why we run them now. Instead of causing us to have nothing to run. That is those of us who want soend replay badges like they are hoping we wil do. All these drastic changes will not be good. Especially to a game that is already losing players as it is. I guess in the long run it doesn't matter. The devs will still make dumb changes to the game regardless of what we say. We will still play it even with lower numbers than before. That is until we realize it just isn't as fun anymore. Nothing left to do is to see how terrible or good these changes will be across the board. Hopefully there will be enough good to overlook the bad.
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  18. Kreachure Committed Player

    Soooo, this just happened.

    4/15/15 9:00am
    Lower level dungeons in World of Warcraft are always fun to solo at level 100, but with a new feature called “Timewalking”, players will be able to run these again with their gear and levels scaled down accordingly.
    The concept of this feature is actually not new. It was hinted several times in the past in various forum posts and Blizzcon panels and supposed to hit in an earlier patch.
    But it seems like Blizzard finally figured out how something like this could be appealing and rewarding for players, and it’s coming in patch 6.2. This is how it’ll work:
    In Patch 6.2, we’re introducing seven different weekend events that will run from noon Friday through noon Monday every week. Two of those events will be Timewalking weekends, in which you’ll be able to queue up for a randomly selected old-school dungeon with a new sort of “heroic” difficulty: When you Timewalk these dungeons, you’ll find that your character’s power and gear has been scaled down to a fraction of what they normally are. For the first time in years, some dungeons you outgrew long ago will once more put your skills to the test.
    A good challenge deserves a good reward, so to go along with scaling you down, we’re going through most every piece of loot in each Timewalker dungeon and scaling itup.

    DCUO can't do something similar, because?
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  19. generalzod Committed Player

    They still need to just adjust the Q ! For the long term of the game new players must learn how to play and not just get carried . They reach end game and don't know what there doing or have 60skill points and ruin end game raids !

    So back to the Q up system , have 2 ques #1 and # 2 . If you in that current tier your automatically in Q #1 . So Q #1 if your not in that current tier and you want a challenge you can be stat flatten and play with that current tier ppl ! this would be what Dev try to first give us stat flatten you stats are a little better then current tier ppl just bye a little and skill points ! you might the strongest in the raid but you need those all 7 to 8 ppl in that raid ! you took this challenge so you should get rare base item , more prestige , nice chunk of money or how about total recovery kits ,r and d scanner , rare auras drops . hi tier ppl would do this then if the reward was worth it !

    If you don't want the challenge add separate Q #2 or walk ins ! And then you can play with ppl above that tier !

    Also if you form a group and use this separate Q #2 you can add your low level friend on that current tier but a higher tier person must form this group !

    I like the updated changes as far the last 2 tiers and the flattening ! But just feel the lower level stuff will still be a mix of too many hi tier ppl carrying the lower levels and some don't want it they wanna earn and enjoy how hard it was . We complain and call everyone noobs in end game,but is it really there fault they got there in 30 to 60 days and didn't learn how to play ? Please add a little more adjustment to the Q system
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  20. HardlineHero Committed Player

    Here's my take on why and I'll use an analogy to explain. Asking why DCUO can't do what WoW is doing is like asking why a cook at Applebee's cannot prepare a meal like Gordon Ramsay or Wolfgang Puck. The only thing that DCUO has in common with WoW is that both are classified as an mmo.
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