In Case You Missed It: Combat Rating Differential Adjustment

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mepps, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. Remander Steadfast Player

    Not raids, though. The discussion was really about raids. But, yeah, DM is on a level all his own.
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  2. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    All about the handouts huh? Hmmm, there were some fire works trinkets,cake trinkets, posters for our bases and the only one I remember that gave us anything towards progression were the Valentines feats. Let me know if I missed any.

    If we are talking content/gear/skill points I seem to recall over more than the last 3 years I worked pretty damn hard to complete and earn those things.
    I had my rear end handed to me plenty by Bane,Kryptonians,my first time fighting Harley, Chang Tzu and those damned pterosaurs,Bat cave robots,Brainiacs,Pengbot Maximus(oh how I hated that guy when I first got to him) and many many more. I fought and died and fought and died a LOT but I persevered and I got better, stronger, faster, and I earned skill points and gear and I did all of that before they easied it up some.
    Oh yeah, I wasn't carried by a league or overgeared folks,hell there was no over geared folks then.Now I handout asswhoopins to all those that put a lot of hurt on me then.

    So these handouts that I guess you must have gotten and apparently angered you are a mystery to me, but let me know where they are handing it out so I can see for myself.
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  3. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    I get that, and when I take my league mates into these runs for the first time we take of gear, only use weapons, what ever it takes to make sure the mechanics matter. Unfortunately most of the time those league mantes are t5 or t6 already and struggle with end game mechanics so we teach those also.

    The fact that a t6 player will still be able to go in a solo Fos1-3 is sad because those raids really teach some great mechanics and strategies. We will have lots more threads about high cr toons blowing through a whole raid without the other 7 people that are at cr. I would be happy with Raids never being able to be solo'd but that is just me. I understand that people like to play different ways but come on. They should have just made the defense scale a bit more and call it a day. We were still getting our big health and big damage numbers it was just that the adds were still hurting scale it a bit....just a bit and see how that works. Just my thoughts though
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  4. xXS0EXx Committed Player

    In high end content those mechanics are needed and trust me they will learn to use them one way or another. I had few friends with that issue but now they know what they need to know and they keep learning. It's a matter of time.
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  5. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    Great and awesome change. My one question is minor: What stopped you guys from doing it this way in the first place? I mean when I first heard of this adjustment, I assumed it was working on both sides of NPC CR. It just seemed logical. Only the explosion of the forums informed me that wasn't how it worked lol
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  6. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    Yeah I really wish they'd have just stat clamped the Q ins and made a cr restricted teleporter mod for instances, that's all we really needed.
    Of course I didn't go to magic computatin' box machine school so maybe that's impossible.
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  7. Lexluker New Player

    I have played this game casually off and on for a few years now. I am a busy adult with job and family to support so I do not have a ton of free time. Started on the PC and now play on the PS4. I check the forums frequently when I am not taking a break from the game, but hardly ever post.

    I want to say thank you for adjusting the changes. I am not a hardcore player & frankly not the most skilled. I am glad to hear I can still out level things a bit to get feats. :)
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  8. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    Throwing cinder blocks at us till we bleed and scream then saying sorry and hitting us with a mud brick instead seems to be working for them.
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  9. Solar Well-Known Player

    Sounds promising. Let us know and post some videos test people.
  10. Skirmish Well-Known Player

    I'd like to think Alexonic Blue (Unsure if he still plays) and I are relatively close to that level. While the fight was a bit sloppy I did managed to solo Paradox Ravager & Sentry before Deathmike did (29 August 2014 and 4 September 2014 for myself, both 18 November 2014 for DM) and Alexonic managed to solo the Paradox Sentry at 102 CR. You do make a fair point regarding Deathmikes ability, he is a very exceptional player.
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  11. AJPro Committed Player

    After reading Mepps post. One thing-Pheww
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  12. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    I agree and I have no problem with helping anyone with them league mate or just a pug. However there are a lot less players like us then there are players that just carry others whether they want to be carried or not. It also only gets sorted out in the end if they come across people willing to help them and not just kick them from the content because they do not feel like explaining stuff. Makes me wonder how many players the game has lost due to this tbh.
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  13. Davis New Player

    Thanks for listening to the community this is why this game has thrived for this long. Lets hope they keep tweaking the update there still a few things they can adjust before it hits live.
  14. xXS0EXx Committed Player

    I understand that and u are completely right too but another thing is that there's not that many people on low tier content and sometimes carrying them helps to speed things up a bit for them sense there is really not that many people willing to help them on low tier. If u put ur self on their shoes u will notice that when they see a high end player by their side it encourage them to keep leveling because they want to be that strong too. It's a matter of perspective.
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  15. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    No, only Deathlike can solo dox cause he is a beast.

    I wouldn't be able even in full tier 8 gear.
  16. Remander Steadfast Player

    Fair enough. DM was just the most notorious. Didn't mean to suggest he was the only one. ;)
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  17. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Alexonic did it as a troll too, didn't he?
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  18. Bobby Fahrenheit New Player

    Thank goodness. Better than no options at all. Willing to give this a chance.
  19. Bobby Fahrenheit New Player

  20. winter13 New Player

    Only if this were true for iconic solos. I'd like to be able to solo the Brawler in half the time in the Circe solo. Only because the Cyclops stands there and takes the ground and pound on the chin EVERY time. I NEED to finish the Happy Hyppolyta feat....and the clueless Cyclops is holding me back :D
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