How many replays for 190 SP

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ramonater, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. Ramonater New Player

    Hi guys

    I know no one can give me a 100% correct answer because it depends on the feats already done but roughly how many replays would it cost if I were to make an alt and buy 190 sp?
  2. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    1900 i believe
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  3. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    Around 1900. There are 100 Feat points into every skill point and a 10 point feat is 1 Replay and a 50 point one is 5 replays so 190 times 10 equals 1900. It'll be a little more as 25 point feats cost 3 replays.
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  4. kav Committed Player

    Don't waste money for 190 SP. Rather level your alt at least to Tier 1/2/3.
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  5. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    For a player who knows what he/she is doing, it's easy to get SP to match CR. That is all that is required going up to tier 6. I had 110 SP by the time I hit tier 6 on an alt. Once I hit the top DLC content, then I purchased the remaining feats.
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  6. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Almost 2000 replays. However it would only cost you 1500 if you did all your races, exploration, easy feats while you were leveling the alt that way you can save about 500 badges.
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  7. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    If you're truly thinking of doing this, you're more than welcome to. But make sure that this is what you want to do. Don't want to decide to delete the alt down the line and waste all that money. ;)
  8. Ramonater New Player

    thanks everybody
  9. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    lets see it took me $40 to do 140sp, so thats 1400, so my guess like someone above said would be 1900 total of $90
  10. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yea as Kav said level up to T3 at least before unlocking feats, so you have less feats to unlock.
  11. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    is what I did on my 2nd and 3rd character lol actually came out cheaper on me ;)
  12. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    eh I have 2 that I put $40-$70 into them and wont delete them, simply b/c there is $ invested in them now, had I not invested $ in them sure I'd prob delete them as I usually only play my troll or DPS nowadays.

    only get on my tank and healer if the group im in hits a road block :p
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  13. guardzman New Player

    Be selective do not buy the easier ones such as hard knocks or exploration. Also the simpler style feats . Most things will be done either way so do not waste eplays