Everything that can go wrong in a raid happened

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GalaxySniper, Apr 2, 2015.

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  1. Ghostof91 New Player

    Why so serious atleast he could have told them how he felt. Communication is key.
  2. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    My favorite part is at 3:30, just after the second tank comes in. At that point they've wiped brutally multiple times with one tank, lasting only a few seconds each time. And still someone in chat is asking if they can do that part with a single tank to speed things up.
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  3. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Great video, funniest I have seen by far and truly shows DC at it's finest, i.e...

    Nobody formed the group?

    No friends invited?

    The guy who made the video being in own personal chat as if he was in an experience group run or being experience himself.

    Horrible pickups, just very bad, everybody in that run was more important than keeping the Tank alive.

    Players allowed to actually reach that CR without even being very effective in group content.(Definitely Game design fault as well as the community for demanding for statue fights where the NPC's stand there and the group attack the NPC's, i.e...no objective based content other than just destroy, not even search and destroy.)

    The kick function and how it was used, many players complain about being kicked then run to the forums complaining, saying people blind kick people without reason, yet many would probably vote to kick the lower CR players, put the kick up themselves or left the instance as soon as they saw 2 107 in the group and 1 of those being a healer.

    The rage quiting guy or the guy with the PS3 who DC'd, poor fellow, either they qued thinking they were going to join a group that were going to be all CR115 and a complete league or PS3 issues, still they were not going to wait to find out. The CR115 thing could happen, maybe.

    Oh yeah did I mention the pick-ups, being in a hurry to get no where should be DC's motto of the day, due to the I just can't stop burning, though it will take longer to beat the first set of adds than to actually work on there character and not just the gear. Well the feats will take longer to get than they will probably beat that raid with that group, but eh... survival mode ready right.

    The Fact that I like the video because it was funny and are the ins/out of daily runs on DC as well for players who actually find the game very challenging to play and basically hold themselves and others back.

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  4. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    so was it tank fault that cause the wipe at 7.45 based on ur opinion?
  5. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    i can sympathize. today was just one of those days. i think were at that point where the better players have gotten most of what they want and need out of AF2 or have grown bored with the content so until the next dlc were stuck with the people catching up, alts and newer players entering for the first time. i wouldn't even know where to begin to describe the amount of fail i encountered today.

    conversely pugging does have its advantages. some anyway. Ive completed throne with pug groups. The first time most everyone in the group was at a cr of 112.

    it is what it is, we're all to blame. everyone is always right, everyone is better than everyone else, everyone knows more than anyone else and its never our own fault.

    funny video tho. would have been perfect if that guy screamed "cartmanbrah!".
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  6. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    it was funny, he knew how to use his mouth but he didn't know how to explain things to people! He called them noobs but he wasn't any better since he did kept saying he hates pvp.
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  7. sillhouette Well-Known Player

    All good points, yes.

    But IMHO, most people who make videos of gameplay like this are playing for different reasons than other players. They are pandering to their audience, not focused on the team; they talk to the recording and not to the group; they enjoy failure because it is good entertainment and they get more views and more subscribers; they try to promote themselves by cutting down others' play; they don't look for any of their own errors or try to improve because they have to concentrate on filling the audio stream with inane chat. If I had a prefs option for "Ignore invites from groups with a live streamer" I would be all over it.
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  8. Ghostof91 New Player

    1. You cant heal if others get 1 shot
    2.arrogant people are ignorant to be arrogant.;)
  9. MidnightTiger Well-Known Player

    This video made me laugh so hard omg xD I really needed that
  10. theswoosh Well-Known Player

    loooool... this is a prime example of how people think they know it all but for some odd reason dont take the initiative to lead the group....

    if i end up in these kind of groups i almost always complete....
    1st thing to do is make sure everyone in your group can communicate...anyone not willing/able to communicate gets kicked (im sorry but this is a multiplayer game and communicating is part of multiplay)....
    then you simply explain tactics... everyone gets a chance to pick up the tactics if they having a hard time after 3 downs and 3x the same explenation they will be replaced. its not my fault or 6 other people fault if 1 persone can not understand the team tactics after trying to explain 3x....
  11. Biester New Player

    But how funny was that video, though? From the chaos going on to the impatience, I cant stop laughing at this!!
  12. kav Committed Player

    I don't agree with "Don't Pug.", per se. Random Queuing hard content is Russian Roulette - which can be fun or horrible by times. If you want to however complete said content LFG can be your friend. But let's see:
    • The Tanks seem confused what to do or are newer to their roles and do not group the adds up which causes other's to die often
    • Trollers assumingly overpotting and focusing too much on causing damage rather than clipping their powers to provide power to the group
    • The Healer's POV tells us that he's wasting too much power on too less healing
    • DPS were often too near to the NPC's
    All in all this could've been easily solved with one simple trick thing: communication. Didn't seem like there was any and I'm still impressed how some people are complaining about incompetence when nobody knows how to do the given content or not trying enough to do so. The CR he mentioned wasn't even an issue. Blatant ignorance of simple stuff is.
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  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    sure this could be what a PUG experience could be like, BUT doesn't mean every 1 of them will be this way. The outlook on PUGing is so bent out of shape and looked at wrongly its funny as hell.
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  14. Abisial Committed Player

    1. Yes, but this guy was using Bloom (Or blossom) these guys wern't surviving regardless if they were competent. lol
    2. Fair enough.
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  15. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    technically he did do PvE he's 112 :rolleyes:
  16. Deranya Dedicated Player

    The mentality is wrong. What is low is the idea that a certain CR makes a good player or a player that can do a raid. And then the "we are definitely gonna fail" before it even started. That doesn't give the feel of wanting to finish, more of wanting to leave at the start.


    Is why I stopped pugging. It's not lack of skill, it's lack of understanding and listening.
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  17. Abisial Committed Player

    He probably just spammed the Solo. (technically PvEing but still)
  18. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yea I know but still to say he never PvE's is still funny b/c he has to have CR requirement to meet the bare min. to access the new DLC solo, plus to play new content to get ahead which he's trying ToTD lol

    so just found it funny :p
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  19. Malachyte Devoted Player

    This guy obviously wanted to make a "Make fun of people" because right off the bat he was insulting the group where he obviously blind queued into Throne.
    First off who blind queues into Throne and would did he expect to happen blind queuing into Throne...lol

    I'm glad he doesn't PVE as I will never encounter him then...lol
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  20. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Never PUG the current hardest raid atm, you are just asking for failure
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