Where do you get Sector 3601 gear - Drop or Vendor?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ApacheTribe, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. ApacheTribe Well-Known Player

    This is one of the feats in the newest DLC but I can't figure out where to get it. I thought it would be from doing the 10 dailies but I did that and got a shielded bot (or something) which I already had.

    Maybe a random drop from the Dr Light bounty?

    Also I thought maybe it was at the Metro Battlezone vendor (he robot one in the city not the Green lantern in the Mogo Comand Center) but when I go there now I don't see any gear that I can buy (its blank).

    Anybody know?
  2. BumblingB I got better.

    Love and War 8man operation or in the style vendor for 70mof each.
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  3. Misashini New Player

    It is male only style.

    The female version is Heart or the Predator
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  4. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    If you already have it, it won't show in the Vendor 22, otherwise it should be there or we got another bug in the game.
  5. Malachyte Devoted Player

    There have been whispers, rumors and rare sightings of that style dropping from the Love and War raid,
    But having run that raid 100 times myself and never actually getting a drop I could only add to the speculation of its existence...:)
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  6. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Got my first piece yesterday now that im 114.

    Still no luck on that imperial insect though.
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  7. Vesper Dedicated Player

    I've heard amazing tales that the sister suit of that, Heart of the Predator for females, also drops in L&W. But lo these many months, I have yet to see anything but the pants and shoulders actually exist outside of the Rare vendor.
  8. TawneeStone New Player

    Got the 3601 hands from L&W and have about half the imperial insect from drops.
  9. Kzinti Committed Player

    It drops from L&W raid
  10. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Gear drops in L&W?
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  11. ArrakisToDune New Player

    Haha yes, I was thinging the same when I saw the style in the Vendor 22 inventory. After running the raid pretty much every week on my male character I've had no style drops. I think I only got a few weapons, mask, utility belt & trinket for that raid. As much as the current Dlc loot system is an issue, HoP1 & WoL2 loot drop rate is worse. I didn't seem to mind as the raid gear is only slightly better compared to the vendor gear.
  12. X-zero Loyal Player

    Of course not if gear drop there people would have actually seen it by now. Think about it have people with pieces actually got it in runs when you were there. They must have bought it. *Puts tinfold hat on* See that how wild rumors starts.

    Hope healer power is the next power set after munitions.
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  13. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    I meant from drops, no vendor. 3 pieces combined of both styles
  14. SheerFaith Committed Player

    Need to ask again.
    So when I got the full female Style on another alt I need to collect all the Styles again with my male alt?
    I shows me the feat isnt finish for the male toon but for the female toon it shows its finish..
  15. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Don't believe the feats are the same considering they are not the same style.
  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    L&W styles are different therefor they hold different feats for male and female