We The People....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MattTheViolator, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. MattTheViolator New Player

    I have played this game since February 2011. I have gotten burnt out and come back. I have rage quit and come back. I have taken a few weeks off for other games. Every time I came back. I love DCUO. It's my first MMO because it was the only choice on the PS3/4.

    Now we are entering a period where DCUO isn't going to be the only choice any more. My league and I were on the fence about the other choices because we all love DCUO. However, this uproar with little to no communication from the Devs really hurt us. It made us question our loyalty to this game. Now we stand unanimous is moving on.

    In my line of work, if a great percentage of my customer base is unhappy and take their business elsewhere I will lose my job. My job requires constant communication with my clients. Constant updates and the constant search for more information. If I falter I have to find work elsewhere.

    This GU47 has blown up. The community has become toxic and very few updates hurt. I am grateful that today the Devs finally broke their silence, but I'm wondering if it's too little too late. Over half of my league has cancelled their auto renew and preordered one of the other choices. I have joined them in this decision. DCUO will always be my first love and I intend to revisit it. Hopefully when the seas have calmed and the ship has righted itself
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  2. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Not at all IMO. I think we had the weekend when of course things wouldn't be answered, and then most of yesterday was probably spent with the team trying to figure out the best way to approach the changes and what they actually could do. We've heard "we didn't have the tech at the time" numerous times in the past, so it could've simply been they just wanted to make sure they could do what they wanted before saying they would do it.

    The community spoke, the developers listened and tweaked accordingly. I think it was spot on myself.
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  3. xxOMNIPOTENTxx Committed Player

    Tell your league they addressed and fixed the pending issue. /thread
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  4. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    Too little, too late ? It's been on Test for a few days and has several weeks to go.

    I really think non-testers would just be better off to not even read the testing forums.
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  5. Chocolate Enforcer Committed Player

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  6. kravonik New Player

    I disagree. if that was the case, this issue may not have been resolved.
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  7. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    Cuz it's none of their business. Absolutely nothing has changed on the Live game, so it has no affect on them. Test is always filled with bugs or things that get changed due to tester feedback. Yet players that aren't even testers freak out about everything and complain like children.
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  8. kravonik New Player

    wrong. It is the business of the players. We pay for the game to keep getting updated. We should be allowed to see whats going on with the game.

    its not like this is a closed alpha/beta game.
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  9. Ivar New Player

    Or maybe Devs should learn not to release game changing information on the weekend to then disappear from sight till Tuesday?
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  10. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    I think you misunderstood my point.
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  11. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    That's actually the perfect time to release it. Testers then have all weekend to repro and report bugs, so the team has things to go over and work on the following week.
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  12. kravonik New Player

    maybe. I been drinking me whiskey.
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  13. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    That is simply not True. There were people on Test who brought the situation to the devs, and were continuing to address much of the concerns of the community. But rather then Hysteria and hearsay they used personal experience and numbers.

    Would the issue have been address as fast, maybe not. But to suggest that it was ignored by Testers and not a concern of theirs as well is simply not true.
  14. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    I miss alcohol lol
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  15. kravonik New Player

    key word in my statement MAY
  16. Ivar New Player

    The bugs on beta have been totally irrelevant here. It´s solely about the new direction this game is going into.
  17. Chocolate Enforcer Committed Player

    People have a right to voice their opinion about things like this tho, just like you have an opinion
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  18. kravonik New Player

    I never miss. when it gets to that point, I use a straw.
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  19. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    That's not really what I was getting at, but okay.
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  20. MattTheViolator New Player

    I feel this would not have been as big a deal if a response was given. Any response. "Hey guys, we don't have the ability to check on this over the weekend but we will be on this first thing next week" or "Sorry for the confusion, something seems wrong and we will check it out". Communication with your customers is key and a foundation to good business
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