Can you Please stop Quantum Tunneling

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Proxystar, Apr 2, 2015.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    You also fly faster if you have more restoration, because it restores the flight particles that dissipate as you move, the more particles present the faster you fly.
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  2. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    Now that trolls are specing into more Dominance for Throne, I'm really upset about how they steal aggro from the tanks too.
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  3. PromethiumLockbox New Player

    ******* sad and hilarious... where are these dimwits coming from?
  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    That was my forum laugh for the day.
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  5. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Should of told him you would switch to healer;) problem solved
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  6. Malachyte Devoted Player

    I say 100 lashes from Carlyeen Carnage for Quantum Tunneling without prior Tank approval !!!
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  7. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Umm wow.

    Also precision affects the accuracy of your powers so with higher precision your powers are more likely to hit.
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  8. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Make that 200 lashes for you for spelling her name wrong.
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  9. Chewy Stuff Well-Known Player

    The amount of misinformation out there is ridiculously crazy... Here's a couple:

    1) Earth Tank in full 94 gear: "Anyone who is full 94 gear can survive the Paradox Sentry Ground Pound" - proceeds to die when he tries and demonstrate...
    2) A low damaging (not sure how that is even possible... could be his AM-WM rotation lulz) Quantum DPS in Throne "Any support role can kill the essence." Yeah... he got da boot... kept dying cause he stood next to ad spawn and his rotation was ridiculous...
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  10. kav Committed Player

    The Tank's reaction to the Tunneling mentioned (Blue Light resembling Quantum Power Glow):
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  11. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Yeah, I just noticed that..sorry...

    I'll take my punishment !!!

  12. Unida Dedicated Player

    i must add, i have been upping the vitalization on my healer as it's a vital role for the team. also im turning up the might stat too as it might help me keep people alive easier.

    they really need a success stat as well - i reckon i would try and have that up as high as possible.
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  13. Malachyte Devoted Player

    But, But, But, It's play your own way.....

    What do you mean there are bad, improper ways to play, how can that be ??

    50 SP, 85CR Fire DPS out Damage 215SP CR114 Quantum's all the time, didn't you know that !!!
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  14. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    Exactly. I don't understand how the tank didn't realize that his dom was too low to get aggro and blamed Quantum Tunneling smh.
  15. Errorcode1058 New Player

    In Lab, the red aura damages you, but the green aura heals you!
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  16. MeloMan New Player

    Too funny. I had a HL troll last night who was doing the combo AM in troll role and was telling the group it returns power to himself, thats why he was doing it. Idk where these players come from these days. But there seems to be an influx of them in t6 lately. Just tons of misinformation flying about these days.
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  17. Xzotix Committed Player

    Tooo Funny!!!!!
  18. Msstat1c Committed Player

    There has to be a thread somewhere citing QT's ability to override a tanks aggro, right?.......right? Playing devil's advocate here.
  19. JReel New Player

    I bet he wishes for someone to quantum tunnel into the group of adds when he crashes. I have literally revived 5 players simeutaneously and saved the Throne raid one time by quantum tunneling, then using distortion wave and time bubble (shield).
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  20. The Valor Well-Known Player

    Coming back to this thread for the 3rd time today LOL that Batman face palm. Wow that tank SMH
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