Downtime US PC Server Downtime - March 25, 2015

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 25, 2015.

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  1. fitzwilkinson New Player

    20+ minute restart? today gets better and better with this game. WHAT A TIME TO BECOME A SUB.
  2. onenotnamed New Player

    yeah I got lucky my membership expired yesterday but I was too tired to renew it
  3. Space Defender New Player

  4. Newfang New Player

    I got a beat-down by some level 30 on my way to the party :( so I didn't make it. But if this little offline spree means I can access the market, by all means, take your time.
  5. Original_Walker New Player

    Wait, do F2P expire? Holy Crap. :(
  6. VulcanusCenturion Level 30

    MEPPS You forgot to mention an ETA on the fix. We would just like to know when we will be able to play. ....
  7. EctoLantern Active Player

  8. Godzilla313 Level 30

    It would seem that there will be some people losing their jobs over this. I mean, don't ask it, don't want to see someone suffer, but someone screwed up something, because there had to be human error in there somewhere. A minor blunder, okay, a good talking to and try not to do it again. I believe in mercy. But this seems more than just an "oops". Someone has to be disciplined for this at the least.
  9. Dark Heroman Level 30

    No update when the servers will be back?
  10. Ifrit Morningstar New Player

    mepps said under an hour
  11. Lycanthropus24 New Player

    Watching some people asking for stuff because of this issue is sad. Some folks should try to understand there will always be x factors which just can't be controlled.

    Having said that, I do understand an issue like this is frustrating (I am a little upset myself), and it would be cool if the devs do their best to prevent something like this from happening again. Now those who are making threats about leaving should get a grip and just leave without trying to put a show. If you don't feel comfortable playing this game, DON'T PLAY IT, but don't try to encourage others to do the same and don't try to cause empathy towards your intentions of getting free stuff, that is not ethical and once more a very sad thing to see.

    Devs, just please keep us posted as there are many of us eager to play!

    Quoting someone who posted before me:

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  12. Original_Walker New Player

    How Long do F2P have to play?
  13. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The new hardware is taking a bit longer than usual to spin up. We will likely be down for a bit longer.
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  14. Galil ACE Well-Known Player

    Jeez, everybody take a deep breath and calm down. Its only reasonable that PC will take longer since it was the server that was having hardware issues in the first place.

    Man, all this negative feedback remind me why I quit being a mod on other websites.
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  15. Isa Othala New Player

    F2P can play forever. There is no limited time.
  16. onenotnamed New Player

    it doesnt
  17. Necronus New Player

    The new hardware is taking a bit longer than usual to spin up. We will likely be down for a bit longer.

    Sounds like they forgot to feed the hamsters before putting em to work.
  18. CorruptErtai New Player

    No dude. This is status quo for updates. Expect this once to twice a month. Once it comes back up it will be buggy for a few days with extra lag and maybe another reset tomorrow. After the weekend it should be DCUO version of 100%.
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  19. DJtanner New Player

  20. 5parcks Active Player

    Aw Mepps! Say it ain't so! I'm out of excuses to watch movies with the boyfriend. He's not a gamer, no sympathy for downtime... :(
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